Kitchen renovation in Khrushchev: finishes his hands

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It would seem, repair Khrushchev cuisine, for all its faults, can not be complicated. Decorate your own hands a few square meters and low ceilings - what could be easier? But it is worth a closer look at how tiny the room begins to present one after another surprise: geyser, mysterious window with a view of the bathroom and a clear reference to the need for a radical redevelopment. But as long as the eyes are afraid, the hands can get to work.


  1. Re-planning: a radical solution
  2. Preparatory stage
  3. The choice of materials
  4. Finishing work
  5. Finishing touches

Re-planning: a radical solution

Kitchen renovation and redevelopment in the Khrushchev with a gas column - the best way to optimize space. The beauty is that the inner walls of such apartments are not carriers and have a very small thickness of about 4 cm. So to demolish them completely and break through a wide archway with their hands in the next room apartments will be easy. The result is a spacious kitchen-living room, in which there is enough space for a dining area, only need to agree on the decision to the appropriate inspection.

If a kitchenette adjacent balcony - it does superbly. Removing the door and window, you have a great support for the table top and a little more space outside the apartment. However, in this case, he will have to completely sheathe balcony and well-insulated.

Most harmless redevelopment, which is easy to organize and without permission, it is the replacement of the door leading into the kitchen. It can simply be removed and pass as much as possible to expand, so the entire space of the kitchen at least visually increase (see. Photo).

Arch instead of a door in the kitchen of the Khrushchev

If the bathroom dimensions allow, you can "bite" her a little space. And when will the kitchen renovation, Khrushchev acquire functional niche with established therein appliances or kitchen furniture.

If, however, at the same time keep the upper part of the walls, the bathroom from the ceiling are obtained convenient mezzanine for storage of household chemicals and containers needed.

Preparatory stage

Start off repair a small kitchen Khrushchev in the apartment will have to complete a grand design of the project and carry out the necessary measurements. Here it is necessary to take into account everything - from the amount of furniture, and its dimensions to the lighting of the organization and the choice of color palette.

To renovated the kitchen in her Khrushchev could even invite a couple of friends, and not to push in a confined space, have to be calculated down to the last centimeter. The project will need to be "to place" in its place in the kitchen with the necessary appliances column hob and sink, write it all in furniture, to save a little bit helpful area.

If you plan on replacing windows, you can take the opportunity and order the production of the window sill, countertop in size. This will relieve the space and reduce the amount of furniture, as in the photo.

The window sill in the kitchen of the Khrushchev

Having defined the future shape of the kitchen in the apartment of Khrushchev, you can proceed to the purchase of building materials and surface preparation:

  • To dismantle the entire installed equipment and let down pipe thereto.
  • Remove the old finish from the ceiling, walls and floor and inspect them for existing problems (cracks, traces of leakage, chips).
  • Repair the rough surface, and align their putty for finishing.
  • Bring utilities in accordance with the prepared project repair Khrushchev in the kitchen.

Problem ceiling with large elevation changes easier to hide than to align. You can use the suspended ceilings or to mount their own hands Plasterboard small two-level structure with a hidden lighting.

The choice of materials

Expensive - repair, but the little Khrushchev kitchen thanks to its modest dimensions, in an apartment in this area is very economical. The thing is that the materials themselves will need relatively little, so we can not afford even the most expensive ones. In this case, all finishes are obliged to comply with the stringent requirements of actively exploited areas, moist enough and noticeable changes in temperature.

finishes Khrushchev cuisine

The ceiling should be well to carry clean, because even the powerful extractor hood over a gas stove will not save it from the appearance of yellow stains of paraffin. The ideal solution would be plastic panels or thick film tension, as in the photo.

Walls - a waterproof paint with wax-coated plaster, ceramic tile or washable wallpaper. All of these finishes will last long enough in a kitchen Khrushchev apartments, besides they are perfectly combined with each other. Gas water heaters can also be purchased new or color to match the interior.

Gender should not be too smooth, so that even if water is spilled on it was impossible to slip. For these purposes, good floor tiles, but it is too cold. Therefore, the quality waterproof laminate with high resistance to abrasion is preferable.

Repair in a small kitchen-Khrushchev does not require a particularly large cash injections, but because it makes no sense to save on quality of materials used.

Repair Khrushchev cuisine

Finishing work

Better to start with the design of a ceramic apron, if the size of the furniture is already known and its position in the working area is finally determined. In this case, you can save a little on the plaster - for tiling a wall additionally do not have to align. The rest surface of the walls need to be plastered and finally leveled the finishing putty (see. photo) if you plan to further their coloring.

While finish will dry, so as not to waste time, you can begin to repair the floor in the kitchen. Khrushchev - a rather compact version of the apartments, and the smell of fresh concrete very quickly spread through all the rooms.

To fill the floor is better to take a more expensive, but fast drying self-leveling polymer composition. In addition, the cement is too heavy for the rickety floors apartment, and not every old house it can be done.

Finishing touches

When the repair is finished in the kitchen of the apartment in Khrushchev only need to set the right compact furniture and install all the equipment, connecting it to the engineering systems. You can also get the modern gas stove. And then begins the most pleasant and creative work: the selection of suitable curtains and decoration updated kitchen with bright accessories.

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