Broken hair dryer - tips on repairing

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It is extremely rare, but still there is such a situation that the hair dryer does not work, and he wanted to fix it himself. Actually, this is not at all difficult, the main thing is to correctly determine the breakdown and repair it, knowing how to do it. Next, we will provide readers of the site Sam Electric with a simple instruction in the pictures on repairing a hair dryer for drying hair with your own hands.
  • briefly about the design
  • Troubleshooting
  • No power - check the
  • chain Fan does not rotate - clean it
  • air is not heated - looking spiral
  • Problems with motor

Brief about

design Before you want to repair the hair dryer in theat home, you need at least in general terms to get acquainted with its device. So, the modern model of technology can consist of the following elements:

  • electric cord for connection to the outlet;
  • switch or speed selector;
  • fan;
  • heating element( spiral);
  • engine.

As you can see, the design of the device is not at all complicated, so if you want to repair the hair dryer yourself, complications with repairs should not arise. Next, we'll look at all the major breakdowns that can happen, and under each fault we'll tell you how to fix it. From the tools you will need a multimeter, a screwdriver( or an asterisk) and, possibly, a soldering iron.


Because of its simple principle of work, often experience the following breakdown of household hair dryer:

  • absolutely no power( device not included);
  • does not turn the fan or the blades get bad;
  • at work the smell of burning is heard or something in the field of the engine sparkles;
  • the fan does not blow hot air( only cold).

No power - check the chain

First, if the hair dryer will not turn on, check the power source and the integrity of the electrical cord. To do this, you can use an indicator screwdriver or a special tester - a multimeter. About how to use the multimeter and how to use the indicator correctly, we told in the relevant articles. Wiring

If there is a power outlet and hair dryer did not work, repair carefully review the appearance of the cord: perhaps somewhere he interrupted, frayed or incised. The most problematic places of the cord are the place of insertion into the case of the device, as well as the place of connection with the electrical plug. If in appearance any obvious reasons for the failure could not be detected, proceed to disassemble the case. Disassemble the body of a hair dryer with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to find all the fasteners and unscrew them( they can be hidden behind stickers, rubber caps, etc.).

When you get to the internal structure( pictured above), first see the place of connecting the electrical cord to the rest of the circuit. Very often the motor does not start due to the fact that the wire disappears in the place of fastening. If in your case everything is exactly like that, the repair can end with a simple soldering or twisting of veins.

Video lesson on the topic - looking for where the power was gone

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The cord is working, but the hair dryer still does not work? We make repairs further and check the remaining elements of the chain. If you have a diagram of your device model, use the tester to call the remaining elements: fuse, switch and mode switch. It is not uncommon for a household appliance to overheat and shut down due to the fuse blowing. It must be replaced with exactly the same characteristics.

By the way, there is a reverse situation - after turning on and drying the hair the hair dryer does not turn off. This is also the fault of the switch itself!

Another malfunction - the power on / off button does not work. We have already told how to repair the light switch. Repair in this case is analogous - check the breaking contacts by the tester, clean them up to metallic color and if you can not repair the malfunction yourself, replace the switch. Similarly, check the mode switch if the hair dryer does not switch speed or does not adjust the temperature( for example, does not work at 2 speeds), try to repair the regulator or perform a simple replacement.

We repair the power button
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The fan does not rotate - we clean it

Another kind of failure - problems with the fan, which does not accelerate. If the hair dryer does not work, because the fan does not turn, disassemble the case and see how clean the blades are. Sometimes the fan does not gain momentum, because the hair is wound on it. For repair, you only need to clean - remove the blades from the shaft, remove all debris and reinstall the fan in the seat. Fan blades For more details see the repair process you can on the video instructions below. In some models of technology filters are installed, which also need to be cleaned.

Complete cleaning of all
YouTube Trailer
parts. We remove the blockage of
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. Incidentally, if a fire smells like garment, then the hair dryer stinks because of the heavy pollution. Very often thorough cleaning helps to solve the problem on your own at home with a minimum set of tools for an electrician!

The air does not heat up - look at the spiral

Another no less popular fault is the burnout of the spiral, which is the main heating element. If your fan does not heat up or weakly heats the air, get to the spiral, call it with a tester and make a visual inspection. Damaged heating element can be tried to repair, but more often after repair( for example, the connection of a nichrome thread) takes several months and the hairdryer breaks again. It is better to replace the spiral with a new one, so that later the fault does not arise.

Problems with the electric motor

Well, the last, most unpleasant failure - when the hair dryer does not work because the engine burned out. In this case, during repair, you will only be able to verify with the help of the tester that the engine is defective. In addition, the smell of burning and sparking in the fan area can be considered as a sign of breakage. Self-repair device you are unlikely to succeed, so it is better to either replace the engine, or take the device to a service center. Engine

That's all I wanted to tell you about what to do if the hair dryer does not work and how to repair it yourself, if the fan, the switch or the motor has broken down. We hope that the instructions provided were useful and interesting for you. By the way, the industrial model( construction) can be repaired by the same instructions in the pictures. In fact, the construction hair dryer is similar in construction, only more protected externally and has more powerful parts inside!

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