Renovated kitchen with his hands: how to make a budget and finish the design?

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There in the house or apartment is one special room, which is cozy and warm, delicious smells of freshly prepared food - this is the kitchen. This is where the household like to spend time with your family, organize gatherings with friends, prepare culinary masterpieces. Therefore, when planning a kitchen renovation with your hands, you need to create a special atmosphere that supports these family values.


  1. We take into account the nuances of
  2. Planning - the key to successful repair
  3. Drafts and preparatory work
  4. Replacement of sanitary equipment
  5. laying wiring
  6. replacement windows
  7. Construction of doorway
  8. surface preparation
  9. Making apron
  10. Repair of walls
  11. finishing the ceiling
  12. floor coanda
  13. Furnishings and decoration

We take into account the nuances of

Kitchen - the space, which are increased operational and hygiene requirements. When planning repairs should take into account all of its features:

  • high temperature and high humidity arising during cooking - necessary to provide powerful ventilation;
  • the presence of gas equipment, a large number of electrical appliances - it is important to comply with fire safety regulations, lay a solid wiring, install a powerful outlet;
  • aggressive environment - when cooking fat is deposited on the walls, the furniture, so they must be washable cover;
  • high degree of operation - all the coatings should be resistant;
  • small area - in a small kitchen in the house of the old buildings need a rational organization and visual expansion space.

Planning - the key to successful repair

To update the kitchen was fast and efficient, it is necessary to adhere to a specific sequence of repair work.

Drawing up a design project will allow to pick the optimal design of the premises, to identify and calculate the necessary amount of construction and finishing materials.

Example of kitchen design

Depending on the state of the kitchen, you can make face (surface), or repair (replacement with communications, redevelopment). Development of space projects, including the choice of stylistic trends, colors, decoration materials, the arrangement of furniture, household appliances and lighting, you can instruct a professional designer, or perform all independently.

Drafts and preparatory work

Before beginning repairs necessary to vacate the premises by appliances, furniture, cleaned up the walls, floor and ceiling of an old, worn-out coat.

Replacement of sanitary equipment

Old pipes in the kitchen should be replaced before the start of repair. The most budget option - polypropylene duct elements which are fixed by welding. He is non-corrosive, does not require installation cuffs, gaskets. They are more durable plastic pipes, but they are difficult to install. The most durable and reliable - copper tubing. He is highly resistant to stress, deformation, has antibacterial effect, but has a high cost.

laying wiring

When replacing the power lines should take into account the saturation of kitchen appliances - it allows you to choose the best outlet location. You should also make a recharge of the main and additional lighting.

replacement windows

For the kitchen facilities will be optimal, the plastic article. The material resists temperature fluctuations, provides high-quality sound and heat insulation, easy to clean. Wooden double-glazed windows look beautiful, are environmentally friendly, "breathe", but are more expensive than plastic counterparts.

New window in the kitchen

Construction of doorway

Entrance kitchen area, you can arrange a door (plastic, wood, MDF). In a small area better make arch. This architectural element can be made of drywall, wood - the main thing that a variant arrangement of the doorway to the kitchen must integrate harmoniously with the interior of the premises.

surface preparation

Renovated kitchen with his hands suggests the alignment of the walls one of the ways:

  • by plastering - the traditional method for producing smooth, monolithic surface by applying several layers of cement-sand mixture. Its downsides - the complexity of implementation, high consumption of materials, inability to equalize large roughness of the walls;
  • using cladding gypsum boards - a quick and easy way to create smooth surfaces by creating a false wall on a metal frame. This method is not suitable for a small room, because it takes a part of the area.

Alignment option kitchen walls shown in the photo.

Alignment of the walls in the kitchen

Making apron

In the kitchen, he performs a practical function, protecting the wall of the steam and dirt, as well as being decorative element in the room, filling the space between the upper and lower compartments Headset. If you choose the budget finish and design of the apron, then suitable paneling plastic or MDF panels. Plates are mounted quickly, easy to care for, and their joints are protected by special lining that prevents the ingress of moisture and dirt.

