Tile Kitchen: How to update the interior with it?

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When planning to update the repair in the kitchen, you need a responsible approach to the issue of choice is not only furniture and household appliances, but also materials for the walls and floor. The material must be strong and durable and long-lasting, while remaining easy to use and aesthetically appealing. These qualities have tiles in the kitchen to repair it is used very often. Today it is one of the most popular materials for finishing.


  1. Properties of tile and granite
  2. Design tile
  3. Tile apron
  4. Tips for choosing a tile floor

Properties of tile and granite

The main competitor of the tile can be considered as granite. He is also popular in the decoration of the floor and walls of the kitchen and has similar properties and the quality of tiles.

Tile (ceramic) tiles:

  • environmentally friendly material, it does not emit harmful substances;
  • It has high strength and rigidity. not deformed and does not bend;
  • easy to operate. allows the use of any detergents;
  • not exposed to sunlight;
  • It has high refractory qualities;
  • does not conduct electrical current;
  • water-resistant;
  • It has a large number of photos of design options.

The kitchen is decorated with tiles

Porcelain tiles:

  • high strength material;
  • resistance to various temperature regimes;
  • durable material, almost does not lose its original form for long term use;
  • It has a large weight;
  • heavy in handling due to high density material.

Unlike granite, tile has a lot more options for photos, graphics, and colors. And it is much cheaper, which adds to its popularity in the choice of floor and wall coverings.

Design tile

When selecting a material such as tile for kitchen tiles, you need to be guided not only photo of her appearance, but also to understand how it is in harmony with the design of the room. The shops offer a wide selection of all kinds of colors, textures, sizes and shapes of the tiles. Therefore, in order not to get lost in the choice, you need to think in advance and decide on the layout drawing for the floor and walls, in particular an apron. that update the interior of the kitchen tilesPre useful to examine various photos, which are easily found in specialized journals or online.

To diversify the design of the kitchen, you can select a tile with unusual shapes: triangular, rectangular, polygonal, etc.. Its appearance can be both standard and simulating different materials: leather, metal, wood or textiles.

Tiles in the kitchen

Tile can be matched to any interior style: from baroque, to high-tech and country, focusing on the photo and other information. It is important the harmonious union of all the details of the interior, as well as the color scheme and the choice of materials.

Tile apron

Choosing material for finishing tiled kitchen apron, we must remember that this zone is the most exposed to elevated temperature and vapor. Therefore, the tile should be resistant to these factors, as well as detergents. Its thickness should be 3-5 mm markings on the packaging - AA. To design an apron of the mosaic tiles are used, panels, digital printing on a tile, as well as clinker material having the form of bricks.

In size to finish the apron and even entire walls are most often used elements of 10 × 10, 20 × 20 or 30 × 30 less. Tiles should look harmonious with the color of the wallpaper or other wall finish and overall kitchen design. Flower preferred bright, pastel, but also popular are other shades depending on the interior.

Tile for apron

Tips for choosing a tile floor

Depending on the design of the kitchen, flooring tiles can be monochromatic or, conversely, bright, colorful. If the headset and the wall color similar in tone, and the furniture is very simple in shape, the floor can be a focus of all premises. To do this you need to pick its hue, pattern, and the most suitable option tile layout.

With regard to the performance properties, the largest tiles are best suited for the kitchen floor. It is much easier to clean than small, as moisture and dirt from the joints is removed more quickly and easily. To make the interior more attractive, you can build the large and small tiles of different colors, textures or patterns.

It is not necessary to put the tiles as standard, in a straight line, it is possible to show imagination and update the kitchen, try a variety of design techniques for photos. With them, you can hide the flaws of the kitchen space, visually enlarge the area of ​​the length or width, select any part of the space.

Layout options:

  • diagonal;
  • Christmas tree;
  • vrazbezhku;
  • Chess.

Using different colors and decors tile for the kitchen floor, you can update the kitchen and zoned space. For example, a dining, work area or to divide the room into parts. The main thing - the floor should not distracting from the overall kitchen design, and complement the chosen interior style.

Zoning space using tiles on the floor

If kitchen area is small, it is necessary to stop the choice on a hot plate of a small size. Thus, it is visually enlarge the space, as opposed to large-size panels, which will only aggravate the situation. The same applies to the mosaic - in small kitchens is best to limit the fragments of mosaic panels, while the spacious rooms you can safely update the design, laying the floor speckled photo samples.

When choosing a tile color should be aware that on a dark glossy floor much more visible all sorts of soap stains and scratches. A too bright coatings require constant maintenance because of the frequent contamination.

Tile is still considered the most suitable material for the outdoor kitchen. This is not surprising, as it has such important qualities as strength, durability, a variety of forms. And thanks to the wide range of designs you can pick it up virtually any decor.

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