Lid for the well with your own hands

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In a summer residence or in a private residential sector, a well is not only pure cool drinking water, but also a decorative element of the plot. To ensure that the water inside is not frozen and inside the shaft did not get debris and animals, a well is installed on the well.

The covers are : one-piece or two-leaf. Materials , most commonly used for covers: wood, steel corners and tubes, textolite, steel sheets.

The well cap must be firmly fixed on it, have a safety margin, provide ventilation, and have an aesthetic appearance. But still recommend reading the article about making a house for a well with your own hands.

Wooden cover technology

The wooden cover for the well looks aesthetically pleasing, and it is relatively easy to make it. Use wood of oak, pine, birch, aspen. The finished lids are varnished and, if desired, decorated with additional elements or threads.

  1. We perform measurements, we perform a crate of wooden bars, which we cut with wooden boards. In the center of the lid we attach the reinforcing wooden block.
  2. In the same way we make the top cover.
  3. We install hinges or a rubber belt for convenience of operation. One part of the belt is attached to the fabric, the other directly to the lid.
  4. The area for the lid is made from a wooden beam along the perimeter.

Also, from the cut boards, it is possible to make a cover with two doors. The halves of the lid are fastened with two straps, hinges, and the center of the handle.

Lid for well

Cover for wood well

Cover for well from metal corners

Tools and materials required: metal corners, bulgaria, welding machine, profile pipes, textolite, measuring tape, metal hinges, insulation, sealant, exterior paint.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut the corners into 4 parts of the required length at an angle of 45 degrees, join them into a square and grab it by welding( on the outer side of the corner and on the inside).We clean welding with a Bulgarian. We check the correctness of the frame by measuring the diagonals.
  2. We cut the profile pipes, put them inside the frame( along the perimeter and crosswise) and grab it with welding. Sutures are cleaned by a Bulgarian.
  3. From textolite we cut out the plates to the size of the frame, fix them with screws. Between the layers of textolite it is necessary to add a heater, and the seams should be treated with a sealant.
  4. Attach the cover to the frame with the help of metal loops( they are bolted or bolted, or welded).
  5. Next we make the formwork and fill it with concrete( cement).We attach to the formwork a frame with a lid. Fill the concrete.
  6. To the cover of the hatch we fix the handle with bolts, we paint the surface or decorate.

Advantages of making a lid for a hatch with your own hands is a unique design, cheapness, an opportunity to choose the necessary heaters. When making a lid for a well, remember to protect the well from children and animals, and, consequently, the installation of locks or special houses.

Step 1 - create a skeleton

Step 1 - create a skeleton

Align the corners

Align corners

Making the ground

Make a foundation


Sample on a well

We fix boards and we make a crate for pouring

Mount boards and make a crate for pouring

Ready-made version

Finished version of

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