More reliable, hygienic and durable option - apron trim tiles. Tiles come in different colors, textures, that allows us to implement a different design. Although the tile is more expensive in cost and time-consuming to install, the coating will last for decades. A method of finishing kitchen tiles apron is shown in the photo.

Exclusive methods of registration wall near the work area - facing stone, mosaic, glass or mirror panels. Glossy surfaces not only will create a non-trivial design, but also visually expand the space of a small kitchen.

Your version of the apron in the kitchen

Repair of walls

The easiest way to decorate these surfaces is painting. It can be self-colored, gradient, contrast - it all depends on the desired effect. In the small kitchen is better to use bright washable paint with a glossy sheen, visually adds volume to the room. In large rooms it is advisable to use a semi-matt / matt coating. Make painted walls allow more original decorative painting, vinyl stickers. A variety of materials allows to embody the most interesting ideas kitchen paint.

Budget option walls space for cooking - wallpapering. With a variety of colors and textures, they allow you to create different designs. In the kitchen, mainly glue vinyl or non-woven wallpaper - they do not absorb fat, dirt, moisture, do not fade in the sun, wash well and allow the walls to "breathe."

The traditional way to finish walls of the room for cooking - lined with ceramic tiles. It has a different design, size, longer life.

Tile laying in rather laborious, but to create a durable coating, which is not afraid of dirt, moisture, shock.

More interesting, but expensive way to finish the vertical surfaces of a room for cooking - the use of decorative plaster. "Marmurin", "travertine", "Ottochento" and other mixtures have a different structure and can form an interesting textural surface. The photo illustrates how to use decorative plaster made from the usual small kitchen a work of art.

Decorative plaster on the walls in the kitchen

finishing the ceiling

Materials for the decoration of the ceiling should be easy to maintain and has a higher resistance to corrosion. It can be:

  • polystyrene plates - the budget option. They are easy to install, moisture resistant. The downside of this coating is its insecurity and simple design;
  • Paint - an inexpensive and fast way to the ceiling finish. Apply it on the previously leveled and primed surface, dries quickly, clean. The coating will periodically update;
  •  drywall - a material allows you to quickly align the surface, to conceal wiring and communications, hygienic and Fire resistant provides additional sound insulation of the room. GCR also allows for a different design of the ceiling - to form a multi-level suspension or tension structures.

Note that in a small kitchen it is better not to use massive structures, they take part of the space. Photos below show different variants of finishing the ceiling space for cooking.

Variants of the ceiling in the kitchen

floor coanda

The finish flooring laid on a flat, clean surface. It can be used to design the deck:

  • linoleum - is the budget option. Moisture resistant coating has a high wear resistance, and just fit in undemanding maintenance;
  • tiles - the best flooring option for kitchen floor (practical, durable, has a different design, allows you to build a warm floor);
  • laminate - a beautiful cover under a tree, easy installation. Kitchen is best to choose water-resistant lamella with high wear resistance;
  • cork - eco-friendly, pleasant and warm to the touch flooring that is not afraid of dirt, moisture, mildew. However, this coating does not tolerate mechanical cleaning and application of aggressive household chemicals.

Parquet flooring in the kitchen plank is not necessary, it is very demanding to care and can not stand the constant mechanical and thermal effects, cleaning. Examples of which is matched to the floor covering kitchen floor shown on the photo.

floor finish in the kitchen

Furnishings and decoration

Kitchen set to be compact but roomy and functional, fit into the design of the room. It can be made to order, or buy a ready option. Home appliances are sized according to the dimensions of the room. On a small kitchen preferable to use compact or integrated models that take up little space and perform multiple functions (eg, stove with oven, microwave oven).

Optimal placement of furniture and equipment - T- or U-shaped. This maximizes the use of floor space, simplifies the process of cooking and pick up the best-ofVariants comfortable and functional small kitchen environment.

If you carefully plan all the work, thoughtful design, select materials for finishing the interior, furniture and equipment, the repair will be carried out in the shortest possible time and with minimal costs.

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