Restoration of facades of the kitchen with his hands

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From time to time the interior of the kitchen needs to be updated. But what if you change completely the old to the new set is not possible? In this case, you can freshen up the furniture, restored her own. Restoration of facades - not such a difficult task as it might seem at first. Depending on the material chosen furniture optimal way transformation headset using varnish, inks, films, etc.


  1. The essence of the process
  2. Coloring of facades
  3. Pasting film
  4. varnishing
  5. Decor cloth facades

The essence of the process

Unfortunately, self-replace parts such as worktops, casing pedestals and cabinets, as well as a variety of panels is not so simple. This work is best left to a professional or go to a furniture company, which will select the appropriate option in accordance with the wishes of the owners. It is much easier to give new life to the facades of the kitchen, especially if they have acquired over time and Frayed frayed look. The same applies to accessories: handles, hinges and others.

To update facades can be used the following materials:

• self-adhesive film,
• paint and varnish,
• the cloth,
• moldings, rattan, etc.

Kitchen after facade restoration

Coloring of facades

Painting is perhaps one of the easiest and surest ways to radically upgrade the facades of the kitchen headset. But it is suitable only when the doors and panels are in good condition, with no cracks, chipping, peeling of the film and other visible damage. Otherwise it requires more careful restoration to bringing the surface to the ideal state before painting.

The first step is to remove the facades with furniture and free them from the handles and hinges. Surface doors should be rinsed and degreased, then treated with sandpaper, cleaned of dust and wipe "white spirit" again. Then it is possible to start painting. Picking up the appropriate shade, it is necessary to dye them inaccessible areas (recesses, panels, etc.) and then proceed to stain entire facade surface. This process can be repeated several times until you get the desired result. After thorough drying should be screwed fittings and back facades into place.

Pasting film

Good choice of restoration of facades in the kitchen can be a laminated film wrapping them. Select the appropriate color and decor will not be difficult, since the shops offer a wide selection of different options.

Restoration of the facade of the film begins with disassembly, thoroughly cleaning and degreasing. Further, the film must be cut out of the desired size, remove the back side of the protective layer and put on top of the facade. Should stick to the center to the edges, smoothing evenly by hand or trowel. If the first attempt to paste the film exactly did not work, then repeat the process with a new cut a piece.


surface paint facades suitable for processing of solid wood furniture. To do this, remove the door from its hinges and remove the old surface with sandpaper. If there are cracks in the facade, they need to putty and then treat the surface of the skin. After degreasing should cover the facade of the primer and dried. Next, you can start varnishing. If you want to give the facade a new color, then paint can add a little pigment.

Tip! Restoration works with varnish should be outdoors or indoors with good ventilation, certainly in a mask and gloves, as yet free of wet coating can be toxic.

Each subsequent layer of lacquer should be slightly thinner than the previous one. So, to preserve the natural wood texture. The last layer of transparent varnish is better to leave without pigment impurities. After drying, the facade to be returned to the place previously screwing fittings thereto.

Decor cloth facades

You can give Provencal style kitchen and decorate the facades of cloth in decoupage technique. Textile Figure selected according to their own wishes, but all will be appropriate to select a small floral or floral pattern.

The restoration process begins with your own hands with the dismantling of facades and accessories. The surface should be putty, if there are cracks and fissures, sanded and washed. Then, it should be cut fragments of a desired size of the tissue and sticking them to the surface using a conventional paper glue. Cloth decorated facade, must be treated with lacquer in several layers. And, then dry thoroughly. After that, return the accessories into place. If the old handles do not fit the style, they can be replaced by others, bought in a specialty store.

As decoration, you can use a variety of decorative plates - moldings made of plastic or wood. They are sold in the form of long strips and cut yourself a proper size. Moldings are attached to the facade with adhesive for wood, and then the entire surface is treated with varnish, paint or stain.

Correct restoration of the facades kitchen headset will freshen the interior and give it a new character. In addition, self-decoration of furniture will allow to show all their creative skills and to feel as a designer.

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