Fountain in the country with their own hands

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Such an element of landscape design as a fountain, located in the suburban area, will give it a special color, increase humidity and create a unique atmosphere near the recreation area. The equipped fountain with its own hands will allow not only to choose a composition appropriate to the design of the manor, but also to create an author's exterior that will become the object of your pride.


  1. Planning for the suburban area
  2. Instruction for the construction of the fountain in the country house
  3. Fountain production video by yourself

Planning at the dacha site

Before you build a fountain in the country house with your own hands, you need to decide on the model and dimensions of the fountain. Its appearance should be in harmony with the design of the suburban area. The size of the fountain depends on the power of the pumping equipment. The larger the size, the more power you will need.

The next important stage is the choice of location. On the one hand, it is desirable that the fountain is located in a prominent place, where you could admire it. On the other hand, it would be nice to arrange it next to the rest area. A decorative fountain at the cottage will create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, and the sound of running water will allow you to relax and forget the bustle of everyday life.

If you equip a fountain in a sunny meadow or in the center of the flowerbed, you will often have to change the water. Under the influence of sunlight, it will be prone to flowering. If the trees are close to the fountain, then the roots can destroy the bowl, and the leaves of flowers, earrings and other products of its vital activity lead to a breakdown of pumping equipment. Do not place the garden fountains close to the buildings, because the wind will blow the water onto its walls, as a result of which a fungus may appear.

Instructions for the construction of a fountain at the dacha

At the selected place, the shape of the fountain is planned for equipping its bowl( see photo).If the bowl is made of plastic, the size of the excavation should be slightly larger than it. To equip a mini fountain in the country, there will be enough plastic capacity, in which it will be necessary to make a hole.

If you plan to equip the bowl yourself, then you will need to excavate a pit of the appropriate size and buy a waterproofing for it. The bottom of the prepared pit should be leveled and have a pillow of sand 15 cm thick so that the roots of the plants do not damage the waterproofing. After that, you can lay the film, firmly connecting the edges of frost-resistant sealant. To prevent the film from shifting, and the fountain had an attractive appearance in the villa area, decorative stones are laid over the waterproofing or rubble is poured.

The principle of the fountain is simple. The water that is emitted by the nozzle is collected in the bowl. From there it flows down into the funnel, where it is cleaned during the movement and enters the pipeline, and from there it is delivered to the nozzle by means of a pump. Diagrams and drawings of connecting the fountain with your own hands, you can study on the drafts of projects located on the page.

Before you finally install the pump system, check its functionality, so as not to complicate the creation of the fountain with additional actions. Note that the pumps can be surface and underwater. The former are used for large fountains, since they can provide a strong stream.

Install the nozzle, usually in the middle of the bowl, so that the water from the fountain does not pour out of it. After that, you can add decorative elements to the design.

Photo and video arrangement of the fountain in the country house with your own hands you can find at the bottom of the page.

Fountain fountain production video

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