The transfer of the kitchen in the corridor: legal issues of redevelopment

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Disposition of most of the apartments, built over 20 years ago, and even more during the Soviet era, now seems comfortable enough. First of all, I want to push the space and visually enlarge the space of rooms in which the whole family. It is also desirable that the layout was more modern and original, it is important that all the rooms retain their functionality. Often the best solution is often to transfer kitchen in the corridor.


  1. Pros and cons of migration
  2. The issue of redevelopment
  3. How to make a partition?
  4. Moving plumbing

Pros and cons of migration

Fortunately, if the kitchen has access to the loggia, but in older homes were built with balcony access from living room or bedroom, the kitchen so often have to endure in a corridor or hallway. The vacated space is considered as an option for arranging a dining room, a study, a living room or closet. At first glance, everything seems simple and straightforward, but actually conceived redevelopment has nuances, which should take care of before you start breaking the wall.

Carrying out redevelopment, apartment owners gain certain advantages. In this case:

  • corridor is used more efficiently;
  • space in the kitchen formed a new room;
  • if desired, a new kitchen can be combined with a seating in a single space (studio version).

For transfer costs should include the following disadvantages:

  • We have to dismantle the old walls;
  • communication should be carried out into the corridor;
  • odors are more spread throughout the apartment;
  • new kitchen inevitably becomes a communicating room.

Kitchen in hallway

Any alterations in the apartment, even if you do everything with your hands, it is worth considerable money. First of all, you need to calculate the budget and take into account that such a restructuring could become a complex and time-consuming project, if the apartment a lot of load-bearing walls. It is necessary not only to carry the communication, but also to convert the partition. Budget and quick to implement all if layout makes it easy to remove the wall (they are not carriers).

The issue of redevelopment

Any alterations to the apartment, and especially affecting the load-bearing walls, it is necessary to legislate. And there is not enough coordination with the house management or homeowners. You need permission to an organization where there are documents with the plan of the apartment. In their study may clarify some important points. In particular, in some cases, changes in the part of the support walls, sewer systems and gas pipes can not be implemented. Referring to the authority of the permits themselves well to examine the legal aspects of the issue.

In particular, p. PP 24 Russian Federation № 47-PP states that you can not have a kitchen on the living room floor of the apartment below. Tip for a way out: a corridor and entrance hall living areas are not.

In p.9.12 SNIP 03/31/2003 ip.5.1 SaNPiN contains requirements for natural light to the room, where they cook the food. Such a source is a window to the street, but in the corridor it is not. So doorway should go in a well lit room, adjacent to the corridor.
If the apartment is not on the top floor, it will be seen n. PP 24 Russian Federation № 47-PP, according to which it is impossible to convert the kitchen space in the room to stay. With this need to be considered and better reconsider their original intention: not to place in the former kitchen bedroom or a children's room, and an office, where a chair or couch can be supplied, if desired, to recreation.

Office-living room on the site of the former kitchen

Of fundamental importance is the issue of transfer of gas equipment. Instruments (e.g., application to the Moscow Government № PP-508 from 25.10.2011, p. 11.18) it is prohibited to integrate the kitchen, which is connected to a gas pipe, with any other location.

If we can not convince officials that the transfer is not connected with the union and with the expansion of the premises, the will have to make fundamental changes - to muffle the pipeline in the apartment and to establish an electric stove.

But the most important thing - to get permission to dismantle barriers. If you have to clean up walls that are not load-bearing, no problems. And if the partition carrying? Most likely, the redevelopment will be denied because such a restructuring in the apartment violates the structure of the building. In principle, and such work is possible, but they are associated with the creation of a new project and a very time consuming process to strengthen the load-bearing walls. This costly option, and with it the idea of ​​kitchen equipment in the hallway is not justified.

How to make a partition?

From the hallway you can get through the door or open the openings in the room of the apartment. The windows in the room there, so for admission of natural light to install the arch in the wall separating the corridor from the nearest room with a window. If desired partition can be completely removed, and the kitchen will move smoothly, for example, in the living room that will provide more space and light.

Carefully read the partitions in the apartment. Perhaps some worth saving and others partially or completely removed. When redevelopment is often used drywall - a convenient and inexpensive material. It is used in the manufacture of arches and ceiling fixtures can be mounted to it. Thus, we solve two problems at once: demarcation of zones in the room and lighting.

Drywall Walls

Moving plumbing

In the kitchen prerequisite is access to hot and cold water. It would be ridiculous to cook in one room and wash the dishes in another. The apartment has a kitchen, bathroom and toilet are on the same line of water and sewer standpipe. Corridor nearby, but the communication is not connected to it.

The new kitchen will need distributing pipes for hot and cold water. It will have to be laid from a nearby point of, for example, from the bathrooms. It should be taken into account, whether in your kitchen dishwasher, because under it will need a separate water supply pipe.

Today prefer plastic pipes, but they can also be made of metal, steel, brass. Main, wiring must be reliable and installed in compliance with safety regulations. Arrangement of sanitation in the new kitchen should be handled by experts. Pipes for normal drain water used must be installed under strictly definite angle, otherwise there will be problems constantly clogging and not passing a liquid.

food transport in the corridor - a troublesome thing, and it must be treated responsibly, and then the result of all the effort will please you.

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