Fireplace in the country with their own hands

Every owner of a country house or country house would like to be able to build a live fire on his plot, sit around at a campfire in the warm evening, roasting something edible on the fire. How to organize a bonfire without leaving black spots on the lawn with a maximum of comfort and safety? Make it so that the hearth fits harmoniously into the infield, its design pleases the eye and the device was under the power of the owner himself?


  1. Plan
  2. Excavation of pit and preparation of concrete mix
  3. Selection of stones and their laying
  4. Technological nuances of
  5. Photo of a street fireplace in the country house

To build a fireplace in the dacha with their own hands, as in the photo, without referring to the services of professionals - it is quite real even for a person, which initially had a very remote idea of ​​such construction works. The main thing is to observe the sequence of work on the arrangement of the outbreak, as well as the sensible choice of materials.


In order to set up a fireplace at the dacha, it is desirable to draw on paper its outline or drawing. Before starting work, it is important to clearly decide where the future hearth will be located, and also to mark out the selected place for it. Marking the hearth in the country, guided by the ready plan, make it easier and more convenient. For the markup you will need the following tools: roulette, pegs, plumb line and hanker of twine.

Excavating a pit and preparing a concrete mix

After marking a place, dig a hole in the ground with a depth of 50-60 cm. After that, mix concrete on small gravel.

The approximate composition of the mixture is taken from the calculation: for 45 kg of sand - 30 kg of crushed stone and 15 kg of cement, water is added to the necessary mobility of the mixture. Alternatively, you can take ready-mixed concrete grade 100.

Selection of stones and their laying

The stones are laid out the contours of the hearth on the bottom of the pit, in parallel fixing them with a concrete solution.

To install the hearth you will need flat stones 5-10 cm in thickness of different sizes. Stones can be very different( with the exception of porous coquina and limestone).

You can choose completely unique combinations of stones on the texture, guided by your taste. If the choice of stones, as well as their layout, is difficult to produce independently, you can enlist the help of a designer or a person with artistic skills in this matter.

Technological nuances

The bottom of the hearth is also made of a concrete cushion with a thickness of at least 10 cm. In the concrete itself, holes for draining rainwater are left. If necessary, the holes can be used to install various designs for frying meat and grilled vegetables.

Sinuses from the outer walls of the hearth are filled with excavated soil with compaction.

At the same time, the filling is done in such a way that there is room for a concrete pavement 10-15 cm thick to the level of the top of the soil. For this purpose, concrete is placed around the hearth with the flattening of large flat stones in it.

It remains to wait for the hardening of concrete and it is possible to kindle a fire, pleasing children and friends around the living flame.

A well-equipped stone hearth with its own hands will become a pride of its owners, and it is quite possible and an object of envy for neighbors and acquaintances.

Photo of a street fireplace in the country house

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