Where to start repair the kitchen with his hands: the sequence of work

Neat cozy kitchen where the smells familiar favorite dishes, attracts all family members. Make this important room a stylish, comfortable and beautiful - this problem sooner or later confronts every owner of a house or apartment. Where to start repair the kitchen with his hands, that this would require, what works and in what order will need to perform? Solving these questions, everyone can more confidently undertake the embodiment in a reality kitchen design their dreams.


  1. It all starts with the project
  2. Common mistakes when planning
  3. We determine the materials
  4. summing communication
  5. From the ceiling to the floor
  6. The final stage

It all starts with the project

To the idea of ​​a new kitchen began to take tangible shape, need drawing volumetric. It should represent all that will be in the kitchen, pointing to the volume settings of each item. First and foremost are measuring stove, sink and furniture, noting the location and size of pipes, window sills, vents and outlets in the kitchen. Next you need to measure all

household appliances - Kitchen Equipments, which have open parts were measured in both closed and open. Then you need to correctly place it all in the drawing.

If you plan to buy a new kitchen furniture, it must first be reconciled with sink, stove and built-in appliances, and then count the number of required receptacles and mark their place location.

kitchen project

Common mistakes when planning

Any slight mistake, admitted to the kitchen planning stage, is able to cause a lot of inconvenience. Practice shows that most of these mistakes are made in the kitchen design:

  • The excessive length of the working surface - typical for large kitchens, it ends with "Marathon" from one end of the kitchen to another in the process of cooking.
  • Speakers handle - reduces stroke corner cupboard door, because of which the boxes are put forward not completely.
  • Narrow passages - to move freely in the kitchen, you need to consider in the project drawer length and add to it a place for human passage.
  • Marble countertops and flooring in the kitchen. Marble - a porous material of which it is impossible to remove deeply penetrated dirt.
  • Corian - the most durable and strong material, but it also left scratches and stains, and it will not be possible to restore the means at hand.
  • mosaic cladding - do not use such a finish for doors and drawers, it is very heavier construction.
  • Binding plate arrangement to vent - and now there are alternative ducts - hoods with charcoal filter.
  • Glossy facades - look nice, but they need to be cleaned several times a day, otherwise their surface turns into a catalog of fingerprints.
  • Wooden flooring - quickly spoiled lose "commodity" form.
  • Glass countertops - this is the surface on which it is impossible to quietly put a cup or bowl. On your early breakfast on a loud knock learn all the sleeping family members.
  • Too wide drawers - easy to open only when empty.
Glass top - nice, but not always practical
  • Many joints - if the kitchen "apron" wallpaper paste, better to close their glass, the whole cloth, not a few, butt joints.
  • Sink irregular shape - pleasing to the eye, but it is impractical for a particular purpose.
  • There is no place for small household appliances - is often a built-in appliances in the kitchen is not enough, so you need to place the outlet for such purposes.
  • Hefty cabinets on light walls - a storage system should not hang solely on the main walls, and gypsum plasterboard simply can not sustain its weight.
  • Improper localization of equipment - ovens, steamers, coffee machines should not be placed neither too low nor too high. Perfect location - at waist level.
  • Not enough lighting - in the kitchen requires a multi-level lighting: lamp over the table, lighting of the work area, the overhead light.
  • The absence of free space between the plate on the table, a sink and a refrigerator.
  • Needless to a high base in the kitchen - it is worth remembering that today almost all built-in appliances designed for socket and 10 cm;
  • Shelves instead of boxes - to take something from the bottom shelf, you need to put part of its contents. In the drawer all the objects are equally accessible.
Convenient drawers in the kitchen

We determine the materials

If a preliminary project finalized, you can start compiling a list of required materials for its implementation. They need a lot of cement, paint for walls and ceiling, glue, putty, linoleum, lining materials and so on. It is not excluded that will have to replace the socket and wiring, plumbing components and ventilation elements.

The list should be very detailed, should take into account all the details of the future kitchen. Get the best rates, you can proceed to the calculation of the estimate. Further repairs on their hands should start only when full payment of all costs does not exceed that budget, which could be spent on repairs.

summing communication

After cleaning the premises of the old coatings and debris removal is the time to move on to eyeliner communications. The first thing to do electrical wiring. Rosettes will be needed in these areas:

  • in the working area;
  • for a refrigerator;
  • for drawing;
  • for electric stoves;
  • for other household appliances (washing machine, microwave, etc.);
  • additional outlet for local lighting.
Location outlets in the kitchen

The next phase - installation of the ventilation system - the hood at a height of 60-70 cm above the cooking surface. Old ventilation pipes should also be replaced.

Modern systems of water supply and sanitation - is, above all, plastic and polypropylene pipes. They are durable, available for installation with their own hands, insensitive to temperature changes.

After pipe-laying cranes installed, then you can fail and gas hoses.

From the ceiling to the floor

When repairing your hands properly will always has the job in sequence from top to bottom (in the beginning is the ceiling, then walls, and the last thing - the floor). First, you want to align the ceiling and paint it is possible only after complete drying of the filler layer. If the planned installation of a stretch ceiling, it is done after finishing the wall.

Then you can start leveling walls satengipsom or contour lines. Wallpapers for the kitchen need washable, since they will need to remove the fat and soot settling. Working sink and stove area decided to lay out tiles. Then comes the turn of floor leveling. For this purpose, suitable self-leveling or self-made mixture of cement-sand mixture, which is filled in a coupler. Above the flooring is laid.

Kitchen is best to choose a plastic or metal plinth, because wood is not practical (afraid of water and poorly cleaned).

Corner elements need to buy as much as there is in the kitchen corner. Trim plastic skirting miter saw is recommended, and the installation is best to start from the corner or on the door.

The final stage

It's time to properly install the kitchen furniture according to the original drawing, and now you need to mount the sink. The most optimal option - a sink made of stainless steel. Her carton can be used as a template to punch her in the countertop. At the very end is installed and connected in order of home appliances into an outlet provided at the outset. If the kitchen has a washing machine and, it must be connected to the water supply and sewerage system.

Since repairs in the kitchen with his hands, should not be afraid of possible difficulties. Avoid them will help the detailed planning, careful selection of materials and strict adherence to the planned work sequence. Efforts, in the end, will be rewarded, the kitchen will be the heart of the whole house, which will be nice, and the food seems doubly delicious.

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