Partitions made of aerated concrete blocks, device and installation technology


  • 1 Aerated concrete as the main building material
  • 2 Selection of the binder
  • 3 What thickness is it worth erecting partitions?
  • 4 Partition technology from aerated concrete blocks
    • 4.1 Base preparation
    • 4.2 Assembly of blocks for
    • 4.3 Application of adhesive
  • 5 Why is it better to use glue?
    • 5.1 The process of laying the blocks
    • 5.2 Doing a door or window opening
    • 5.3 Completion of the installation

The partition is an excellent technical design that allows you to make many small rooms from one large room or even simply zonate a room by dividing it into certain functional parts. Depending on the placement, different requirements are imposed on it:

Aerocrete structure

Aerated concrete structure

  • Strength. It should be strong and stable, material for such partitions can be a gas block wall, brick, pazagrebnevye slabs and keramzitobetonny block.
  • Must have good sound insulation properties. Here, preference should be given to porous and airborne materials.

But, when creating a partition in an apartment or a house, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the base on which it will be located. On reinforced concrete ceilings, the walls outside the supports are not recommended to be erected from bricks, so, due to its heavy weight, a violation in the integrity of the entire building may occur. Not to mention the wooden floors, where even such a light and porous material, like a foam block or aerated concrete should not be stacked. In such conditions, then it is better to use drywall or wood.

The most optimal, both in terms of cost and load, are gas-concrete partitions. The material from which they are built has the following properties:

Gas Block Laying

  • gasket Laying Excellent for high compressive loads. This property of aerated concrete is indicated by its density, which is expressed by the digits D200, D300, D400, D500, D600.It indicates the hardness of the material and possibly the permissible loads that it can withstand. However, with increasing density, the thermal insulation properties deteriorate. Interior partitions aerated concrete can be built, and even better, from the D500 or D600, because the thermal insulation in principle, not relevant, and the strength should be high, so that the wall could still be attached furniture.
  • Keeps the heat well. This property is provided by the content of a large number of gas balls( pores).They can be formed in two cases, when a catalyst( blowing agent) is present, and the unit is baked in the oven. And the second way - without the use of foaming agents, and the block hardens under normal conditions, but then this material, although it has a similar chemical composition, is called foam concrete. But we'll talk about it in the next article. The aerated partition can become an excellent insulator of a cold room from a warm room, creating an optimal microclimate in it due to porosity.
Block Types

Block types

  • The wall of aerated concrete blocks does not emit toxins, toxic fumes and other harmful substances. In addition, aerated concrete does not burn and does not deform even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures. This implies one more property - security.

Aerated concrete as the main building material

Aerated concrete has long been used in the construction of various buildings of any purpose, because it is easily subjected to further processing. In it, you can spin a screwdriver, hammer a nail, plan with a regular steel strap and even saw with a hacksaw on wood. But over the passed time the manufacturing technology has undergone some changes. Blocks of steel are of ideal geometric dimensions, identical to each other in one assortment series are produced with grooves and ridges to facilitate and strengthen their mounting. If earlier the installation of aerated concrete partitions was limited to planing the side surfaces, plastering with a layer of up to 5 cm, today the wall made of aerated concrete is almost ready for puttying and wallpapering after its erection.

Geometry of walls

Geometry of the walls

The choice of the binder composition

Today there are several opinions about what solution should be used for the assembly of the blocks:
Some say it is better to use the old-fashioned mortar, maybe this is because it is warmer than just sandy andwhile with complete drying and low content of cement it has a white appearance. But he has a negative side - he is very fragile. If such a solution is used, then reinforcement of each layer must be carried out without fail. It is better suited for building thick walls, rather than partitions.

  • Special cement-sand glue. It contains a plasticizer and a hardener, which allows it to spread a thin layer, providing a practically seamless connection of the blocks. That's why we'll look at how to put gas blocks on glue. But first of all it is necessary to buy it. It is sold in paper bags on which "Glue for gas blocks" is written. You can also apply tile glue, it has the same properties.


What thickness is it worth erecting partitions?

Partition of aerated concrete blocks can have a variety of thicknesses, depending on the properties expected from it. If it should become part of the supporting structure, then a block of not less than 200 mm in thickness and density from D400 should be used. For a simple demarcation of space is enough and 100 mm. In general, all possible sizes are available for sale, which can only be used in construction, with the help of foam blocks it is possible to erect and beat different designs.

Technology for constructing a septum from aerated concrete blocks

Any work must be carried out in a high-quality manner, therefore we offer you this instruction on how to put gas bottles, photo of which process is before your eyes.

Preparation of the

foundation Before considering the technology, how to correctly place the gas blocks, the base should be prepared. It should be cleaned of dust and protruding elements, old mortar, primed, if necessary a preliminary screed is made. Deviations from a level of more than 3 mm can lead to inconvenience for further work.
Substrate preparation
Although the blocks are made by machine on the automatic line, they will still have deviations from the geometry. Therefore, be sure to purchase a special float for aerated concrete. With its help you can easily get rid of the influx, protruding elements of the block and protruding corners.

