How to make a pond in the country

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Not always in the area where the country plot is located, there is a water reservoir , and, you see, rest at the water is always particularly pleasant. That's why many owners of summer cottages try to create on their territory a cozy corner with a pond, which would with maximum accuracy repeat a small water reservoir , arisen in natural conditions.

How to make a pond in the country

How to make a pond in the country

Pond in the country with their own hands is not so difficult, and even , contrary to the rather widespread opinion, is quite affordable, because some of the materials for its arrangement can be easily found on its section. For example, after a deep digging up of a garden or a flower garden stones are usually found, which in themselves will only interfere with the beds, but they will be useful for decorating a pond.

For "seedlings" for pond plants, those that prefer to grow right in or near water, it can go to the nearest river or lake, and, thus, they also will not be worth anything.

To find out how much and what materials will be required to build a small artificial pond, you first need to determine its location and the area it can occupy .

Site selection

Contents of the article

  • 1 Selecting the location for the artificial pond
  • 2 Layout and preparation of the pond location
  • 3 Pond device materials
  • 4 The process of creating the pond
    • 4.1 The pond of the old metal bath
    • 4.2 The pond of the finished plastic mold
    • 4.3 Pond waterproofing with film or rubberized waterproof cloth
    • 4.4 Video: the simplest pond using a polymer film
  • 5 Pond filtration organization
  • 6 Decoration of a country mini-pond
    • 6.1 Video: master class for the arrangement of an artificial reservoir in the villa site

The site, at where will be an artificial reservoir , must meet with a specific requirements, enabling it to serve as long as possible withoutcleaning and create comfortable conditions for people's recreation near it.

  • The pond should not be placed in too shaded place, as plants without sunlight quickly enough to rot from the waterlogging and die.
  • Not suitable for the of the reservoir and a completely open space that will allow direct UV rays to constantly fall onto the surface of the water throughout the day - from this it quickly bloom , will become turbid, and the pond will soon start , turn into a swamp. The optimal option for standing reservoir will be partial shade, where the "direct" sun will appear on the mirror of water for 5 ÷ 6 hours per day.
  • This landscape design element is best positioned in the lowland, but around it can even make elevations to keep the water reservoir and plants along the banks from the strong wind - usually , they like quieter, almost windless weather.
  • It is not necessary to arrange with a reservoir of under tall trees, since falling leaves will constantly clog it. It is best to plant shrubs of medium height around it.
  • The pond is usually arranged on the remote from the home site, since any water reservoir - is a favorite habitat for various insects( including bloodsucking, such as mosquitoes or gadflies) that are highly undesirable in the home.
  • In addition, when choosing a place for a pond, you need to take into account its general plan in the countryside system .The fact is that the general "design" necessarily includes not only the capacity, filled with water, but also the shore of the reservoir, which requires special clearance.

Marking and preparation for pond

Having determined and thoroughly measured in all directions the area under water basin , it is recommended to immediately execute a small sketch drawing of the future pond from above( in plan) and in profile( depth and depth).This graphic " document " will help not only to properly dig and decorate the pit for the pond, but in the future - aesthetically decorate it.

At the beginning of the work - drawing up a sketch and drawing of the future pond

At the beginning of the work - drawing up a sketch and drawing of the future reservoir

The next stage of the is the layout of the site. Pegs are installed in the planned points, and rope is stretched on them.

Usually the pond has smooth shapes, but sometimes it is made with straight lines of contours. In order not to make a mistake when digging out a trench, and do not make it any more, or the is smaller than the , its exact shape is usually marked with lime lines that are applied on top of the soil, or by laying a conventional hose. In this case, it is fixed inside the shape of the future pond by pegs or by pieces of reinforcement.

Pond marking with a piece of old hose

Pond marking with a piece of old

hose Then, in the middle of the mold, the deepest place of the future pond is marked, which is also marked with the chosen method.

If there are several levels of depth in the pond, it is recommended to mark each of them( approximately the same isolines that we are accustomed to seeing on topographic or geographical maps).

Beginning of excavation is always from the deepest point in the reservoir , which is usually located in the middle of the form or with a shift in one or the other direction.

One of the most labor-intensive operations is excavation

One of the most labor-intensive operations - excavation

The lowest place in the pond can have a depth from half a meter to 1, 6 m .If plans to breed fish in the , then, naturally, it should have a sufficient depth for this, which can vary from 1.5 and even up to 2 and more meters.

