What should I do if the refrigerator is constantly running and does not turn off?

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There are many reasons why the refrigerator is always running, but it does not shut down. This situation can arise not only in older models, but also in new equipment. Immediately, we draw your attention to the fact that it is not always possible to solve the problem yourself, even if you are an experienced electrician. The fact is that repairing some breakdowns requires knowledge in the field of refrigeration: you need to be able to make refueling, detect the exact location of the leak, and also look for the so-called "thrombus" in the system. However, do not be upset at first, as in most cases the malfunction is simple and you can repair the refrigerator yourself, which does not turn off round the clock. What to do for repairs, we will tell you further!

  • What can cause a breakdown?
  • Basic Faults

How can a fault be caused?

To begin with, let's talk about why the technique is constantly working, but it does not shut down to solve the source of the problem first. Most often, the work without interruption is caused by the following reasons:

  1. You have incorrectly installed the refrigerator. For example, they did not take care of the air gap between the wall and the hull, or placed it in a room with a high temperature, next to a heating battery, etc. The result can be a hot compressor that does not turn off and works worse, especially in hot weather. Incorrect installation
  2. The technics old and there was a deterioration of the compressor or the thermostat which should be simply replaced.
  3. You accidentally set the maximum temperature on the thermostat, as a result of which the compressor automatically maintains the preset mode for several hours in a row or round the clock. A similar case is the function of super-freezing, which means uninterrupted cooling operation. It is important to know that the average running time of the compressor should be 10-20 min for one switch-on.

These 3 reasons are the most common, so it's best to first make sure whether they are or not. If none of the options has been approached, you need to move on to a more serious search. Sometimes the problem can be solved by normal defrosting of the chambers. If after the defrost no changes have occurred, and the equipment still does not shut down, it is necessary to proceed to repair yourself. Next, we will consider what to do if the refrigerator is constantly running without stopping and pausing.

Basic Faults of

So, now we will proceed as follows: take turns to examine each cause of the failure and the repair method by one's own hands.

  1. The door does not close securely. In fact, a very trivial option, but still face this often. It's not even that you did not completely close the door, maybe just worn out rubber seals that need to be replaced. How does this relate to the fact that the refrigerator does not turn off? Everything is very simple - warm air gets into one of the chambers, as a result of which its heating occurs. The thermo sensor sends a signal to the "brains" that it is necessary to cool the camera and as a result there is a closed cycle: the heat penetrates beneath the seal, and the compressor tries to lower the temperature, working without disconnecting. At the same time, it seems to you that the technique does not freeze at all or does not cool down badly, but it works. The replacement can be done by yourself, the main thing is to find the same seal and gently stick it. Fastening of a sealant
  2. You have set this mode of operation. As we said above, inattention and setting the lowest possible temperature can cause the refrigerator to work and does not shut down the whole day. Cooling parameters should be checked immediately, then look for other options for the malfunction. Control block
  3. High indoor temperature. When we considered advice on choosing a refrigerator for a home, we paid attention to the fact that each technology has its own climatic class - the temperature conditions under which the device can work. For example, if you installed the equipment in a room where + 30 ° C, the compressor itself will work without stopping. In this case, it is necessary to move the product into the room more coolly.
  4. The thermostat has failed. That's what the reason is related to the electrician, so it's a malfunction of the thermostat or the temperature sensor. In this case, you need to call the product with a multimeter and if you find that when the setpoint is reached, the relay does not open the contacts to make a replacement. Replace the thermostat or the temperature sensor( depending on what does not work), the new one will not be difficult. Thermostat
  5. The compressor has broken down. It also happens that the compressor works without interruption, because it can not "catch up" the set temperature, so the refrigerator rustles and does not turn off or does it rarely. There will already have to replace the part with a new one, if, of course, the reason for the breakdown is not trivial - placing the equipment in a warm room or damaging the seals. The replacement of the compressor is not at all difficult, the main thing is to choose a model with the same characteristics. Photo compressor
  6. The refrigerant has leaked from the system. It is extremely difficult to repair a leak by your own hands, in this case it will be necessary to call a master whose price of work can be up to 3500 rubles. If you yourself know how to add freon to the system, do this and observe the technique after refueling - whether the refrigerator turns off or works continuously and does not turn off. Refrigerant leaks

For the replacement of the thermostat in the refrigerator, which does not turn off, check this video:

Video instruction on repair of Atlant equipment

YouTube Trailer

Finally I would like to note that the above mentioned refrigerator faults can occur even in modern models with the function of no frost and other additionalparameters. We recommend you to view information about your equipment manufacturer on the subject forums, for example, Indesit or Ariston. Very often people who come across a similar problem describe it in detail with all the smallest nuances. So you will know exactly what to do for repairs and, in fact, why the failure occurred.

Here we are and provided a list of the most popular faults, in the occurrence of which the refrigerator is constantly working, without stopping, and can even slightly cool. We draw your attention to the fact that if the equipment will work for a long time without interruption and you do not take repair measures, the compressor will soon be out of order, which will result in higher costs! It is better to do everything in time, tk.sometimes if the cooling process does not turn off, simply replace the thermostat or reposition the housing from the heat.

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  • Freezer installation by one's own hands
  • Instruction for use of multimeter
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