How to remove the tiles from the wall: remove the old tiled lining

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Any apartment or vacation home periodically in need of repair. Sometimes it is enough to change the accessories and furniture that the situation had become fresher and more cheerful. But in most cases will have to work on a more thorough reworking. If the replacement of wallpaper and paint the walls, everything is clear, the question is how to remove the tile from the wall, many can be driven into a dead end. Especially when the process must be carried out carefully without damaging the tile.

In fact, the dismantling is not a big difficulty. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary tools and determine which way was glued to the wall tiles (using a cement or adhesive solution). It happens that the old flooring must be removed not completely but only some part of it. Then you should be especially careful not to damage not only adjacent tiles, but also the very wall of the kitchen.


  1. What do we need?
  2. The process of dismantling
  3. Deleting multiple elements
  4. How to remove the tiles from the drywall?

What do we need?

Almost impossible to completely clean the surface of the tiles and do not damage any fragment. But if you show accuracy and a little bit of skill, it is realistic to preserve tile safely. Just how successful will work depends primarily on the quality of the laid tiles and adhesive, as well as the statute of limitations.

To work may need to use the following tools and materials:

  • drill and punch;
  • metallic trowel;
  • a hammer;
  • scraper to clean the grout;
  • knife;
  • chisels.
How to remove the tiles from the wall chisel

Do not forget about safety precautions. Dismantling of old tiles - dusty and messy process, so you should stock up on work clothes, special goggles, a mask or a patch of gauze, and gloves. To ease the cleaning after the work, which can be spread on the floor oilcloth.

The process of dismantling

If the tile was mounted onto the kitchen wall with cement mortar, it is virtually impossible to remove it in one piece. Therefore, it will require the punch with a special nozzle. If the tile was attached to the adhesive, then the more chances to dismantle it without damage. The easiest way - remove tiles without preserving its integrity. In operation, the need to punch a packed bit. Before you start you need to put on work clothing, safety goggles and a mask, as the process will be quite dusty with lots of small fragments flying. Cement mortar remaining on the wall after removal of the tile can be removed with a hammer.

Trim method requires a lot of effort and skill. Here it is necessary to use a sharp sharpened knife and a spatula for removing grout from the joints. So that it becomes softer and more pliable, you can moisten the surface of the water with a sponge.

Removing grout should begin to dismantle the old tiles. There will need a punch and a flat nozzle shape which is put over the old tile scrubbing solution. If in the process of laying the adhesive is used instead of cement mortar, the successful removal is possible without deformation. Otherwise, the tiles are likely to crack.

Instead of the punch, you can use a chisel with a hammer. Removing the grout, you must have a chisel under the tiles and gently, without sudden movements, using a hammer to beat it off the wall.

Deleting multiple elements

It is not always necessary to completely remove tiles from the kitchen walls. two or three tiles, which were chipped or other defects is sufficient to replace. Here you need to be very careful with it the tiles, which should remain. Especially considered laborious process of dismantling the tiles from the central part of the wall or in a corner. First of all, it is necessary to soften the grout with water and remove it as in the previous cases. Puncher in this matter should not be used. Disassembly takes place with a hammer and chisel.

Grout can greatly complicate the task. Therefore, the tiles must be removed carefully and often. To begin, you must use a drill to make some holes in the tile, and then with a spatula to remove it in pieces.

How to remove the tiles from the drywall?

If the wall in the kitchen is made of drywall, then remove the tiles carefully, without damaging her or wall surface is virtually impossible. Adhesive solution very firmly grasped with plasterboard, in vedu surface. Remove one or more rings can be followed by replacement of a piece of drywall. But on the whole wall is much more difficult. It hope for good luck, and gently begin the dismantling process. Chisel need to make between the tiles and the adhesive and to tap it with a hammer. Tile or flies away by itself or together with a piece of drywall. Alternatively, you can try to cut a ceramic grinder.

Gentle spoob remove tiles from the wall

Upon completion of work necessary to assess the damage to the walls, and decide what to do with them next. You may need replacing individual sections of drywall constructions.

Removing the old tiles from the wall - is not such a difficult task as it might seem. As in any other business related to the repair, it requires careful preparation and thoughtful action. If you stock up on the necessary tools and materials, to explore tips and choose for themselves the most appropriate way to dismantle, then you can handle the task, without the help of professionals.

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