Several levels of the pond - this is taken into account when opening the pit

Several levels of the pond - this is taken into account when opening the pit

It is necessary to focus on one moment - choosing the size and shape of the pond, you need to correctly calculate your physical and financial possibilities. Despite the lower cost of equipping the pond in comparison with the construction of the pool, all equals will have to spend a lot of .The total cost will depend not only on the size of the reservoir, but and on its complexity, and for the materials selected for the work.

Materials for the pond

It is clear that if it is planned to build an artificial reservoir , it is necessary to achieve the reliable waterproofing so that the water does not go below the level set for , the pond did not melt or swam. In a word, waterproofing issues come to the fore.

The required level of waterproofing can be achieved in several ways:

  • On a small scale, an old bath can be used, covering the with its with a protective layer against possible corrosion. This method of organizing a pond allows us to save a lot( if an old tub is being used in a barn, for example), but, unfortunately, the water reservoir will not be very large. A very small pond can be made from an old bath

Nevertheless, , this solution has an yet one is obvious plus - ease of maintenance of such reservoir if necessary to change the water - to a "normal" drain hole, you can connect a drainagepipe and make its tap into the drain pit.

  • Often use a special plastic mold, designed for the construction of swimming pools and ponds.

Such an artificial capacity too can be connected to the drain pipe, but the main its advantage over the ordinary bathroom in that it has several depth levels, and the can be large enough in size.

Another option is the use of special polymer molds for artificial reservoirs

Another option - the use of special polymer molds for artificial reservoirs

Such tanks are often made of plastic to order, according to the sizes provided by the customer, fully appropriate and the possibilities of the site, and the idea of ​​its hosts .

  • Film surface coating of excavated excavation as a waterproofing will cost the much cheaper than a plastic mold. In addition, this approach allows you to make an individual, completely invented configuration of the pond.

The film is spread over the entire surface of the excavated excavation, pressing on its at each of the water depths levels with stones. In addition, it is carried out necessarily and on the shore space.(approximately 700 ÷ 900 mm from any point of the coast) and is also fixed with stones.

When using film waterproofing the limits, in principle, there is no

In principle, there is no

film. Sometimes instead of , films use rubber( rubberized) cloth, but will cost much more expensive than dense film.

The film or other insulating material can be selected in any color, and thus even give the pond an extra aesthetic appeal. However, do not forget that in the case of choosing a light coating, to clean the pond will have much more often.

In addition to the waterproofing base of the pond bowl, other materials will be needed that will be needed to equip the shore area and the bottom of the reservoir , especially if both plants and plants are planted around it.

  • Sand is required for the film to be covered with if it is used.
  • It is necessary to prepare loam and gravel - they will go to create bottom pond soil, in which plants will be planted.
  • For marking, as already mentioned, roulette, rope and pegs are prepared, or any suitable length hose( in extreme cases - usual diluted lime).
  • You need stones of different size and color. When using as the bottom waterproofing, it is recommended to choose stones that do not have sharp corners and edges of , so as not to damage the coating, especially in those places that are under water.
  • From tools you need a shovel and bayonet shovel, a bur for loosening the soil.
  • In the future, the question arises of pond plants for planting and a filter for cleaning and saturation of water with oxygen. Particularly relevant will be the last point in the case of , if in the pond it is planned to settle some living creatures( fish or amphibians).

The process of creating a dacha pond

Since the order and the volume of the work is very different depending on the choice of the waterproofing of the excavation, it is better to consider all these methods separately.

A pond from an old metal bath

A basin of , made using a bath, is easiest to make, but it will be quite small in size.

  • The work begins, as always in such cases, from the layout of the site. And to make this work is not difficult.

For this purpose, the bath is installed by on the ground on the selected location. And then it will not be very difficult to project the most protruding of its part( ie . Upper edge) to the ground. Then you need to add about 150 mm to the marked line.

Projecting a pit for digging a foundation pit

Projecting a bath for excavating the pit

  • Next, the bath is retracted, and the excavation is digging along the elevations, which should be deeper than the height of the bath without legs by about 150 ÷ ​​200 cm. - it will be necessary for the installation of a sand pillow.
  • Once the foundation pit is ready, a pit with a diameter of 250 - 300 mm, which should be deeper than the bottom level of the boiler, per 200 ÷ 250 mm, is poured in the place where the side of the bath with the drain hole will be located. Further, this pit is filled with medium fractional gravel or gravel.
Sand and drainage layers under the bathroom

Sand and drainage layers under the bath

This additional " capacity " will serve as drainage for the gradual drainage of water if necessary its replacement in the pond.

