Can I glue wallpapers on the paint

If you follow the technological maps for finishing works( documents that indicate the sequence of actions), then you can observe the following: any finishing paint coating is applied to the prepared and trowelled surface. But there are controversial issues, for example, can you glue wallpapers on paint?- Yes, it can be done with some conventions.


  1. Video

The previous coating should be firmly adhered to the plaster layer and also cleaned of dust, various contaminants and other defects. Accordingly, the first stage is the inspection of surfaces. It is enough to hold a hand over a layer of old paint, as soon it becomes clear where it lags behind, and where it holds tight, then gently clean these places with a spatula or scraper.

There are many types of paints, but is it possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint?- Yes, it is possible, provided that she holds tight. But here there is a nuance: when applying a glue composition to such a surface, it clings lightly, so it should be previously treated with an acrylic dispersion primer, which will remove excessive water absorption. During priming, it can swell in places of poor adhesion - nothing terrible, you just need to take a spatula and clean it.

And as for other surfaces, based on oil paint, then yes, it is also possible. However, we will have to resort to continuous machining, in addition to identifying and eliminating crumbling areas. The fact is that the oil compositions form a waterproof coating on the surface, which is not capable of absorbing the adhesive composition. In order to ensure adhesion, the entire surface is treated with coarse emery paper, thus there are many small scratches - the pores into which the glue drips.

In the glutinous starch composition, 10% of PVA glue can be added, this will improve the tenacity, but it is best to buy a ready-made polymer adhesive for such a case, with which it is also possible to glue wallpapers onto the paint enamel after the above treatment. Sometimes you can observe the performance of a sandless coating on the oil surface or enamel, after which a new finish coat is produced.

It is extremely undesirable, but it is still possible to glue wallpapers on a water-based paint. Such paints include old casein glue rolls, and also attributed whitewash. In the first variant, the surface should be checked as always, then carefully primed. If the surface is whitewashed, then it will be impossible to paste wallpaper on it, it will be necessary to thoroughly wash it to the base( the primer will not help).

There are no special nuances about how to glue wallpapers on paint, it is important to break off the vertical marking lines of the first cloth on each wall, taking into account the uneven angles. As always when doing wallpapering work, do not allow drafts within 24 hours from the time of gluing;if the surface was painted with oil paint or enamel, the time of drying of the adhesive can increase by 2-3 times.

On the curved surface( oil or enamel) the wallpaper is very difficult to glue, the seams may lag and diverge, and to avoid this, you need to pull a sandless woman. In addition, if the wallpaper for painting, it's still worse: they can sometimes peel off and split the joints during the painting.

You can also watch a video about how to glue wallpapers on the paint, but technology does not work.


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