Determined with time - when it is better to dig a well

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For those who are accustomed to compare all their affairs with the clues of stars and planets, we give such a clue: to begin digging a well is best when the Moon enters the signs of the water element. The most favorable in this regard is the time when it is in Pisces, and even grows. The remaining councils will be purely "earthly", practical.

When it is better to dig a well

When to dig a well

How to choose the time for building a well in a suburban area or in a private homeowner, and whether it should be chosen at all specifically, depends on how you intend to dig this very well. If from the beginning to the end you are going to use the services of a specialized organization, then at some specific time the operation may begin "well" and you do not have to guess. As a rule, in such organizations there is a powerful special equipment and experienced specialists. Therefore, if you start the work at the wrong time, the technique will help to cope with the problems, and the specialist will determine to what depth it is really necessary to dig a well, even if the "first water" appears very quickly.

You can check the location for water!

To carry out exploratory drilling to determine if the chosen place is suitable for there to be a well, it is possible in any season. Independently do not get it, you need to call a specialist with a portable geological drill. Such a device can drill a well deep into more than seven meters. What does it give? The reconnaissance will not only show whether there is water in the well, but also will indicate the composition of the soil and its carrying capacity( if this indicator is insufficient, then the rings installed in the well can simply drown, go to the ground).Exploration with the help of a drill can be done at least in the spring, even in the summer, at least in the autumn, even in the winter, and the process of building a well in the chosen place is postponed until a favorable time.

Groundwater goes down - it's time to dig a well!

The ideal time to dig a well, consider the time when groundwater flows from the surface of the earth in depth. The well, dug out at such a time, will always be complete. The logic is simple: if you got to the water at a time when this was the hardest thing to do, then in more "wet" times it will be even more so for you! If we start the construction of a well when the waters approach the surface, there is a risk of making it not deep enough. Especially if you are a beginner in this business. As a rule, unsophisticated people believe that the work is finished when the well begins to fill with water. If you start digging, when the groundwater is high, then it is likely that for about half a year such a well will simply stand without water and it will have to be reworked, deepening it, perhaps two meters( such is the seasonal fluctuations in the water level).

"Groundwater" is hidden during the dry season and in winter, when frosts strike. But in the winter it can be difficult to dig. Despite the fact that in most of Russia in winter the earth rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 meters, still have to spend extra effort - clearing snow, warming up the earth, it will be more difficult to deliver the necessary materials. Therefore, the best time to dig a well is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, until the rains begin. Groundwater already goes deep, and there are no additional difficulties in the process of digging. A good time is also considered the end of winter, before the beginning of the melting snow.

The process of digging a well

The process of excavating the well

By the way, if the shaft of the well runs through quicksand, then such a well can be excavated only in winter( the summer drought period is also suitable, but the drought may or may not be, and winter happens every year).At another time, to build a well through quicksand will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

Water availability increased - it is better not to dig!

The most unfortunate time that can only be selected for the construction of a well is the early spring and rainy period of autumn. However, if prolonged rains suddenly strike at the end of the summer, this is also a signal to the idea that it is better to refuse the idea of ​​digging a well. Increasing water availability can play a cruel joke with you and, as mentioned above, create the illusion that the well is ready, while another one or two rings are required to complete the work. How to dig a well with your own hands read here.

Go on vacation!

If you yourself decided to dig a well, you need to consider that digging it slowly on weekends is not an option. Having started this work, you need to continue it without a break, until it is finished. Therefore, having determined what time will be best for digging a well, time for it a vacation or take time off. Timing the process of digging a well for vacation is risky - suddenly, do you have it for the rainy season?

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