Decoupage cabinet and kitchen furniture with their hands

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In order to refresh the interior of the kitchen, not necessarily buy new furniture and accessories. Through a variety of techniques used in the decoration of surfaces, you can update old things, such as: kitchen, dining table, etc. Among the most popular technologies decorating objects with their hands meets decoupage. If you follow the step by step instructions, you can easily cope with the renovation, not spending too much time and effort. Decoupage cabinet, headset and other items give the mood of the kitchen interior, add the raisins and the attractiveness of the surrounding area. decoupage technique allows your hands to give old things a new look, using simple tools and materials at hand. The basis is any furniture, accessories and other surfaces, such as flaps refrigerator, cutting board, interior doors, etc. As an image, you can take a napkin with a pattern or print any image on printer. For decorating the kitchen units fit lace, leather, cloth or old wallpaper. It is necessary to follow step by step instructions to make the first attempt to obtain the desired result with his own hands.


  1. The history of occurrence of decoupage
  2. Decorating kitchen units: step by step guide
  3. Decorating small items in the kitchen
  4. Popular motifs and techniques

The history of occurrence of decoupage

The word "decoupage" means "cut". This decorative technique consists in cutting images from various materials such as paper, leather, cloth, napkins, etc. The finished item must be pasted on the surface chosen for the decoration and cover acrylic clear lacquer in several layers. Thus, it is possible to ensure a long service life of the image. History of the creation of this technique has its roots in the Middle Ages. In Germany, in the XV century began to be used carvings and patterns for decorating the surface of the furniture and interior details. In the XVII century decoupage it became widely used in Venice by local craftsmen, furniture makers. At that time it was fashionable to decorate items inlay technique, that is, various decorative inlays of colored glass, stone, metal, etc. Japanese and Chinese style. Master cut image and superimposed on them furniture, simulating thus expensive oriental encrustation. The price of such items was significantly lower, and they used not to lower demand. Decoupage an old cabinet

In the middle of the XIX century decoupage technique became popular in almost all European countries. In Russia, she began to be in demand only in the XXI century, but now due to the abundance and variety of materials, computer technology can realize any design ideas.

Decorating kitchen units: step by step guide

If you want to brush up on old kitchen furniture, and left there creative ideas and some free time, you can decorate the set with his own hands, following the steps below. First we need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • putty (if there are cracks on the furniture)
  • sandpaper,
  • decoupage glue or PVA,
  • flat brush,
  • Acrylic varnish (glossy or matt)
  • scissors,
  • cloth with a pattern, magazine clippings, photographs or images printed on the printer.

After all materials are collected, it is necessary to prepare the surface of kitchen units. Sealer or putty should be available to cover the cracks. Allow to dry thoroughly and treat the surface with sandpaper. To subsequently drawing went smoothly, after sanding should be applied to the facade of the primer and the same to dry. v = DhIxSeDc3CU Further, it is necessary to prepare the image. From the upper layer tissue is cut the desired pattern on its reverse side applied with the adhesive using a flat brush (the same is done with the image on paper or magazine clippings). Further, the adhesive should be applied on the surface of the furniture itself, apply drawing, carefully proglazhivaya top of brush or roller.

Tip! If the headset is used for decoupage napkin, then you can do an ordinary PVA glue. For thicker paper would require a special glue for decoupage.

After bonding pattern must be well dried surface and cover it with the acrylic lacquer in several layers (usually sufficient for three or four layers). In this case, between the layers necessary to make a gap of one hour. This is the final stage of the steps below, and if the work is done properly and carefully, kitchen will be a long time to please their masters stylish and original appearance.

Decorating small items in the kitchen

Apart from wooden kitchen furniture, you can transform using decoupage and other smaller things. For example containers for bulk products, cutting boards, supports under hot etc. As a basis we can take to the bank for tea. On its surface, remove all labels and degrease. The plastic article must first be sanded. Further, it should cover the jar and ground white acrylic paint. Dry and apply on the surface of the glue for decoupage. Then apply pre-prepared picture, allow to dry and cover the jar with clear lacquer in several layers. Decoupage on banks Now you can enjoy the original kitchen accessories made step by step their hands. In this way it is possible to transform virtually any item, thereby highlighting the unique kitchen interior.

Popular motifs and techniques

With the help of decoupage techniques can transform old furniture, part of the wall, and even small items for the kitchen. To do this, stock up on time, come up and pick up the appropriate decorations and prepare in advance all materials and tools for the job. Popular motifs that are used in this technique may be considered:

  • all kinds of colors,
  • grapes, vine,
  • fruits, especially apples and pears,
  • birds, insects,
  • mosaic pattern.

With this decor can create a kitchen in a retro style, if you choose the image with the right motives, or decorate furniture designs in a contemporary style. decoupage technique also has a variety of techniques, which offer huge scope for imagination and allow you to implement any design ideas with their own hands. Decoupage cabinets in the kitchen

  1. Gilding. This reception means using the decorated surface of the additional coating using gold ink.
  2. Patina. This technique is an artificial aging surface using darker inks. In addition it can be used and the effect of wear.
  3. Toning. To change the subject of color, you can apply the paint in different colors.
  4. Craquelure. This ancient technique has been used to create on the surface of the imitation of small cracks. Thus, the product can be given effect elegant antiques and originality.

Decoupage - it's an interesting and unusual technique of decorating the surface of furniture, accessories, walls, etc. Via She can make any kitchen interior bright and effective without the need for complex and costly technologies materials. To realize their design ideas, you should find a little time to study the step by step instructions decoupage dishes, pick up the necessary tools and materials.

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