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After cleaning the base, installation of the aerated concrete partition may begin, but before that it is necessary to apply a control marking on which to lay each of the rows. You can use a construction routing cord, laser level or attach guide bars to walls and floor. Thanks to them, the ideal geometry at the edges of the partition will be maintained, and with the help of a lace and in the middle.

When laying the first and the following rows, casting the septum of the partition and the main wall monolithically is not recommended, in order to increase the soundproofing properties. It is better to fix it later with a mounting foam.

Installation of blocks for

solution Now let's talk a little about how to put blocks on a solution. In this method there are also advantages. Due to the thick first layer, it is possible to align the not quite flat surface already with the blocks. But in the future the mixture is smeared on all contact surfaces with a thin, not more than 2 cm, layer, periodically covering the seams on both sides.

Apply glue

Now let's look at how to put gas blocks on glue. It is the same mixture of sand and cement, but contains a special plasticizer and a bonding agent, which allows the next day to apply significant loads on the walls. To work with glue you will need a special trowel with denticles and dimensions with the block itself. This will allow not only faster and better perform namazochnye work, but it will help to save glue on losses.

Use of glue

Use of

glue All, armed with a trowel, spatula, grater and level, you can start working. Lay the blocks starting from the wall or from the corner of the curtain of the septum. If the surface is smooth, then it is sufficient to apply a thin layer of glue. Laying of gas blocks should be carried out exactly and qualitatively, therefore after installation of each of them it is necessary to measure them carefully from different directions and to control convergence with an indicative lace.

Why is it better to use glue?

The laying of aerocrete blocks on the adhesive provides greater strength and stability of the wall, due to the deep penetration of the adhesive seven, thus forming a monolithic seam. A thin, practically absent seam solves a problem like an islet of cold, making the wall even warmer.

The process of laying the blocks

The installation of the partition of aerated concrete blocks is carried out as follows:

A little deviating from the wall( literally 5 mm), the first unit is installed, carefully comparing it to the fixed bars and the tracking cords on a glue composition previously spread evenly with a thin layer. Clutches of partitions from aerated concrete blocks should be carried out qualitatively, for this purpose the block casing is put in place. This operation can be performed using a rubber hammer or a lining on it. The unit is cased on all sides and the level is controlled by its acquired location.
Offset from the bearing wall
It is also possible to install partitions from aerated concrete slabs with grooves and ridges. They are available in the same sizes as gypsum boards, but they have slightly different properties.

The laying of aerated concrete blocks is then repeated to the opening or to the last wall with an indentation of 5 mm in order to increase the soundproofing properties. Each row of a 100 mm thick partition should be reinforced and connected to supporting walls or other partitions. This can be done using pieces of reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm or more. To do this, in the wall at the level of the block angle, before drilling it in place, a hole is drilled for 1/2 the length of the reinforcement. The very same it can be 15 - 20 cm. In the aerated concrete block for partitions with the help of a foot or manual shtroborez appropriate groove is selected for free penetration of the reinforcement into it.

When installing in place in the hole in the wall and the groove, the same mortar is applied for laying the gas blocks and the binder is embedded in it. Such a reinforced connection will provide the necessary strength to the partition, regardless of its thickness. When using blocks of 150 - 200 mm, bonding to walls can be done through a row. It is also necessary to take into account the dressing between the blocks themselves, shifting the subsequent ones to 1/2 of the thickness of the block.

Blending of blocks and spreading of glue Also as a bundle you can use a perforated corner, a tire and self-tapping screws or nails to fasten it to both surfaces. But this method is less durable, compared with the first.

Doing a door or window opening

A partition made of aerated concrete blocks has a light weight( 1 monolithic unit measuring 600x300x100 mm and weighing 10.5 kg replaces 8 bricks with a weight of 24 kg) due to the porosity of the masonry materials used, therefore doorways and arches with a width of up to 80cm can be performed without jumpers. To do this, it is enough to put blocks with overlap on walls of 20 cm, densely joining them together in the center of the opening. For their temporary support, you can use a skeleton made of wooden bars, bolted with screws to the blocks at the level of their laying.

We make the doorway

Doing a doorway

The installation of gas-wall partitions with openings of more than 80 cm width require mandatory use of jumpers. They can be a reinforced monolith made of concrete, two corners along the edges and even a wooden beam, pretreated with an antiseptic compound.

Installing aerated concrete walls, their installation should not be done up to the ceiling. It is recommended to leave a space of 1-1.5 cm. It is better to fill with foam. This is done in order to avoid cracking of the edges of the partition during the vibration of the ceiling and provide the best soundproofing properties.

Sound insulation of seams

Sound insulation of joints

Completion of installation

After erection of a partition of aerated concrete blocks, it should be carefully checked for gaps in the seams and with the same glue they should be filled with a spatula. After the glue has completely hardened( at least 24 hours) and before further processing the walls of aerated concrete blocks must be treated with an antiseptic that prevents the development of fungi and other pests in them. It is possible to build a wall from gypsum blocks, for more details, see the website in the wall section.

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