House for the well with your hands - guide, photo, video

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Most owners of private houses install wells not only as a source of water, but also for decorating landscape design. A house for a well with a certain design, suitable for your yard and house, will please not only the inhabitants of the dwelling, but also all the guests. In addition, the roof over the well will never be superfluous - it will protect the water from the wind, which is constantly accompanied by various debris.

We make a house for the well with our own hands

Doing a house for a well with your own hands

Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to build a similar design with their own hands, so you can always buy a ready house. Most often they are sold in disassembled form, which facilitates delivery to meta. Specifically, the assembly site is assembled according to the instructions - the assembly process is no different from the game in the children's designer, even a child can cope with it. However, it should be borne in mind that ready-made designs have rather high prices. They depend on the material, design, size. Therefore, if you do not have excess money, it is better to build a house on your own.

What materials might be needed?

As a rule, in the construction of a house for a well, the following materials are required:

  1. timber, cylindrical logs;
  2. wooden planks;
  3. siding panels( or slate);
  4. ondulin;
  5. ceramic or concrete tiles;
  6. natural or artificial stone;
  7. metal tile;
  8. connecting and fastening elements;
  9. other building materials.

When choosing a material, remember the already constructed and decorated objects of your land. Their colors and style should be in harmony. Usually, for the construction of a well house materials are left that are superfluous in the process of building a house or a fence. The area around the well is strewn with rubble.

Bar and other wood material requires special processing equipment:

  1. electric jig saw;
  2. saw, hacksaw;
  3. hammer or sledge hammer;
  4. nail driver;
  5. Phillips screwdrivers of various sizes( drill, dupel);
  6. measuring tape;
  7. shovel.

Drawing the simplest configuration of the

Make and complete the simplest drawing of the desired construction or consult the building literature and use the blanks. They are easier and more convenient to build.

1.rama;2. the pediments;3. The rack;4. the skate for the roof;5. the gate;6. casing of pediments;7. left roof slope;8. Right side of the roof.

1.Rama;2. the pediments;3. The rack;4. the skate for the roof;5. the gate;6. casing of pediments;7. left roof slope;8. Right side of the roof.

Well Scheme from the inside

Well Scheme from the inside

Example of connecting elements

Example of the connection of the

elements Construction of the frame and the roof of the lodge Stages of the work

The first thing to do is measure the outer and inner rings of the well.

Then, from the beam section of approximately 100 to 80 mm, the base of the house is assembled. Remember that the distance between parallel sides should be approximately equal to the outer diameter of the ring.

Next, you need to install two vertical racks, which should be exactly in the middle of the side bases. To ensure the reliability of their fastening, it is desirable to use metal corners.

The racks are connected by logs or braces with cross-sections of 50 to 50. For special angles make special cuts. Fortified bars serve as rafters.

We are building the roof skeleton

We rebuild the roof frame

The spindle for lifting water from the well is made from a bar, the size of which must be taken into account. It should be 3-5 centimeters shorter than the distance between the vertical posts.

The holes in the center of the ends are drilled, the diameter of which can be selected in the range of 1-3 centimeters, and the depth - about 5 cm.

Then on the ends put on the top of the holes are installed plates of metal, in which the same holes must already be made. The plates are attached with screws.

In the left part of the spindle insert a metal rod, the length of which should not exceed 9 centimeters, and its end - 4 centimeters out.

The right side of the gate is made with a manual starter.

In a thoughtful place in the racks make special holes for the bushings. In them the ends of the gate are turned up. The bushings are lubricated with a solid oil or other lubricant.

At the end of work on the collar, fasten the chain to the bucket.

Chain with a bucket fixed on the collar

Chain with a bucket fixed on the

Collar Above, boards are installed that serve as a ridge for the roof. Do the crate.

Finally, the work is completed by the flooring of slate, roofing material or metal.

Decoration of well house

The standard design of a well house provides for a door, the size of which should be approximately equal to 850 by 550 mm. Knock down the door from the remnants of working with the well or other buildings of the suburban area, knocking it out of the boards, connected by 3-4 brusks. Between themselves and the bars the boards are fixed with screws. In avoidance of skewing of a door beat the third bar on a diagonal.

The house itself, built of decorative building materials, should be left open. Sometimes it is covered with slate, metal, brick or decorate in a different way. Be sure to treat all wood with an antiseptic to extend its life for a couple of years, and then cover with varnish or paint. The concrete ring is often covered with a decorative stone. Unusually and beautifully looks a well, decorated with a stand for buckets or benches.

Now you can easily build a house for a well. We considered one of the simplest ways. Having figured out a simple design, you can move on to more complex and intricate structures. Ideas and inspiration can be taken from photographs and pictures on the Internet, and how to dig a well with our own hands, read on our website.

Pictures of the design of the well
House for a well of concrete rings

House for the well of concrete rings

House for a well from a log

House for the well from the log house

An interesting design option!

An interesting design option!

Forged well

Forged well

Closed well

Closed well

A well with a window

Well with a window

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 6

Making a cottage for a well of concrete rings step 6

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 4

Making a cottage for a well of concrete rings step 4

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 4

Making a cottage for a well of concrete rings step 4

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 3

Making a cottage for a well of concrete rings step 3

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 2

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 2

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 1

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 1

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 7

Making a house for a well of concrete rings step 7

Video house for a well with our own hands

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