  • Falling asleep created by the pit to the surface of the ground at the bottom of the excavation, it must be fenced with a kind of formwork, as a sand pillow will be covered around it.

For fencing, you need to use some auxiliary element that will pass the water. This can be, for example, a plastic round canister, from the cuts the bottom and top, and in the side walls holes are made, through which water will go into a sand pillow. The canister to the top is also filled with gravel " drainage" , and around it is filled, sanded and leveled.

The drainage opening of the bath must be on the drainage pit

The drainage hole of the bath must be on the drainage pit of the

  • . The bath is installed with a hole for drainage. Before filling with its , the drain hole is closed with a conventional stopper.
  • After installation of the bath in the "bed" prepared for , the lateral clearances between it and the ground are also filled with sand, which is wetted and gently, but very carefully compacted.

There is another, more complex installation option for draining water from the created mini-pond, when I connect the t to the drain hole, which is then taken to the draining pit in a usual way with a slight inclination. In this case, after the excavation, it is necessary to dig a trench for drainage drainage. At the bottom of this trench, also on a small sand cushion, a pipe is laid, which is connected to the drain hole of the recessed bath.

The bath is completely padded and sealed on all sides by sand

The bath is completely enclosed and sealed on all sides with

sand. If this option is selected, the drainage pit at the bottom of the excavation is not arranged, and the bath with the connected to the siphon is installed on the stands( bricks), then the piece is connected to the drainage pipe laid in the trench. And only then, under the bath and around the , is filled with sand.

Subsequently, the decoration completely conceals the presence of a metal bath

Subsequently, the decoration completely conceals the presence of a metal bath

After the sand is tamped, decorating can be done around the pond. It is carried out the same way for practically all artificial mini-reservoirs , therefore this stage of work can be considered later, after it becomes clear the device of all three kinds of dacha ponds.

Pond made of plastic mold

The installation of the plastic mold will be somewhat more complicated than the baths, since in this case, level transitions are usually arranged. For each of them it is necessary to dig a step that will be wider than the ledge by 100 ÷ 170 mm - this distance afterwards also should be filled with sand.

  • The marking is made directly on the form itself, which is set 200 ÷ 300 mm above the ground level - this will be the thickness of the sand cushions at the bottom of the excavation and under the protrusions-depth levels. Having installed a plastic mold on bricks or on ordinary boxes, it will be easy to determine the depth of the excavation and its height, which will be different levels.
Marking for an artificial pond shape

Marking for the existing mold for the artificial pond

  • Next, on the heel, is projected onto the bottom of the mold and 100 ÷ 120 mm for the cushion of sand along the outer circumference of the walls is immediately added to this size.
  • Then, the same procedure is performed with each of the levels and with the upper edge of the form.

Note the in the parameters, you can proceed to earthmoving.

  • First the excavation is excavated for the deepest point of the future pond, then the nt for is lowered, then for the average - and so on up to the top.
Pond foundation pit preparation

Preparation of an excavation for a pond

  • The next stage of the foundation pit is sand, which is carefully tamped. Then the sand in the same way falls asleep and on the created interlevel steps of the excavation.
Sanding the cushion

Filling the sand cushion

  • After this, the mold is installed. All gaps between the walls of the excavation and the form are filled with sand, which is wetted with water and compacted to the maximum.
The shape of the pond is set and fixed with a layer of sand

Figured shape of the pond is installed and fixed with a layer of sand

After installing the mold it will be possible to proceed to installing the filter and decorating the pond.

Pond waterproofing with film or rubberized waterproof

canvas This variation of nt is that the excavation is not limited to by certain parameters of a plastic mold or bath. In the this case, if there is a small error - this is completely fearless , because film - is elastic and can accept any shape that already has a foundation pit.

In the size of the foundation pit, the site owner is not particularly limited

In the size of the excavation the site owner is not particularly limited to

  • When the pit under the pond is completely ready, in it also on this area and at all levels arrange a sand pillow, which is well tamped .
  • Top of the sand the whole foundation pit is covered first with geotextile( dornite ).Its linings are laid on the in the stack dr corner on the other on the 300 - 400 mm. This material reliably will close the primer on the steps and help preserve the film from damage to the with rigid roots or edges of the stones that the often protrude from the pit walls. Especially geotextile coverage will be important if the pond is to be used for bathing.
  • The top of the geotextile is laid thick PVC film , but it is best to use butyl rubber for the flooring.
Geotextile flooring and waterproof fabric

