We clean well water on our own - a visual aid

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Well in a private house is often the only source of water how to dig a well we already wrote, but to maintain its quality, a regular cleaning of the well is required. Red water in a private house is often the only drinking source. We have already talked about the process of arrangement of the well, but to maintain water in the drinking state it is required to periodically clean the source.

How to clean water in a well

How to clean water in a well

Types of trouble in a well

Clean drinking water looks transparent, without foreign particles, no taste characteristics. Horse ground moisture, feeding the well, often do not meet these requirements, so cleaning the well does not always help. If the groundwater contains compounds of iron, manganese, have a red or brown tint, they can be cleaned only with the help of a deep cleaning system consisting of a cascade of filters.

Types of soiled soils that can be cleaned:

  1. Mechanical impurities. May be a consequence of the destruction of the walls of the well, the erosion of seams, as well as the ingress of debris through the loosely covered lid of the well. Determine the presence of mechanical impurities can be visually: the water from the well is cloudy, opaque, with debris.
  2. Biological pollution. In groundwaters there are bacteria, the result of which are the sulfur-containing compounds. An indication of contamination of the well by bacteria can be considered an unpleasant swamp odor from water. Sometimes it is confused with the smell of sewers.
  3. Microorganisms and algae. With a rare use of the well, the water in it stagnates, becomes dark or greenish. The reason is rotting, decomposition of organic debris and growth of small algae. The walls of the well become slimy at the same time.

For all types of pollution there are effective methods of cleaning, as well as prevention. Most often, during cleaning, complex processing is carried out.

Dirty water in the well

Dirty water in the well

Mechanical cleaning

Clean the well better in March, before melting snow, or in August - during these periods, the lowest level of groundwater. Before starting mechanical cleaning, it is necessary to pump water out of the well. To do this, drainage pumps of sufficient capacity are used. In addition to water, they pump out a part of the silt settling on the bottom.

Debris and sludge from the bottom are removed manually. Do it more comfortably together: one person descends to the bottom of the well on the stairs or on the cable, collects garbage, the second raises the container with garbage and silt upward with the help of a winch or rope.

In the presence of cracks in the rings or seams, they must be sealed with cement mortar.

If at the bottom of the well were found springs, beating muddy water, one can assume the presence of a meltwater. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to make a board from aspen boards along the diameter of the well, make a bottom pouring with large river sand for a thickness of 10-15 cm, then lay the prepared shield and punch it with wedges under the bottom concrete ring. A normal bottom filter is placed on top of the shield.

We seal the seam / fracture with cement mortar

We seal the seam / crack with cement mortar

The bottom filter

For the bottom filter device, river sand and pebbles are used. The use of building rubble is undesirable: calcareous crushed stone will make the water cloudy, and granite often has an increased radiation background. At the bottom of the well, a layer of sand is laid, over it is covered with pebbles with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. Sometimes, instead of pebbles, natural minerals such as zeolite or shungite are used.

Scheme of laying minerals at the bottom of the well for water purification

Layout of minerals on the bottom of the well for water treatment

Biological cleaning

You can start cleaning the walls of the well from dirt and mucus after removing debris and eliminating leaks in the joints. Concrete rings are treated with disinfectant chlorine solution with a brush or sponge, after which it is kept for 2-3 hours and washed with water.

After completion of the cleaning, the well is filled with water, not clean enough for consumption, but suitable for the second stage of biological treatment - disinfection. This is done with a glass of lime bleach diluted in a liter jar, it is insisted for a day, then poured directly into the source.

A day later pumped well water, then you have to wait until the well is full again and take samples. If necessary, do this a few more times until the smell of chlorine disappears. Biological cleaning kills bacteria and microorganisms, after it there is no color, no taste changes.

Although water may appear transparent after cleaning, it may be unsuitable for drinking. To make sure it is clean, you need to take samples of water and take them to SES for verification of compliance with its sanitary standards, and only after confirming the quality of water it can be used as a drinking water.

Also read the article about the bottom filter device.

Biological cleaning of the well

Biological cleaning of the well

We also recommend reading: when it is better to dig a well, and clean the well yourself.

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