There was a crack in the plastic threshold of the balcony - what to do

Sometimes balcony thresholds set of plastic parts. Sore spot brittle plastic - not very stable surface and a hollow structure with a small number of ribs. Cracking on porozhke balcony - common phenomenon. This happens usually because of poor quality installation.

Ways to get rid of the problem, there is enough, but they tend to boil down to radical changes - nut replacement.

From then burst threshold

Balcony nut set is not for aesthetic reasons but to protect the premises from penetration of cold air from outside. Set design for point-type of support that is not durable. And if under the doorsteps during the installation was built there are few supports and cavities filled with foam, the probability of structural failure as much as possible is great.

After a few months or weeks (depending on intensity) Operating, brittle plastic is extruded, and this leads to the appearance of cracks.

Council: if the crack is small, as a temporary measure suitable an adhesive composition or a polymer based sealant

. At the time, he will fasten design, but for a more durable solution to the problem needs a thorough overhaul.

what can replace

There are several easy options for the replacement of the balcony nut. Typically, for such cases uses of floor covering pieces remaining after repair. Consider the features of the use of the most basic types.

Floor tiles

Ceramic or stoneware tiles - the perfect solution for places with high traffic. If you are after repairs in the bathroom or in the kitchen is a few elements - safely batons. Tile not afraid of water and it is long. Due to the structure of the material, it creates a durable coating, almost no physical stress the ruined.

Specificity tile assembly in that the coating needs a flat concrete base, which may be made of cement, bricks or construction waste.


Versatile material that is suitable for use in different conditions. Linoleum is not afraid of moisture, Creates a rather tough coating, Do not miss the cold. Placed on a rigid base of wood, lumber and cement slabs. Thin types require additional insulation linoleum floor.


If the room in which there is a balcony, decorated with carpet, one of the best solutions will complement the flooring is the same material. carpet creates warm coatOn which to stand barefoot nice - great for living rooms. Material is placed on the same principle as linoleum, additional insulation is not particularly needed.


Wooden flooring for balconies nut - not the best option. But if the room is parquet flooring, simply illogical to make the threshold of linoleum or tiles. Parquet can be laid on a concrete base itself, batten frame or a surface of wood-base materials needs additional utelpenii.

We use laminate - step by step guide

For balconies threshold usually used fragments of the existing in-house laminate remaining after the last repair. An optimal solution is the material class31-33. This laminate has improved strength and excellent for places with high traffic.

Installation instructions:

Step 1. Free the nut from the old structure, the remnants of foam and debris remove the dust.

Step 2. The concrete base is drilled dowel holes in the appropriate places.

Step 3. Laid on the surface of the insulation layer. As a heat insulator can be used mineral wool or penoplex.

Step 4. Stacked on the insulation sheet Chipboard, plywood or OSB, Fastened with dowels to the base. Take care that the total thickness of the final construction (coating and substrate) is not greater than the optimum height for the normal door opening.

If the wooden door to be shortening, with the multilayer structure is to be carried out is not easy.

The final stage is laying of laminate and floor framing fragment Baseboard. The design is ready!

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