How to repair the remote control?

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If at some point the buttons on the TV remote control are not pressed or the buttons are pressed, but the TV does not respond to the press, it's time to repair the remote control. Possible causes of failure: You accidentally filled the housing with water or dropped the device on the floor. If we told the readers how to repair the microwave at home, then this repair technology clearly will not be difficult for novice electricians. Next, we'll explain why the TV remote control does not work and how to repair it with your own hands!
  • Sequence of actions
  • What else is important to know?

Sequence of actions of

If the buttons on the TV remote do not work, first, as if it does not sound corny, check the batteries, replacing them with new ones. The situation has not changed? Try to turn on the camera on the mobile phone, point it at the diode in front and see if it flashes when you press the buttons. The fact that a person can not see infrared radiation, but the camera fixes it, as seen in the photo.

Does the diode not flash? So, in order to repair the remote control from the TV with your own hands, you need to disassemble it and check the status inside. First, pull out the batteries and check if they are underneath the screws that secure the case, then make a visual inspection of the back cover for the presence of screws. After unscrewing all fastening parts, insert a straight screwdriver at the junction of the two parts of the housing and disconnect them, as shown in the photo below.

Disassembly remote control photo

Some models of TV remote controls are fastened with conventional latches, i.e.without screws. To disassemble such a case, it is enough to simply disconnect the connecting parts with a straight screwdriver. Do it carefully, so as not to damage and scratch the plastic!

So, the case is dismantled, now you need to carefully inspect all the details: the board, the contact pads of the buttons, the spring contacts for batteries, the radiating diode, the conductive paths and ceramic quartz.

Let's start with the spring contacts for the batteries. Look, if the contact from the chip has not been repaired, if everything is in order, go ahead. No - take the soldering iron and carefully solder it. By the way, you can make a soldering iron with your own hands, if at hand you do not have a normal tool.

Also look at the status of the spring itself, which contacts the battery, it may have become very dirty and rusted. If this is so to repair the remote control from the TV with your own hands, you need to clean it with sandpaper.

The next possible cause is the contamination of the buttons with oily dirt. The emergence of this dirt - a long use of the device, resulting in a condensation of fat from the skin of hands settles on the pads. If these rubber areas need to be wiped clean with a swab soaked in alcohol, or with wet napkins. Also wipe the board.possibly the dirt closes the contacts, as a result of which the buttons on the remote control from the TV do not work.

Components of the device

If contact with graphite spraying, the malfunction may be that this spraying has worn off over time. The repair of the TV remote control in this case is quite simple - you need to take the foil from the chocolate, cut it into small squares and paste it with the paper side to the contacts.

By the way, if the buttons are badly pressed on the remote control of the TV - it is necessary to press strongly on them, the cause of the failure is the same and you can repair the device by cleaning the contacts or restoring them.

If only a part of the buttons does not work, and then, the most necessary - switching on the TV, switching the volume or channels, then, most likely just on them and worn graphite spraying!

Also a possible cause of breakage may be a malfunction of ceramic quartz. If the remote does not work after the fall, then 95% can be sure that this circuit element is broken. Independently to define it it is simple enough - shake a payment, and if from quartz the rustle will be heard, means, it does not function. Repair in this case is reduced to replacing quartz.

If you can turn off / on the TV, switch programs or sound only from a close distance, either the batteries that have sat down or the diode are to blame. In the latter case, it is possible to check the serviceability of the radiating diode at home by visually inspecting the soldering, as well as by checking through the phone camera. If the diode is really hooked, it will also have to be replaced.

Well, the last fault is the damage to the contact tracks. If you see cracks on the chip, then the repair will be inappropriate, and it's best to just buy a new remote control device.

It's easy to see how to repair some of the problems yourself in the video examples below:

Change the buttons on the remote Samsung
YouTube Trailer
How to fix the tracks on the board?
YouTube Trailer
Correct cleaning of contact pads
YouTube Trailer
How to paste pieces of foil on rubber contacts?
YouTube Trailer

What else is important to know?

If the buttons on the TV remote do not work, you can also repair them yourself, by purchasing a repair kit in ready-made patches and glue. It is worth, of course, not a little, but one such kit is enough to repair 3-4 devices.

Repair kit for remote control

You can also, instead of sticking on patches, simply drop a special glue called "contact" onto the rubberized rubber contacts of the buttons. The only problem is that it is quite expensive, but still a beginner electrician such glue will come in handy at home in order to repair other electrical appliances.

Finally I would like to point out - if your TV remote control is jammed or not working due to the contamination of the buttons, after thorough cleaning we recommend wrapping the device with a sachet( sold even special ones) or a thin film. In this case, the fat will not fall on the microcircuit and the pads.

Effective protection against breakage

That's all I wanted to tell you about why the TV remote does not work and how to repair it with your own hands at home! We hope that the instruction with photos and video examples was useful for you!

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