The foundation for a two-story house - which one to choose?

Tape foundation for a two-storey house

From the standpoint of construction practice, building a pile foundation is not cost-effective for a two-story building. This is due to the fact that the price of renting special equipment, transportation of piles and the installation of monolithic grillage will greatly affect the cost of construction in general. In this regard, the pile foundation for such buildings is not applied. The most common in terms of price-quality ratio for brick houses are the strip bases.

The most commonly used monolithic or prefabricated tape base. The prefabricated foundation consists of concrete wall blocks, reinforced concrete slab-cushions with a thickness of at least 50 centimeters. To eliminate the possibility of ejection by the ground, an extension is made in the lower part. For narrow elements, reinforcement is made with metal rods. When building a brick house, a polyvinyl chloride film is placed in the place of contact between the walls and the base and insulation is made.

The foundation foundations are considered standard for two-storey buildings. They are made of pure concrete with a filler of small or medium gravel or gravel. Concrete is poured into pre-prepared formwork and compacted. Due to a homogeneous basis, the thickness can be up to 35 centimeters already, than for a rubble or concrete base.

Important! Making the foundation for a two-story brick house, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Tile base

The tile base is the ratio of inexpensive materials and reliable construction. However, it is used most often only by building standards in the condition of weak soils. The tile base is a kind of finely-grooved ribbon foundation. The difference is in rigid reinforcement, which eliminates deformation under varying loads.

Floating base is a solid or lattice slab, which is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Such a system is used in places with uneven ground compression and a high level of groundwater. This foundation is used in the following cases:

  • Construction of a building on a complex ground;
  • In buildings where there is no basement;
  • In buildings where the basement will serve as the basis of the floor.

Note! The tile base is an excellent alternative in areas of strong soil freezing.

Depth of foundation

Having decided what to build a foundation for a brick house of two-story, you will encounter many problems. The first of these is the calculation of the depth of the foundation for a two-story house. Depth depends on such factors:

  • Type of terrain;
  • Building type;
  • Type of materials.

The calculation of the depth for a building with one and two floors is almost the same. The only thing that needs to be considered is a big load for a two-story house. The depth should be calculated as follows: wall thickness plus half a meter. You can also make a calculation, starting from 80 centimeters for each floor. However, we can safely assume that the depth for the base should be about 170 centimeters. The depth can be smaller if you use a reinforcement. It is not enough just to dig a ditch and to fill it with a stone, it will be more reliable to install a reinforced concrete structure.

Tip! Do depth of occurrence with a small margin.

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