How long does the plaster dry and on what does it depend on?

How much plaster dries at home

The walls and roof of your house allow you to forget about which climatic zone it is built in and what weather( or bad weather) is the most common phenomenon outside the windows. Therefore, the room usually holds the temperature that is convenient for you and how this microclimate is achieved, with the thickness of the walls or heating, or both - it does not matter at all. The main thing is that in such conditions, the drying time of the plaster can be determined in advance, knowing the properties of the mixture, determined by its composition.

There is a definite formula that is suitable for all types of plaster except, except for plaster: 1 mm plaster layer = 1 day. But under ideal conditions, which can be created in the room, the formula changes a little: 2 mm of the plaster layer = 1 day.

But does this equation work?

And, by the way, what kind of ideal conditions are these? First of all, the room should have a stable and, most importantly, a low level of humidity. In addition, you need to take care in advance that the base moisture( at least for an eye, approximately) is no more than 8%, this is according to the Russian SNIP, that is, the Building Norms and Rules.

The room temperature should be above 10 degrees and below 30, ideally within 18-20.

Accelerate drying in plastered rooms, using heaters or arranging strong ventilation( especially of artificial origin) in no case follows, as this will lead to the appearance of cracks or to the peeling of the coating. It should also be taken into account that low temperatures strongly slow down the drying process, as well as high humidity in the room. Therefore, if the street is cold or rainy weather lasts more than one day, preferably in the room where the plaster was finished, the windows do not open and drafts do not suit. But fresh air is needed, so the room should have moderate ventilation.

Drying time of the plaster outside

. No matter how many plastered the outer surface of the walls, the weather must be excellent for at least a half moon, so that the finish can grab and acquire sufficient strength. Therefore, for outdoor works you need to choose the most dry season, so that rain does not become an expected disaster. However, the unexpected rainfall is not any better, so carefully study the weather forecast. However, even in the driest time, the plaster will dry just as much as its characteristics allow , which mainly depends on the composition.

For example, how do you think how much plaster dries outdoors, if it is a cement-sand mixture? Be sure, outside the house it dries up not much faster than inside, namely, about 25-30 days, taking into account the time necessary for its strengthening."And how about finishing the facades with plaster in several layers?", Someone will ask, "Is this the interval between each layer to withstand?"When plaster layers are applied, usually complete drying of the previous layer before applying the next one is not required, it is sufficient that the composition should be seized and firmly kept on the wall, therefore it is sufficient to wait for a day between the layers of the cement-sand mixture.

How long does the plaster dry, after all?

Exterior finishing is done only with facade plaster, the main components of which are portland cement and quartz sand. Such a cement-sand mixture, as already mentioned above, collects maximum strength only after 30 days. If lime plaster is used with the addition of cement, then each next layer can be applied after 6-8 hours, and completely the coating dries up after a week. Well, gypsum plaster grasps after half an hour, and being applied to the wall in several layers it dries quite well in about 4 days.

Thus, the formula given at the very beginning, in fact, is very approximate, and, apparently, has a direct bearing on the cement-sand mortar of the plaster. Therefore, it is easier to be guided by the degree of drying of the coating along the fading important spots, the lightening surface of the wall and the approximate time, when the construction standards should dry up.

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