Wastewater transportation agreement

Conclusion of a contract for the transportation of waste water

This type of contract is a voluminous document that includes a large number of elements. It includes such blocks:

  • Subject of the contract;
  • Terms of wastewater disposal;
  • Order of payment under the contract;
  • Rights and obligations of the parties;
  • The order of the account of water removal;
  • The order of access to the elements of communication;
  • Control of sewage composition;
  • Monitoring compliance with standards for the amount of pollutants;
  • Procedure for suspension of service provision;
  • Responsibility of the parties;
  • Force Majeure;
  • The operation of the contract;
  • Other.

From all the above, it can be seen that the contract for the transportation of sewage is a normative act, which requires a serious approach to compilation and has a large number of various nuances. Wastewater transportation agreement

How to calculate the tariff for water disposal

The calculation of the water disposal tariff also requires a serious attitude in the compilation. Calculate the tariff for wastewater disposal by following these points:

  • The amount of payment can be calculated by multiplying the established tariffs for utility bills by the amount of resources expended;
  • The volume is calculated based on the readings of the metering devices or the average value established by the local administration.

Calculation of wastewater can be obtained by adding two digits:

  • The product of the consumed cold water with the established water disposal rate;
  • A product of consumed hot water with a water discharge rate.

The sum of these two products will be the volume of payment for the transportation of sewage. It is worth noting that in multi-storey houses, the rate for wastewater is calculated on the basis of the indications of a common house meter. Wastewater transportation agreement

What is differentiation of tariffs

The contract for the transportation of waste water includes two types of differentiation of tariffs for water( for water supply and its utilization).In this article, differentiation of tariffs of the second type will be considered. Differentiation of tariffs for wastewater is calculated on the basis of the following indicators:

  • Availability of several wastewater systems;
  • Accounting for categorical indicators of wastewater that are divided into sediment waste water, waste water from registered consumers, wastewater that is diverted from other consumers.

There is also an economic bar, without which it is forbidden to set tariffs for water disposal. It is formed by the relevant specialized institutions.

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