Deepening the well with your own hands

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Sometimes a well that worked flawlessly for 5-10 years( about how to dig a well we wrote earlier) begins to silt and give less and less water, which sometimes is not enough even for a comfortable existence without unnecessary water costs.

But before we look at the deepening of the well, we'll hasten to warn you that often a drop in the water level in a well is a temporary measure that is seasonal. The fact is that for example in winter the amount of water decreases, and in autumn and especially in spring the ascendance rises, so observe the water level in your well before applying emergency measures to deepen it.

The best way to find out about the water level and what is the reason for the decline is to ask your neighbors, maybe it's seasonal.

Steps of deepening the well

In this lesson, we consider an example of our own experience of deepening a well, it may differ from the generally accepted ones, but the main task that we set before the beginning of the deepening, namely, to increase the water level we have achieved, so let's begin.

Preparatory process

  1. We pump all the water from the well with a drain pump.
  2. Install a good ladder in the well.
  3. Remove excess clay from the bottom - this is done using buckets.
  4. To bind the buckets to the ropes, and to the end of the rope a special hook - this will protect us from buckling the buckets to the person who works in the well.(Safety precautions).
  5. Cut the reinforcement by 12 mm to fix the well rings( so that they do not sink).

Perhaps you will be interested in why we began to fix well rings? This is very simple, the fact is that with increasing the height of the well and working connected with digging under the lower ring, due to the weight attached to the upper rings, it can simply simply thicken and leave into the clay, respectively, to damage and block the aquifer.

The rings are fastened with a fitting of 12 mm and this is done starting from the top ring - this is very important, because if you fix only the lower ring. Then the supporting structure of the lower ring can not stand. Before blocking the reinforcement, it is necessary to drill a hole to the concrete ring, and then simply drive in the reinforcement.

Then start digging under the bottom ring, the clay is still raised with buckets. By the way, if you decide to deepen the ring significantly, then we advise you not to spend all your strength to raise the buckets together with the help of a drum.

Next, continue to dig until the appearance of a waterproof layer - the waterproof layer is usually a piece of solid dry clay, and of course if you already have several springs, if the springs have not yet appeared, continue to dig until they appear. We have deepened the well at a distance of about 90 cm! .

Now the final stage is the process of lowering a concrete ring of smaller diameter into the well, it should be noted that the diameter of our rings was initially about 100 cm. And we decided to lower the ring by overlapping these rings, so the concrete rings that we started to lower inside had a diameter of 90 cm, the ring lay perfectly, and even a little bit of space remained around the edges. There we poured gravel and made a kind of filter for the well.

We lower into the well another concrete ring of slightly smaller diameter

We lower in the well another concrete ring of slightly smaller diameter

. Notice that the photo above shows the installation of a ring of smaller diameter and samples of fastening the rings.

This concludes the process of deepening the well, it is worth noting that the well in this way has been working for about 5 years, which is what you want.

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