How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands - an instruction with drawings

Single-storey buildings in the private sector are being built only to support economic activities, and are used as subsidiary structures. A fully-fledged apartment house at least in 2 floors. Therefore, without such a functional element, as the staircase to the second floor, can not do.

The problem of moving from one level to another can be solved simply - buy a complete set and install it yourself.

Its cost starts from about 33,000 rubles( pine, 14 steps, a two-spiral staircase).Mounting your own hands is not difficult. The problem is in the other - how does it fit into the interior, will not it be necessary to adjust individual elements or partial reconstruction of the 1st floor?

Many companies provide services for manufacturing kits based on customer drawings, but as practice shows, such stairs cost 1.5 times as expensive. That is why most often the most acceptable option is to make a wooden staircase with your own hands, from scratch.

How to do it, what to look for - this article is devoted to this.


Before proceeding to the consideration of design features, it is necessary to "decipher" some specific definitions. The main elements are shown in the diagrams.

  • Step. Its horizontal part is called a step, vertical( it may not be) - riser.
  • Supporting beams. If the steps are joined to them by the end parts, then this is the bowstring. If they are "superimposed" on the beam and their edges stand for it, then it is called a kosour.
  • Supports of handrails. They are often called balusters or pillars. For a screw structure, the term rack is used.
  • Fasteners. In some types of stairs, fixing the steps directly on the adjacent wall is made with special bolts - bolts.


Types of designs of stairs

For self-manufacturing, the simplest are marching. For a private house, they are installed one or two flyways. Screw ladders for self-assembly are much more complicated( see here).In addition, and the production of necessary calculations for them has its own specifics.

Features of calculating staircase parameters

The following are general recommendations, which are only desirable to orientate when designing an internal ladder. Since all houses( and rooms) differ in architecture, size, layout, then there can not be any single template in principle.



The optimal slope of the spans is in the range from 35 to 450. On a steeper staircase, climbing is much more difficult( especially for people with disabilities, advanced years or small children).And carrying large-sized, heavy things from the floor to the floor will also be complicated.

The design is more sloping inconvenient because it requires more space for its installation, as the length of each span will increase. And which angle to choose - at the discretion of the owner.


It is unlikely that anyone in a private house will move from floor to floor as part of a "group of comrades," so when drawing up a scheme, it is advisable to focus on the dimensions of one person. A staircase with a width of about 1.2 - 1.5 m for a private house is a perfectly acceptable option. And walk on it, and even carry items of furniture will be convenient enough.

Step parameters

  • Tread. It should completely place a human foot( at the rate of 45th size), so the optimal width of the step - in the range 250 - 300 mm.
  • Approach. To make it convenient for people of any height and age to move, its height is taken within 150 - 200 mm. Quite enough, regardless of the design.
Note! All specified sizes are absolutely identical for each step of one ladder. Otherwise, it is not necessary to talk about the convenience of moving.

Height of the ladder

Defined as the distance from the floor covering of the lower floor to the ceiling + the thickness of the floor. For example, 270 + 40 - 310( cm).

Number of stages

The height of the structure( 310) is divided by the term from the size of the riser and the thickness of the tread board, after which it is rounded to the whole value( in the larger side).For example, if using the "forties", then 20 + 4 = 24 cm.

Total - 310: 24 = 13( steps).

Recommendation - for stairs with more than 18 steps and a slope of 450, special areas should be installed. Depending on the purpose, they are called differently - rotary, viewing, intermediate. Therefore, the ladder itself will already consist of separate marches( spans).They can be of the same type, or they are made according to different schemes, since the platform is not necessarily located exactly at the center of the structure.

The length of the ladder

It is easy to determine it, knowing the number of steps and the size of each tread. These values ​​are multiplied. If the steps have protrusions, they are not taken into account.

Sometimes calculations show that such a design "does not fit" in a particular room. In such cases, either increase the number of marches, or equip so-called zabezhnye( rotary) steps.

Steering steps - top view

Height of spans relative to floor

It is necessary to focus on human growth + small stock. Optimum design is considered, in which the distance between the last steps and the ceiling is not less than 2 m. Otherwise, the tall man at the end of the span will have to bend his head.


In most cases, a wood species such as pine is chosen. It is inexpensive, but it is not characterized by durability. Larch is much preferable. The presence of a special resin in its structure makes the material even more firmly absorbed by moisture. And this is for home stairs, given the specifics of its operation - it is important. All other options, for example, oak, cedar, maple and a number of others can not be called budgetary.

Before you start working with wood, it must be dried thoroughly. Further shrinkage of the material( including twisting) will lead to the fact that the staircase will literally fall apart.

The procedure for mounting the ladder

Consider the simplest example - stairs one-mast. This option can be considered basic, since the algorithm of actions is the same, regardless of the number of spans.

Preparation of constructive elements

  • Kosovy. The main requirement is that they must be absolutely identical. Board - only one piece, no defects, no less than "forty".Accordingly, pre-cuts are made under the steps.
  • Steps. Edges must always be rounded, as sharp edges increase the risk of injury. The board is chosen absolutely smooth, carefully processed( polished).The length of the calculation, so that their edges protruded beyond the oblique lines by no more than 2 to 4 cm. The thickness is in the range 300-400 mm.
  • Podiums. They do not experience a significant load, since it mainly falls on the supporting beams. In order not to increase the total weight of the span, they have enough boards for 15.
Advice - it is better not to install the risers for a private house, as it is much more difficult to clean up the stairs of such( closed) type.


  • Handrails, balusters. Independently to make them so that the ladder became not only a vehicle, but also an ornament of the house, hardly it will turn out. Therefore, these structural elements are either purchased in the store, or ordered in the workshop.

Assembling the ladder

Marking the wall

According to the installation diagram and the drawing.

Fastening of support beams( struts)

l-12_ The upper part of the march is fixed in different ways( as it is more convenient).Option number 1 - in the girder beam overlapping is done. Option number 2 - used metal stops, which are fixed on the beam anchors. In any case, the place of connection of structural elements should be as reliable as possible.

For fixing the bottom of the struts on the floor, a support bar is mounted. To the wall - fixation on the anchor bolts.

Installation of risers

If they are mounted, they are screwed to the strings.

Path stacking

They are fixed both on the supporting beams and on the risers( at least in one point, in the center).

For easy operation, the installation of the steps starts at the bottom. The options are shown in the diagram.

Installation of balusters

First of all, the extreme - top and bottom of the march - are fixed. Between them stretches the "bowstring", focusing on which, you can mount the rest of the rack.

Installing the

handrails They are fixed on each of the racks that are on the march. They can be made from almost any material - metal, plastic, and not just wood.


  • l-15_ Grinding of all structural elements. Particular attention is given to joints, joints, butts and so on.
  • Special impregnation agent( antiseptic + fire retardant).
  • After high-quality drying of wood, the selected composition is applied to it - a varnish or wax-based solution. It is hardly advisable to paint stairs in a private house. If desired, the wood is toned, for example, with stain.

The article describes only the general procedure of actions and gives the main recommendations. Having decided upon the concrete design of the ladder, one should study all available materials on this subject, since for different models there are nuances of both assembly and calculation of individual components. For example, rotary stages, which can be either rectangular or segmented.

You can see the video-instruction on the manufacture of wooden stairs:

But the general rules of operation are described in detail, and the author hopes that this article will help the reader in the matter of self-construction. Good luck!

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