Despite the wide variety of building materials and their affordability in terms of value, many developers are opting for wood. But in order to fully realize all the advantages that are characteristic of wooden buildings, you need to know all the nuances of construction, including the ways and rules for joining the beam.
About the features of working with the bar, we'll talk. It is most often used for erecting houses and subsidiary structures in the private sector.
If you enter the corresponding query in the "search engine" window, then you will find a lot of articles on the ways of connecting the products. But carefully looking at the material, the question arises - why is it about the beam, and judging by the explanatory drawings and photos, in fact it is a log? To understand this discrepancy, we note at once that there are differences in the "docking" of these blanks. Therefore( once again we will emphasize) the conversation will go only about timber joints!
Some remarks
- Rules are common for all kinds of products - glued beam, profiled;natural moisture or dried. There is no fundamental difference.
- The same method is not used during the installation of the log house. For different parts of the building( corners, perimeter) - its own method of joining the beam.
- When buying material, you need to focus on the fact that for qualitative warming( reducing heat loss), the samples must be "different"( in rows), that is, differ in the cross-section parameters.
Basic connection methods for
It is not necessary to consider all the known ones - many of the techniques are rarely used. In addition, it should be noted that the introduction of some minor nuances in any of the ways implies a new name. Therefore, it will only deal with those that are most often used in practice. Different subtleties, methods of particular complexity of a private builder are unlikely to interest, as it turns out that it's easier to hire a specialist( and he will not have to learn) than to understand( and then also train) himself.
The drawings give a complete picture of the different techniques for securely fastening the beam. Therefore, consider only some of their features.
A. In the corners of the house
Connection with the remainder of
This means that the ends of the workpieces at the corners of the structure will protrude somewhat beyond its perimeter. The disadvantage is an increase in the consumption of construction materials. But there is also a "plus" of such a connection - it is more solid, besides corner parts of the building( the most problematic places) are better protected from precipitation.
The most common method is "in oblo"( "lock" type).It is sometimes called in the "cup", but this applies only to logs.
- Single-sided. It is already clear that "drunk" is done only on one piece.
- Double sided. Accordingly, on each of the bars approximately by ¼ the material is sampled( docking grooves).
- Four-sided. In this case, the "saws" are produced on all faces. Such a connection in the performance is much more difficult, but it is considered the most reliable. In addition, it simplifies the installation - it remains only to collect together the individual parts of the "designer".
Without remainder
This means that the corner edges of adjacent walls are absolutely flat, with no protruding ends of the bar( connection "in ohryap").
It is clear from the drawings that there are many varieties of such fastening of blanks.
B. On perimeter
In case of necessity of longitudinal joining( extension) of workpieces the following basic methods are used.
B. "Cross"
Such connections are used for the construction of internal walls. Figures explain everything well.
What to take into account
The use of spikes when connecting the bar assumes an additional insulation of the joint.
If reinforcing nails are used, then use metal pins( and such recommendations are encountered) is undesirable. At least because it does not avoid corrosion, and as a result, the beginning of rotting( in this place) of wood. That's why experienced masters advise you to use wooden elements. But is there a nuance? And what kind of tree should be a tree? In principle - no difference.
But this is without taking into account the thermal expansion of materials. Rather, it is only suitable for regions where the climate is more or less stable throughout the year. Basically, practically throughout the whole territory of our country, the temperature values are constantly changing, and the difference between "minus" and "plus" is quite significant. Therefore nagel must be of the same kind of wood as the timber.
Their length is chosen from the calculation, so that one piece can be attached to the bars in no less than 3 rows.
Adhesive compounds are not used when joining workpieces .One can not ignore such a process as shrinkage of the material. The glued parts are simply deformed, and repair of such damages will require partial dismantling of the frame.