How to hang a cornice for curtains correctly and securely?

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When entering into a new living space or after the kitchen renovation, surely, every man there is a desire to change the cornices. They are an excellent design that makes it possible to hang the curtains, move them horizontally and vertically, as well as harmoniously complement the interior space. Modern cornices are made of different materials - they are metal, wood, plastic. In addition, many of them have multiple rows for which you can hang different types of curtains. Such design is rather difficult to install, but you will be able to experiment with the interior room. Let's see how to hang cornice for curtains properly.


  1. How to hang a cornice in the kitchen?
  2. Features installation of round moldings
  3. Nuances rail mounting holders
  4. Recommendations for mounting profiled cornices
  5. Installation features stringed cornices

How to hang a cornice in the kitchen?

As is known, the curtains, too, have their weight, which affects the reliability of the fixture. If you bought the product at a low cost, it is best not to use the parts for fixing, which are included because the structure can not withstand the weight of the curtains and fall. If your house is brick walls, in which case you should not use plugs made of plastic, because they are unlikely to deter the curtains, and, most likely, will fly out of the wall with screws.

It is best to use wooden plugs, which are impregnated with resin, as they are considered the most durable kind of attachment. With their help, you can to hang corniceAnd it will stay long and hard. Duralumin holders for curtains must be fixed as close as possible to the ceiling. If the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen is even, then this type of fixture is considered optimal. If the ceiling has a roughness and convexity, it is not worth very much to establish design as any unevenness will be visible.

Curtain holder must be attached so that it does not interfere with the free opening and closing of windows. If it does not give additional components normally use the window leaf or window, then such a construction should be hung a bit higher than usual. Then the cornice and curtains will not interfere with opening and closing of windows.

Fixing the cornice to the ceiling

Features installation of round moldings

Installation of a round cornice is one of the easiest types of work. However, when buying Always check the packaging - as a rule, round designs in the set are two brackets, depending on the length of the device. If the product has a size of more than two meters, in this case, add another arm in the middle.

The round design is attached to both the wallAnd the ceiling, and its installation should be made so that the curtains in the future did not lie down on the windowsill or the battery. Curtains are put on a circular ledge tend to rings that are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Nuances rail mounting holders

Hang rail holder can be not only on the ceiling but also attach to the wall. Itself is quite flexible construction, it will install it in the most non-standard openings. The set of such devices include the bar, brackets, screws, clips and hooks. The latest models of the eaves of this type has a special mechanism with sliders that allow to close the curtains overlap. These designs are smaller in size and is perfectly suitable for light fabrics.

Before installing the rail fixtures is necessary to make the desired mark. If you mount it to the wall, then brackets should be placed at a height of up to 5 cm from the window. If the eaves will be installed on the ceiling, the brackets must be located within the range of 8 to 14 cm from the wall, taking into account the location of the sill and the battery.

Plastic rail cornice

Once you decide where to place the fixture should be made mark design extreme position of the points, and then divide the entire length of about 25 cm. It is in these areas is necessary to drill small holes and install the brackets by means of which will be produced by the installation of the rail cornice.

Recommendations for mounting profiled cornices

Usually profiled rails fixed to the ceiling, and only in rare cases, to the wall. Constructions of this kind are produced in a variety of colors that will perfectly fit into the interior of the room. Hang the curtains on the cornices can be like using the rings and Velcro, and its installation is made similarly to the rail. Some models have a mechanical drive, through which open and close the curtains will be even easier.

Installation features stringed cornices

String cornice has the form of a thin steel or polymer fiber, which is stretched between the brackets. It is possible to hang the curtains only from tissues. String ledge may be a multi-row, and a single-row, while it is always attached to the ceiling. To install it in the required marked points made holes in which to insert dowel. Then made the installation of brackets and pulled the thread between them.

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