flooring of geotextile and waterproof fabric

  • film - is the simplest and most affordable material that is used for the construction of ponds. However, it must be said that it is not durable enough, and can last only a short while, and its is very easy to damage even the most "innocent" careless actions. It is good will approach for small ornamental ponds in which they will not bathe, and the owners do not plan to breed any, ornamental or commercial fish.
  • Rubber coating for the cost, of course, is much more more costly conventional film , but also it will serve a much longer time, because it can withstand high enough mechanical loads. Therefore, if the financial possibilities permit, it is better, without any doubts, to choose the rubber coating.
  • The laid covering is pressed to the bottom and to each of the steps well pre-washed under strong water head stones. If ponds will be bathed in the , then films are used exclusively for rounding, without sharp corners.
Fixation of the film with stones

Fixation of the film with

  • stones film wrap ashore on the 700 ÷ 800 mm in order for the to allow the to have its well fixed with larger stones, and also for the purposes of the , the does not germinate directly near the water edgegrass.
  • When decorating the "shoreline" is a waterproof coating, you need to completely cover with stones of different sizes, a thin layer of soil and decorative plants.

Video: the simplest pond using polymeric film

Pond filtration

Before decorating the reservoir with plants whose roots are at the bottom, it is advisable to install a special deep water pump in the deepest part of the pond, and on the shore line, the systemfiltration of water. Pipes for discharge and abstraction of water can later be cleverly masked by stones and plants.

To the artificial pond really pleased the owners, you can not do without a filtration system

For an artificial pond to really please the owners, the filtration system

can not be avoided. The water passed through the filter can be started up with a cascade, a picturesque mini-waterfall on the stones, which are laid on the shore in small steps.

Purified water can be returned to the pond by a beautiful cascade

Purified water can be returned to the pond by a beautiful cascade

Water filters are necessary especially when it is planned to launch fish or other animals in the pond, in which case special conditions must be created.

Typical layout of the filter system

Typical arrangement of the filtering system

As for plants and waterfowl of a very destructive mill, the accumulation of ammonia, phosphate or other waste in the water from the biological decomposition of organic substances, therefore, filters usually have the functions of their adsorption or transformation into harmless chemical constituents. Thus, some devices are capable of transforming ammonia into nitrites, and with excessive accumulation of the latter - converts them into neutral nitrogen.

Modern filters combine the functions of both conventional filtration and biological purification

Modern filters combine the functions of both conventional filtration and biological cleaning

Modern filters not only purify pond water from potentially hazardous chemicals, but also neutralize harmful microflora, and maintain the necessary acidity of the environment.

In addition, the filter, as a rule, is able to enrich the water with oxygen, which is extremely necessary for the normal life of plants and fish living in the created biosystem.

To ensure that the water purification equipment can fully fulfill all the requirements for good pond contents, they are equipped with a complex of different filtering, cleaning, converting cascades having a multilayer structure. Therefore, they can be called biofiltration systems, regeneration and deep water treatment .

For example, the biofiltration system may look like this:

An approximate scheme for the installation of biofiltration

Example biofiltration installation diagram

1 - A pump that directs the water to be filtered into the machine for further purification. The intake hose of the pump is installed at the maximum depth of the pond, closer to the shore opposite the usual resting places. This unit must be capable of pumping water, , with particles clogged by , reaching a size of up to 8 mm. The pump motor has sufficient power to suck in dirty water not only from the bottom of the pond, but also from the surface, through the skimmer , which is usually located on the float closer to the surface of the water.

Bottom and surface water intakes

Bottom and surface water intakes

2 - Crane for return feed to the pond of purified water.

3 - A discharge chamber through which purified water is supplied to the outlet pipe.

4 - hydrometers with different thicknesses - are designed for biological and mechanical coarse cleaning.

5 - Camera of brushes .Water "rough" is cleaned in it with the help of hard nap brushes , before getting into the bioson .

6 - The aeration section was created to enrich the water with oxygen. Proce ss pr descends due to the creation of strong air vortices in this zone.

7 - Department of water supply from the pipe to the common filtration zone.

8 - Hole for periodic drainage of accumulated dirt.

9 - Filtering porous sponges.

10 - Filtering porous sponges with microscopic pores or filters with sand quartz filling

11 - Scoop collector , collecting cleaning products from all filter cascades.

