How to wean a cat to tear furniture and wallpaper: what to do, how to protect, not to tear, than to trim the walls so that the cat does not tear

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Before raising a cat, it is important to understand the reason for his behavior Before raising a cat, it is important to understand the reason for its behavior Cats are one of the most common types of pets. They are intelligent and cute animals that bring joy and good mood to the house. But along with positive moments, there may be some problems that need to be addressed immediately. Otherwise, they can spoil the relationship between the owner and the cat forever. One of these problems is the love of cats for scratching furniture and wallpaper. How to wean the cat to tear furniture and wallpaper?First of all, you need to find the reason for this behavior. After this, you can safely take up the search for a suitable method of weaning a cat from a destructive occupation.

      • How to disaccustom a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture: finding out the reasons for
      • If the cat is cutting wallpaper: what to do
      • How to protect wallpaper from cats with smells
      • Wallpaper that does not tear cats:Materials
      • Compatible whether liquid wallpaper and cat
      • Cat fires wallpaper: how to trim the wall
      • How to wean a cat to tear furniture and wallpaper, 4 ways( video)

How to disaccustom a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture: finding out the reasons for

Very often in a house where eThere is a cat, you can meet the damaged furniture and wallpaper. What is natural for cats can bring a lot of trouble to their masters. After all, repair and purchase of new furniture can be expensive, and the belief that the cat does not do it again - no. In order to avoid this, if such behavior is found in the cat, it is necessary to immediately correct the problem.

The main rule is - do not scold the pet. After all for him, this occupation is a natural biological need The main rule is - do not scold the pet. After all, for him, this activity is a natural biological necessity.

To disaccustom the cat to tear the wallpaper and spoil the furniture, you need to find out what makes it do this. The main reasons can be several, and most of them justify the cats.

Reasons why cats scratch furniture and wallpaper:

  • Performs exercises for sharpening claws and training muscles.
  • Expresses their emotions. Cats can express their love for the owner by scratching the owner's favorite place.
  • Momethes its territory with the help of pads on the feet that contain sweat glands. Thanks to them, cats leave their smell on the interior.

When examining the reasons and explaining the behavior of your pet, it is important to take into account the fact that intimidation and threats will not help in the fight against such behavior. To do this, the arsenal must include ingenuity, to skilfully protect wallpaper and furniture from attacks by a cat.

If the cat is cutting the wallpaper: what to do

The cat can tear the wallpaper for various reasons. However, the problem remains the same - a damaged wallpaper, to re-paste which does not have enough strength and money. There are several ways to get out of this situation.

You may have to use more than one way before you can wean the cat from his favorite occupation. And you can use these funds as a set of measures to combat the seizure of the territory.

Each of the ways is aimed at switching the attention of the cat from the object to which it aimed its claws Each of the methods is aimed at switching the attention of the cat from the object to which it aimed its claws

Ways of solving the problem:

  • Using a scratching pad. Various medium hardness materials are used to create it, which resemble a tree. You can buy or make a scratch yourself. Install it in places most coveted by cats. The cat should like the material and the smell of the object. To do this, it is treated with special smelling agents.
  • Repelling. In this method, the main task is to catch the cat at the "crime scene", and it is better to catch on the intention to do it. Then you need to publish a piercing sound that will scare the animal away. It is necessary to increase the intonation and say "no", "fu", "impossible".Instead of a voice, you can use noise issued by coins or stones in a jar. To scare away, you can use a sticky tape.
  • Calling unpleasant associations. If the cat intends to sharpen the claws, you need to splash water on it. It is important to do this in the first seconds of her actions, so that a persistent association with unpleasant sensations arises.

When using the last two methods it is important to catch the cat at the initial stage of scratching. To scold him for the work already done does not make sense, since he will not understand the cause of your anger and indignation.

How to protect the wallpaper from cats with the help of odors

It is very difficult to exclude cats from their favorite activities. In this case, you need to use methods that will prevent cats from approaching the wallpaper.

