Thermal insulation of the house walls with foam plastic - two sides of the
medal. As in everything related to the construction, there are minuses and pluses in the walls insulation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation foam? To the advantages of include excellent thermal insulation and good noise insulation. Also it is easy for him to give the necessary form without resorting to a special tool. Under the foam plastic does not develop fungus and other parasitic organisms, which allows you to maintain health. Also, in the production of foam, a special ingredient was added, which eliminates the possibility of spontaneous combustion even at very high temperatures.
There are not too many drawbacks of .The first and most important is to reduce the area of the entire room when the walls are insulated from the inside. The second one is a high toxicity in the case of combustion: the foam itself does not ignite, but when it comes into contact with an open flame it lights up very easily. Pluses are much larger, therefore this type of material is the most popular insulation.
Insulation of walls with polystyrene from the inside requires preliminary hassle
For a qualitative result, you will need to do some preparatory work and purchase a little tool, because the proper insulation of the walls with polystyrene foam will free you from extraneous noise and protect you from the cold. The first thing to do is to free the walls from furniture, paintings and everything that obscures the approach.
Walls should be cleaned before bricks, but this is in case the finish does not hold properly. In the case where the plaster does not fall, you just need to remove the wallpaper. It is also necessary to remove all decorative stones and other elements. Here, perhaps, and all the preparatory work.
Now select the tool. You will need a small ruler, roulette, building and conventional knives, a hand saw with small teeth, a drill, a nozzle for a mixer-type drill and a trowel.
Internal insulation of walls with polystyrene - now into battle!
So, we proceed to the most warming. To do this, brew glue, exactly as specified in the instructions, we apply it to a small section of the wall( it should be slightly larger than the plastic foam plate).We take in hand one plate and install it on the glue. With force, we press it against the wall and evenly tap out it to trim it. Now with , using the level, we restore the plate perfectly exactly .Thus we repair the whole wall.
Special fasteners should not be used, insulation from the inside is subjected to fewer loads. Accordingly, their use is inexpedient.
Those places where the foam plates do not fit, you need to cut the parts you need with a knife and ruler and also attach them. If you still have gaps, you can pour them with a mounting foam. It is not recommended to cover them with glue, its heat transfer leaves much to be desired.
Now it's time to putty .The first layer is rough. It can be applied both with the help of glue, and with the help of a special putty. There is practically no difference, which is enough, so and shpaklyayte. After the drying of the roughing layer, it is worth to throw the mesh and putty again. Grid should be thrown from above to the bottom, in fact as well as putty. For convenience, the grid can first be attached to small carnations or buttons.
The last layer follows to grind .To do this, you need to purchase a grinding machine, or grind it with a drill and a grinding stone. The design turned out to be quite strong, now it will be warm and quiet in winter, and in the summer it will be cool. Now you can paste your favorite wallpapers, hang pictures and other decorations. On this insulation of the house from the inside is over.