Repair small kitchen: photos of interiors and decoration

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Increasingly, the owners of apartments refuse service wage earners, seeking to make repair in a small kitchen with his hands. Builders services are expensive, but guarantees that the result fully satisfied, no. To repair a small kitchen does not drag on for many months, it is necessary to follow a predetermined plan.


  1. scale repairs
  2. layout
  3. Dinner Zone
  4. Repair floor
  5. Decorating the walls
  6. Repair ceiling
  7. replanning
  8. decorative design

scale repairs

Even at the stage of preparation should consider which repair is planned. Cosmetic: refresh ceiling update boring wallpaper and hang a new photo with flowers on the wall? Or capital, leveling floors, walls and ceilings, replacement of electrical wiring and water pipes, installation of plastic windows and modern heating system?

It is necessary to draw up an estimate that will take into account the cost of materials, payment for the services of workers, purchase of furniture. The resulting figure should be increased by 30%, it will be the real costs of repair.


Little called kitchen area which is less than 8 square meters. m. As a rule, such premises each centimeter counts, so the repair must begin with careful planning. What appliances will need to be placed? Where will dinner Zone? Where to put the headset?

When planning the number and size of the cabinet, it is necessary to take into account that they are standard sizes. Custom modules can be made to order. They will come much more to the same manufacturing process may be delayed for several months. But it made to order set fits perfectly in the kitchen space. At this stage you need to decide which technology will be embedded and solo model.

Repair of a small kitchen

Do not forget that the dishwasher and washing machine must be located close to the water pipe, and a gas stove is not desirable to put next to the fridge. making repair a small kitchenSpecial attention should be paid to the doors and cabinet doors. Which way they will be opened? Do other furniture zadenut? It will open the door at the edges of the headset, if they interfere with the wall or the window sill?

Dinner Zone

She deserves no less attention than the kitchen. In a small room does not put a large table surrounded by chairs. The most that can count the owners - a small area, which can accommodate 3-4 people. On the Internet you can find a photo of kitchen interiors, where the dining table is an extension of the sill on the type of bar.

However, this plan is costly, much easier and cheaper to buy a folding table. There are models in width of 30-40 cm, which can be placed against a wall. If necessary, they are decomposed to 1-1.2 m.

Dining table and plan a small kitchen

Repair floor

Primarily determined coated ceramic tiles, laminate, linoleum, wood, cork flooring. Based on the available materials, are planning further action. Under the tile is better to smooth the surface with a thin layer of screed, and because this material cold to the touch, it can be set under floor heating. Linoleum does not require preparation, it is quite possible to put on the old surface. Sometimes used for kitchens and laminate flooring, however, is not the most suitable materials for the floor.

Decorating the walls

If the planned overhaul, the walls must be leveled with plaster or drywall sheets and only then begin the decorative finish. Most often, the kitchen uses washable vinyl wallpaper. If desired, the wall (not just an apron) can impose a tile, it is long and easy to clean.

The only drawback of this material - the high price and time-consuming installation. Also, the walls can be painted, before that it is desirable to align, as a smooth surface without bumps and hollows looks much more attractive.

Dining or work area can be identified, causing the paint on the wall a different shade, stick the picture on the floor or a tiled pattern.

Dining area in a small kitchen

Repair ceiling

The extent of the repair of this area is largely dependent on the ceiling height and appearance. For high kitchens can use any variant: the tension, vagonchaty, plasterboard. The low ceiling room can simply align and whitewash.

If the surface is furrowed deep cracks on tenants constantly pours old plaster, the best thing you can do tension fabric. It is worth it is not so expensive, but at the outlet owner will get a perfectly smooth surface. In addition, you can order a fabric with a pattern, for example, make it to a photo of clouds or fruit.


Nowadays, many dream to combine a small kitchen with a living room. On the Internet you can find dozens of photos of similar projects. Sometimes they make out both rooms in the same style, sometimes visually separated. However, such alterations can be made only with the consent of the housing department, even if the wall between the rooms is not a carrier. Otherwise, neither sell nor exchange the apartment will not work.

The kitchen can be increased by combining it with a loggia or a balcony, but to make it even more difficult than in the first case. Typically, the wall between the balcony and the apartment is a carrier, and obtain permission for its demolition is virtually impossible.

Option remodeling a small kitchen: association with loggia

decorative design

Completed repair small kitchen decoration of the room. Even at the planning stage, to purchase equipment and headset, the owner must decide on the color scheme and style of the room. As a basis we can take photos of finished works of famous designers, which are abundant on the Internet.

When mounted headsets, connected appliances can decorate several interesting details: lay a beautiful tablecloth, make a picture of the mosaic on the wall or the photos in vintage frame. Do not forget about the kitchen stuff: pepper, sets of cutlery, pot holders and much more.

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