Using unpleasant odors for a cat is an excellent solution for protecting wallpapers. It is important to use such smells that will not spoil the air in the apartment and will not be unpleasant to the owners themselves Using unpleasant odors for a cat is an excellent solution for protecting wallpapers. It is important to use such smells that will not spoil the air in the apartment and will not be unpleasant to the owners themselves

Spraying is convenient from the spray gun. It evenly distributes moisture, which allows you not to damage the surface of the wallpaper.

What odors can be used:

  • Citrus;
  • Mixture of odors of eucalyptus and citrus oils;
  • Vinegar.

The best solution is to use citrus fragrances that not only scare cats off the wallpaper, but also fill the air in the apartment with a pleasant aroma.

Wallpapers that do not tear cats: types and materials

Experience says that cats are fighting all the wallpapers. Another thing is that some of them can be strong enough not to be scratched.

When using traditional wallpaper in most cases, the only option is to permanently paste the wallpaper, in the places chosen by the cats.

There are several options for wallpaper that can solve the problem.

Steklooboi - one of the reliable options for pasting the walls of the room, where there are clawed pets Glass wall - one of the reliable options for pasting the walls of the room where there are clawed animals

Wallpaper types:

  • Fleece. Have a fairly solid base of cellulose and chemical fibers. But the second vinyl layer is not very resistant to the sharp claws of the animal.
  • Bamboo. A solid wallpaper that will be able to withstand attacks for a certain period.
  • Combined. It is possible to use any kind of wallpaper, with gluing a plastic protective coating at the bottom.
  • Wall-papers. Fiberglass is a reliable and durable material that is not afraid of sharp claws.

The best choice for your choice is the gluing of fiberglass wallpaper. Thanks to the finishing material, they have strength, durability, resistance to damage and the possibility of repainting.

Compatible whether liquid wallpaper and cat

Liquid wallpaper is a popular way of wall finishing. They are ecological, have a breathing structure. If there is a pet in the house, it is likely that when decorating the walls with new wallpaper, the cat will undergo stress. She can start to tear them with her paws, which will lead to a lamentable result.

Kogtetochka - one of the winning ways to wean the cat to tear furniture and wallpaper A scratching pad is one of the winning ways to wean the cat to tear furniture and wallpaper.

To prevent the cat from scratching the wallpaper, they need to be treated with special glue, which should be applied after the finish.

It should be taken into account that for the time of glue drying on the walls, the cat should not be in the room. The advantage of wallpaper is the possibility of their plywood.

Correctional steps:

  • Remove the damaged area from the walls.
  • Dilute the right amount of liquid wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper on the wall section.

Usually, after finishing the wallpaper remains, so the damaged obi can be quickly restored, if you can not scratch your pet off.

Cat fires wallpapers: how to trim the walls

The combined finish method will help prevent damage to the wallpaper. Wallpaper at the same time you can use any, but the protective material should be selected so that the claws of the cat do not damage it.

Combining materials in wall decoration is the best way to protect wallpapers from baleen friends Combining materials in wall decoration is the best way to protect wallpapers from baleen friends

With the help of the designer, you can think over a combination of wallpaper and protective material that must cover the wall level available for the cat.

When designing protection it is important to use only high-quality and natural materials that will not damage the health of a person and an animal.

Materials for protective finishing:

  • Tile;
  • Panels;
  • Sheets;
  • Laminate;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Paint.

Such materials are reliable protection against claws. They are firm and durable. If the panel is damaged, a quick and inexpensive replacement is possible.

How to wean a cat to tear furniture and wallpapers, 4 ways( video)

To disaccustom a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture, first you need to understand why she tears them and scratches them. After this, you can begin to combat the destructive habit. There are methods that can redirect the attention of cats to other objects. These include the use of nails. Also, you can cause the cat to persist unpleasant associations with smells and sounds. If these methods do not work, then you have to take care of the protection of furniture and wallpapers with a special finish.

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