Column cabinet kitchen: design in the kitchen hruschevke

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Pencil case or cabinet column, was once a compulsory module in any kitchen set. At the time he disappeared from the collections of furniture manufacturers, but now recaptures its position. This is a very comfortable and spacious storage system for kitchen utensils and food supplies. A sort of mini-pantry, for which there is room in any home.


  1. Why it is more convenient column
  2. decoration options
  3. design Features
  4. The use of sliding-columns in the interior

Why it is more convenient column

In the interior, we prefer kitchen sets with an additional upper row of cabinets. That is double use room space: top and bottom. And a high narrow column, occupying a very small patch on the floor, in its bosom hides a lot of shelves and drawers for storing necessary things.

Of course, such a module is simply irreplaceable in small kitchens and Khrushchev malosemeek. However, even in the spacious premises it would be appropriate - for the smaller pile of furniture, the more comfortable and more interesting can be the interior design.

Modern cabinets, pencil cases are often equipped with comfortable storage systemsMore functionality than standard shelves. The sliding frames may be provided side walls, baskets, nets, rails and various cell for compact arrangement utensils.

Very convenient kitchen column, where, together with the facade leaves all the "filling" of the cabinet. In this case, each item is in plain sight, while constantly having to organize excavations in stationary shelves. This module is not a spectacular save housewives Khrushchev in the kitchenWhere even bend to the lower shelves can be difficult.

Kitchen with column

decoration options

Foam may already be included in the kitchen, but if desired, it can be installed separately from the main wall of the furniture. The design of such models is quite diverse, so choose suitable for the general idea of ​​the interior cabinet is not difficult. Enough options:

  • Deaf facades - can be smooth, paneled or carved. About colors and variety of textures, even talking is not necessary. The whole range of decoration used in the manufacture of furniture, it is proposed for these models.
  • Glass doors - with clear or tinted glass, decorated with stained glass or etched. Bright glazed models suitable for small kitchens in the Khrushchev, where you want to visually expand the space. Also in the interior of the original look of decorative cabinets with built-in illumination from inside.

Materials for the manufacture of the facades of cabinets are also very varied, but the most commonly used solid wood or a low cost options of MDF and particleboard. As finishing, respectively, is polishing, dyeing, veneer or laminate.

Khrushchev with a column

design Features

Wardrobe column is usually performed one door - after all of that furniture is primarily required compactness. But there are also more spacious folding models that are doing a fine job with the role of the servant.

Elevations may be hinged or sliding. The last owners often choose Khrushchev, where the traditional way of opening the cabinet is not very convenient because of limited space. Design of facades usually make the most concise - no cap decor and pens. Instead, the module equipped with manual or automatic opening of the electric drive.

If you can not decide what storage you need in a column, look at the combined model, where there is a shelf, hidden behind doors and drawers.

Special mention deserve the special column for built-in kitchen appliances: microwave, oven and even a refrigerator. However, their compact size can not be called, because they correspond to the dimensions of the installed equipment. But in general, the module receives an extremely functional, replacing several floor pedestals and saving a lot of living space. Such a solution should take advantage of, if you create the interior of the kitchen in the Khrushchev or harmonious design of the complex shape of the room.

Kitchen column

A very convenient cupboards with open shelves and cells where it is possible to arrange small appliances. And although it will be very visible, the total order will create a favorable impression. Sometimes it is enough to put a low column, and already on top of it place a microwave oven or television.

The use of sliding-columns in the interior

If you choose the right design of the canister, it can be put on the border of the combined kitchen-dining room. The effect is a 3 in 1: cabinet is convenient to use, it looks good in the interior and is zoned space. Especially good is the solution will be for the classical style, but then need an expensive column made of natural wood with rich decor. For glass doors fine house a fancy tea and dinner sets, as well as festive crystal. Unfortunately, free-standing furniture is not suitable for Khrushchev - subjects such needs space.

When the column is necessary to enter in the total number of headset should look for a model of such a height that it becomes flush with the top row of lockers. However, this requirement is not mandatory. Harmonious design can be created with the help of multi-level modules. In an extreme case, there is nothing stopping to outweigh the other lockers, although it will be more difficult.

In small kitchensFor example, in-Khrushchev apartments always have difficulty with the selection of furniture to size. In this case, you can not make the entire set to order and buy ready-made compact set. Remaining space of the column will take up the walls. The cost of its production under your sketch will be lower than in the case of a complete set, but the interior design will look more solid.

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