Loft style furniture

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Interior in the industrial style is easy to perform. Finishing does not require large investments of money and energy. But the equipment, decor and furniture in the loft style will not be cheap. After all, in order to create a unique space that corresponds to fashion trends, you also need sofas from ultramodern materials, and tables on wheels, and mini-bars, and art objects.


  1. Combination of traditions and leading ideas
  2. Loft style versions
  3. Functional furniture in interiors in loft style
  4. Photo of furniture in loft style

Combination of traditions and advanced ideas

Loft provides an opportunity to break away from the dull routine. In this area of ​​design art you do not find banal things. Even loft-style furniture with its own hands is distinguished by the harmony of masculinity and elegance, a combination of unpretentious exterior appearance and high functionality.

Tradition and the most advanced ideas unite here without much difficulty. Therefore, literally in one room can be a sofa with denim upholstery and a table made of natural wood. It is easy to combine glass here, chrome with bright fabrics. The appearance of defects from mechanical impact is not a tragedy, a scratch is another stroke in the overall picture of the original interior.

The most popular materials in the manufacture of such furniture are leather, wood, plastic, textiles. This is clearly seen in the photo. Since horizontal surfaces are most important, you can see how wide they are. And the table tops, and seats, and shelves shelves are impressive size.

Another mandatory element - wheels. They are present on tables, and on chests of drawers, and on some shelves. Even soft furniture often stands on wheels, with both chairs and sofas.

Types of loft style

Choosing furniture in the loft style, you need to consider what kind of variety you are creating. Industrial has 2 main directions: natural, artificial. Natural - implies the design of the present former industrial premises. In the interior, accents are made on those details that convey the original essence of the room.

Artificial industrial style can be created anywhere. Do it in a simple apartment, and in a country house. At registration specially created attributes corresponding to the given style, including furniture are applied.

Functional furniture in interiors in loft style

If the interior is decorated in loft style, the furniture here performs much more functions than in other stylistic concepts. First, it plays the role of delimiters in the general studio space. Secondly, each piece of furniture carries its own functionality, it is important for everyday use. Thirdly, furniture in the loft industrial style bears a decorative load, participating in creating a general appearance of the room.

To visually see what a loft-style furniture is, we recommend you look at the photos in the article.

Photo of furniture in loft style

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