Abyssinian well with own hands - technology of construction

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To provide your house with water for drinking, watering and other household needs, a proven method of extracting water from the soil has been developed for a long time. This is an Abyssinian well, the quality of water in which complies with sanitary standards. The main thing when installing a well is to observe the rules of technology. The operation of a water well does not require certain skills and skills - even a child can extract water. You can install the column both in the open area and inside any room: a house, a barn, a basement. The technology of installing the Abyssinian well is simple and accessible to any man.

We build an Abyssinian well with our own hands

Building an abyssinian well with our own hands

Conditions for installing an Abyssinian well

You can install a point well in a site where the aquifer is at least 9 meters above the ground. Its depth, for sure, is known to the neighbors who have wells.

The second important condition is the composition of the soil. The land must be sandy or consist of a mixture of coarse sand and gravel. It's impossible to break through stony soil without using special equipment.

Components of the Abyssinian well

• Tip of hardened steel.

• Filter from a fine grating.

• Water inlet valve.

• Main - a collecting pipe that supplies water.

• Couplings for jumper wires.

• Sealants made of rubber.

• Pump for manual evacuation of the piston mechanism.

The skeleton of the Abyssinian well is made using one or two inch tubing, which is slammed into the ground.

The bottomhole pipe must necessarily have a larger diameter than the well pipes. If this condition is not met, moving the pipes to a depth will become impossible.

• For primary filtration of water on the pipe, it is necessary to drill a hole of 10 mm in staggered order, with an indentation of half a meter. Do not moult, otherwise the pipe will lose its stiffness.

• On the edge of the lower tube a conical sharp tip is screwed in, the length of which is 200-300 mm. In the tip it is necessary to make slits for water. Then perforated pipe should be wrapped with stainless steel wire, then put in a stainless steel mesh or plastic mesh. Thus, you get a filter that does not let small sand, which causes siltation.

Solder the metal mesh with a special flux or tin solder, which does not contain lead. Do not use substances that poison water.

• In the place chosen for the well, it is necessary to select a soil in a pit with a diameter of one meter.

• The first pipe, the main, is driven into the ground with the help of a cast iron woman or barbells. Later it is screwed into the ground with a frame drill. It is necessary to constantly extract the rock.

• After installing the first piece of pipe, it should be reinforced in the pit, ground around it, compacted, sprinkling the soil. On the lower segment, the end of which has a thread, the next piece of pipe is screwed on. Then the next one is screwed on and so on. The total length of the pipes corresponds to the depth of the water layer. When the filter is lowered to the water core, the water in the shaft will rise by one meter.

Pipe seals should be used in the joints of pipes, otherwise water will be sucked, which will certainly affect the efficiency of the well. To ensure sufficient strength at the joints of pipes, it is necessary to use linseed hemp impregnated with oil paint.

Further actions are performed in the following order:

• The filter is washed under pressure from the clay.

• At the upper end of the pipe, a water pump is installed, which helps to lift water from the depth of the earth and pumped out the top layer until it is completely clear. The pump can be fixed using a flange on the casing or a threaded connection.

During installation, the water level must be constantly monitored.

When the water rises, you should think about the tightness of the pipe joint, which can be broken due to their depressurization, or plugging the well. It should be installed couplings are not cast iron, but steel, which have a quality thread.

Ready-to-use source

Ready-to-use source

Advantages of the Abyssinian well

In favor of the installation of an Abyssinian well, the following factors indicate:

• Simplicity of construction.

• Installation does not require much space.

• There is no need to hire special equipment that requires access roads.

• It is possible to install the pump not only in open spaces, but also indoors.

• Fast work, everything takes about ten hours.

• Durability in operation.

• Surface contamination does not enter the well.

• With the help of an Abyssinian well, water is continuously supplied.

• The cheapest project unlike the rest.

• Easily removed and transferred to another location.

In order for the waste water not to mix with the drinking water, it is necessary to equip the well with a concrete foundation that rises above the ground. The water from the Abyssinian well is of the same quality as spring water.

We also recommend reading about the house for the well with your own hands, as well as how to dig a well with your own hands.

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