Preparing concrete walls for wallpaper or how else can you change their appearance?

Finishing of concrete walls - options for every taste

The way to transform concrete can be plastering, puttying, painting, plastering, wood, plastic, cloth or wallpapering. Each way that carries out the finish of the concrete walls of the is good in its own way, and, of course, it has not only positive but also negative aspects that should be taken into account when planning repairs.

Plastering, along with a long service life, has a big minus - it is very dirty work, but everyone can figure out how to plaster concrete walls. Drywall, giving the room sound and heat insulation with a fast time of its erection, reduces the size of the room, requires accompanying work and is not suitable for hanging heavy objects.

Surfacing of surfaces with wooden panels is simple, hiding all the irregularities, but very expensive operation. Wallpaper gluing is a very common kind of coating for walls, even though all of them, even the smallest irregularities remain in their use.

As for the painting of walls, this method, being very practical and, when using non-toxic paints, is safe, is not suitable for buildings-new buildings, since even a slight subsidence will lead to the formation of cracks.

Plastering and painting of concrete walls

Let's consider the correct version of how to plaster the concrete wall. To begin with, there should be a notch on the surface, about 30 pieces per 1 m2, with a depth of up to 5 mm. Also, the wall should be cleaned of dirt, dust, small protrusions and rips and is abundantly moistened with water. Then the thickness of the future layer is determined with the aid of beacons.

If necessary, in case of large differences, it is worth using a metal mesh. Directly the process of applying the mixture is done by layers. The first layer, nabryzg, is made not too thick solution up to 5 mm thick. The second layer, the primer, is the base and forms a thick mixture after complete hardening of the spray.

Then the wall is grouted and wetted with water for a week. It is after these operations that you can start applying the last layer, which is prepared and mixed very carefully to eliminate large fractions and heterogeneity. The resulting surface should become smooth and smooth without cracks and bumps.

Painting of concrete walls also requires certain preparation. First, the surface must be sanded and primed with special mixtures manually or mechanically. Then all existing irregularities should be smoothed using putty, using a wooden spatula.

After hardening of this layer, grinding and re-priming is carried out. After completing all the preparatory operations, you can start painting. It is carried out by two thin layers with the help of a brush, spray gun or roller, depending on the area to be painted and the number of hard-to-reach places.

Gypsum boarding also has functions such as leveling concrete walls and masking their defects. This method of finishing is to fix the sheets of plasterboard on the previously installed frame or directly to the wall. The process should start with strengthening the guides, and then the profile itself. Plasterboard should be laid starting from above and fixing it with screws, while their hats should be recessed. As for the joints formed, then they put a mesh, and then a layer of putty.

Preparation of concrete walls for wallpaper and plastic

Pasting of wall paper must be done on prepared substrate. All cracks, depressions and mounds should be sealed, and primer for concrete walls applied. Then the necessary amount of wallpaper is calculated and cropped, in accordance with the size of the room. Next, apply glue to the wall, and when specifying this condition in the instructions, and on the wallpaper too.

In this case, you should wait until the cloth is well impregnated. The sheet is hung parallel to the wall, thereby creating its natural plummet, after which it is pressed against the wall and smoothed. The subsequent bands are exposed at the received level.

For the implementation of wall finishing fabrics need to have some level of skill. First of all, surfaces must be prepared qualitatively. Ways how to level concrete walls have been described above.

After this, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of the fabric, it should be checked for shrinkage by soaking and determining the change in size. If there are any, then the whole canvas is ironed.

The cut-off width should be as large as possible, to reduce the number of seams, and the length is slightly larger than the ceiling height. After that, all the cooked strips are sewn into a single piece, for each wall separately, and wind up on a roll in height. The fabric should be adhered to the corners in a tensioned position, while the edges of the web should be free from glue to fix it at the very end of the process, after the glue has dried on the fabric already attached to the wall.

Wall decoration with plastic does not imply a preliminary plastering of concrete walls. The plating process is very simple and begins with the installation of wooden slats to the wall, the distance between which can be arbitrary. And then on them a stapler is fastened with plastic panels, one after another, starting from the corner. Surplus can be cut off with a hacksaw.

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