Repairing balconies with their hands (39 photos): base, glazing and insulation
Table of contents
- 1 The base lodge
- 2 glazing
3 Warming
- 3.1 About the importance of warming
- 3.2 insulation technology
- 4 Summing up
- 5 Photo Gallery
One of the stages of resettlement apartment or house is the repair of the balcony with his hands. Indeed today, many owners consider the area not as a storehouse for unnecessary things, and rework it into extra storage space. Even without heating (alas, steam radiators on the balconies of typical high-rise buildings to install is prohibited), but with due diligence you can arrange a cozy room.
So, the next item, which will consider our school repair - balconies. Let's see what you can do with typical loggia in apartment buildings.
To decide - what we want to get as a result? The first and most important stage of this process, as the repair of the balcony - design.We recommend a stop at the glazed insulated balcony. In this case, the loggia is an extra room, in addition, you will also be able to significantly raise the temperature in your renovated apartment in the cold time of the year.
The base lodge
Capital work often requires the base. This is understandable - many houses are destroyed boards with time, in part become useless. In this case, the repair is to strengthen the cement slab.
repair plates:
- If the plate injuries are minor, just enough to close up cracks and sinks with cement mortar. To do this, trim balconies with their hands cleaned from debris and de-dusting with an industrial vacuum cleaner.
- Align the plate surface with a cement making small slope towards the outer wall. To increase the strength of ties we apply the method ferrugination - sprinkle fresh screed solution dry cement grout and hold.
Basis, requiring repair
- If the damage is severe enough, the plate can be recovered by reinforcing welded mesh. Net fix special dowels. Between the grid plate and leaving a gap, the net may be completely "recessed into the coupler." On top of the grid fill cement-sand screed that ozheleznyaem the same as in the previous case.
The photo repair base on the grid
Note! The thickness of the screed must exceed the thickness of the reinforcing grid twice.
- If corrosion has undergone reinforcing plate frame design requires amplification. For this we use steel rolled beams, which are set on each side trim balconies, fastened to the wall. To fasten a mesh girders and laid by the screed technology described above.
Note! Repair floor with beams allows to increase the area. However, this method can extend the loggia not more than 45 cm, otherwise arising overturning moment can promote degradation.
The next stage of repair - glazing. If you make a kitchen remodeling with balcony or balcony door exits to the hall, you will have to install the so-called "two lines" glazing.
Outside glaze loggia, and inside - install the door, combined with a large hollow box.
The best option for glazing - it's plastic windows. If you plan to glazing "in two lines" for greater energy efficiency for outdoor select window glazing profile with a large number of chambers (5 and above) and the mounting depth (70 mm).
Emphasis should be given the choice of glazing. It is better not to save, and install triple-pane windows, containing at least one energy-saving glass. It is better if the airbags are filled with inert gas (argon), it will significantly limit heat loss even in the cold season.
The choice of components is largely dependent on what will allow you to estimate.
Note! If you plan to repair the room with the balcony and do not want to disrupt the design of the room, you can choose laminated plastic windows. These windows are covered with a special film that mimics the color and texture of natural wood, and thus will fit into the design space.
Once the windows are replaced, you can start warming.
About the importance of warming
Before making repairs on the balcony, carefully consider how you plan to insulate. After all, the quality of the insulation depends on how comfortable you will be in the room during the cold season.
insulation technology
- Equips crate of timber, the thickness of which is equal to or slightly greater than the thickness of insulation, which we plan to use. For fixing battens to the walls and the floor (and if we plan to repair the roof of the loggia, and then to the ceiling), use the quick installation of anchors with metal or plastic sleeves.
Battens for thermal insulation
- Fall asleep on the floor concrete block, and on the walls of the cell battens laid in the mineral wool slabs or sheets of foam, the price - from 790 rubles.
Note! Instead of expanded clay to insulate the floor, you can use the same insulation as the wall. The choice of flooring material will depend on what kind of flooring you want to install.
- Closing insulation Special steam insulating material that prevents wetting insulation. You can also use polyethylene, but it is better to use a special vapor barrier membrane. The tightness of vapor barrier sheet material is provided by means of the construction adhesive tape.
Warming foam
- After the insulating material and laid paroizolirovan, proceed to the final stage of repair balconies or balcony - plating. For plating on a wooden crate, you can use the board-linings made of wood or plastic panels.
The ceiling is also desirable sheathing plastic, although it is possible to use a moisture resistant plasterboard sheets with subsequent painting or plastering.
Summing up
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