How to seal the gap in the wall in the kitchen?

Many of the standard dishes found throughout the period of repair niche, for example, in the wall under the window or near the car wash, which is a hindrance to the comfortable furniture of the room. To seal it yourself, you need to evaluate the usefulness of this type of reconstruction algorithm and to identify its performance.


  1. I wash
  2. Under the window
  3. Alternative uses of niches

I wash

If you need to seal the gap has become inconvenient, located in the wall, where there is a sink for washing, it is necessary to prepare a sheet of chipboard, plasterboard, thick plywood or fiberboard. The sequence of actions is not difficult, therefore, is available handyman.

  1. Measure each side of the opening niches.
  2. Draw a contour on the drywall cut and carefully.
  3. Measure along the outer perimeter of the metal profiles and cut them off.
  4. On the horizontal profile sections drilled hole. Attach them to the opening, on the wall openings noted location and their drilled using a drill.
  5. Score into the prepared hole plugs made of plastic.
  6. Fix the horizontal rack by screwing screws into the dowels.
  7. A similar scheme set vertical guides.
  8. Using screws, fix the frame in the acquired piece of drywall prepared and repaired construction putty joints and grooves in the places where they were screwed screws.
How to seal the niche plasterboard

Finishing usually involves the use of the same materials as that of the entire wall. This technique allows you to completely hide the whereabouts of the former niche.

It should be remembered that any reconstruction work associated with changing the configuration and dimensions of the premises should be coordination with the relevant authorities.

Under the window

Many apartments surprising presence in the kitchen niche in the wall under the window, which is in its functional role It is an additional storage space for all kinds of objects, and in winter it becomes refrigerator. To fulfill the second purpose, builders left rear small wall thickness with the outer vent. This circumstance under conditions sufficiently harsh winters caused freezing wall surface, which led to the permanent presence of condensate and then move virtually all exterior wall plane fungus.

Many owners rapidly come to the conclusion that such a niche must be repaired, or at least warm to achieve a comfortable environment. The solution to the second problem will save storage space inside the closet while ensuring the safety of the heat and lack of wet spots on the wall. If the site is at the outer wall is supposed to be included in the comprehensive plan to put the sink, stove, cupboard or equip the windowsill like the bar, extending it, you will need to completely seal the existing niche. In some cases, there is a small recess, which fits comfortably cooler, transferred to the side walls.

The main objective, while maintaining the refrigerator niche functions are replacing an old door on a product made of metal. A wide profile allows you to do just one flap with simple accessories. Mounted on the door using anchors, seams sealed with foam. The inner surface is sufficiently covered with plastic or moisture-resistant gypsum board, putting first insulator - porileks. Between the insulating layer and the plasterboard is necessary to provide a gap of 1 cm. Can internal plane plaster with addition of an anti-fungus. The vent is covered with mineral wool, but it should be hermetically sealed.

If convenient seems to make a niche in the wall under the window of the functional storage space, the insulated wall plates from polystyrene or mineral wool top sheet is fastened, steam, and water-resistant drywall or plastic. The vent hole in this situation, loses its relevance, so it is closed tightly with foam.

In deciding to completely seal the gap no longer need, you need to disassemble the door, remove the existing shelves and finish inside. Zapenivaetsya hole and fastened, steam throughout the volume laid brick. Facade surface should be sewn flush with the wall drywall putty joints. Thereafter, the entire surface is finished with in accordance with the design of the upcoming repairs. Now here it is possible to put a cupboard or dining groupCreating practical and comfortable interior.

Alternative uses of niches

With the right approach to the kitchen layout you can not remove a niche completely and naturally try to include it in the overall image of the room. Options offer many of the settings in her cupboard or refrigerator to everything hidden home safe. If a cache is required, façade finished with ceramic tiles. One of them is removable in the service door, and adapted to open hook having a sucker.

How to seal the gap efficiently

If you decided to install in the cabinet niche, it will have to make to order, since the width of countertop will exceed standard dimensions. Such use of space adds a useful working area, allowing you to conveniently put the home appliances, for example, microwave oven.

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