Very often used for the cleaning of ponds are sand filters produced by Kripson ,. Their dignity lies in the fact that the cleaning process is as close as possible to the natural conditions of the path - through the thickness of quartz sand with a very large contact area. For an example - in the table the basic operational characteristics of a ruler of such filters of various models are resulted:

635 635

( m³ / h)

( kg)
Backfill -
volume( m³)
IT404D 635 - 737 458 400 upper 0.12 4.8 6 50 0.1
IT404D 624 684 804 458 400 upper 0.12 4.8 6 50 0.1
IT404D 784 844 964 458 500 upper 0.19 7.6 9.5 90 0.15
IL404D 384 509 793 458 500 lateral 0.19 7.6 9.5 90 0.15
IL404D 635 568 877 458 600 boko 0.28 11.2 14 125 0.21
Working pressure 0,5-1,6 kg / cm Test pressure 2,5 kg / cm Sand calibration 0,4-0,8 mm

If using modern complex filters, the water in theThe pond will not be changed during the entire summer season, until the fall. In order to support the of the reservoir, does not necessarily need an in order that the filter can be used 24 hours a day without interruption. - will only need to turn it on for several hours a day. Due to the constant circulation and the intake of oxygen, the risk of "flowering" of water and the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive odor from will significantly decrease.

Having installed the pump and having passed from him and to him all the necessary communications, you can start decorating the pond.

Decoration of a country of a mini-reservoir

For the design of the of a reservoir , various plants are used that grow in nature on the shores of of lakes, ponds and rivers. Some of them have roots in the bottom silty layers, and the upper part of the - above the surface of the water.

Some of the river representatives of the flora are plants-oxygenerators , which in addition to the pump-aerator are able to effectively enrich the water with oxygen. Such plants, in particular, include Bolotnik, Elodeya Canadian, hornwort and others.

Plants that have the properties to enrich the water with oxygen - a swamp. ..

Plants with properties to enrich the water with oxygen - swamp. ..

... elodea canadian. ..

. .. Elodea Canadian. ..

... and hornwort

. .. and hornwort

In order for the plants to grow from the bottom of the of the , it is necessary to fill it with a layer of sand, 80 - 120 mm thick, whichneed to be sealed. On top of the sand backfill in the planting areas of plants you need to put the slides, impregnated with water loam.

At each level of the pond also , sand and loam are stacked in the same order.

Further plants are planted in the prepared pond soil:

- deep-bottom plants are placed on the bottom and on the lower levels, digging their roots into wet loam;

- to the upper level, which will also be under water, shallow plants plant in loam;

- on the shore of the pond are planted coastal herbs and stunted shrubs.

Placing plants on the levels of a garden pond

Placing plants on the levels of the garden pond

A small layer of gravel is poured on top of loam and sand, priming it in layers of substrate. This precautionary measure will help protect sand and clay from erosion.

You can also use another planting option - they will be conveniently placed in vases filled with loam and sand, which are then lowered to the bottom and to steps-levels of the pond. In this case, it will not be necessary to be afraid that the soil in which the plants are planted will be blurred over time.

Another one way to plant shallow-water plants is a fabric that has pockets with one side. They fill with the necessary soil, the threads of the fabric expand and through them the roots of the plants settle down into the ground. Then, the fabric is neatly laid on the shore by the free side, which is pressed with stones. The other its side, on which the planted plants of the are located, descends into the shallow water of the reservoir .The method is very convenient in that it allows you to fix all the bottom plants in the right place.

The original way of placing aquatic plants - a cloth with pockets

Original way of placing aquatic plants - canvas with pockets

When all the plants are planted, the pond is very neat, the fine jet is filled with water on the wall. This unhurried order of the filling process is necessary in order not to damage the bottom layers in which the "seedlings" are seated.

While the pond will be filled with water, it is possible to lay stones around the of the reservoir .

If the pit is covered with film , then its must be carefully zadekorirovat soil, large and small stones. This process also needs to be done carefully, so as not to damage planted coastal plants.

Similarly, , with rocks and coastal plants, is masked and a water filtering device that installs the near the shore of the .For him, a small grotto can be made of stones, and a cascade can be laid off from it, along which pure water will run beautifully.

The stones can be gently stitched together with cement glue using building glue. It is better if the stones of such a cascade will go down to the very edge of the water, and between them the coastal plants will grow green.

Video: master class on arrangement of artificial of reservoir on country section of

There are different ways of registration of standing artificial of reservoir , but the most important attributes of its decoration are plants and stones of different sizes. You can add small figures of animals, waterfowl, or other elements associated with a natural source of water. What design to choose for the design of - , it is necessary to solve all family , so that everyone could find in the design what will attract in this corner, to to have a good rest near the water.

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