Attaching the tabletop to the wall: how and what it stick?

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It would seem that such a simple question like fixing countertops at the present abundance of materials should not cause difficulties. But it is a huge amount of options and makes you think of a better way. It's good when you just need to put the work surface on the frame of the furniture unit and to provide additional support to him only. But the console mount on the wall requires a more serious and balanced approach. Below we will look at both options, but for now is to determine in what cases do have to strengthen the work surface.


  1. When not do without additional fixation?
  2. Methods for attaching countertops
  3. The bracket
  4. Installation on the beam

When not do without additional fixation?

Worktop in the kitchen sometimes takes on very considerable strain. When cutting products only sufficient area and smooth surface is required from it. But often we load the table yet and small household appliances. microwave, oven, Portable dishwasher, coffee maker, mini-bar - all of these items in the kitchen often "settle" it is on the table, and here the need to secure it well.

Not be discounted and tidy appearance of the kitchen - uncommitted worktop can sometimes shift, forming a contact with the wall of a prominent slot. Not only that, it's a little spoils the picture, so also there are food particles accumulate. Attach the decorative moldings on the moving surface so useless. And if the design of the headset is that countertops appear any loose ends, instead of reliable work surface, you become the owner of an analogue of children's swings. So even lying on pedestals top plate is better to attach to the wall, "not to play."

countertop mount to the wall

Sometimes the only way to increase the functionality of a small kitchen - make the hands more surface where it will be possible to place equipment or engage in the processing of products. such worktops bottom support are not met, but to fix them on the wall is quite real. And, of course, not do without it, if hidden under the worktop built-in appliances - freezer or washing machine.

Methods for attaching countertops

Table selection fixation options to the wall depends not only on the load, but also on the working surface of the material. Of course, the easiest way to cope with laminated chipboardMDF tree and - for such elements need not headset professional tools as in the case of heavy or natural stone agglomerate. For metal countertops too special skills or tools are not needed - enough to choose the right type of mounting and to be careful when installing.

In the meantime, prepare a basic tool:

  • Level - the best carpenter's spirit level plain.
  • Powerful electric drill or a hammer, if the walls are reinforced concrete, plus a set of appropriate drills.
  • Screwdriver (sometimes you can do cross head screwdriver).
  • Kerner and a hammer.

The bracket

It is the most common method of mounting the work surface when the load on the wall is passed through a special profile. For a standard countertop suitable single arm about 350 mm tall, with shoulder 500 mm. You can take a pair of angular bearings, but not such powerful, but the length of the shoulder is better to keep.


The longer the worktop, the greater the need to attach brackets to compensate for its bending under load.

The procedure works:

  1. Determine bracket mounting location, it does not interfere below the furniture and appliances, but supported the tabletop at the desired height.
  2. Make a mark on the wall and use the lower level of her perpendicular - for this markup is fixed vertical part of the bracket.
  3. Attach to the axis of the item obtained, under the noted point screws. If necessary, they can stake the right.
  4. Drill holes in the wall and put in a jack plugs.

Then it all depends on the features of the tabletop. If the sheet is thick chipboard or wood panel, the bracket arm is better secured to its reverse side short screws (25 mm) - they do not need to stitch through the plate. Thin panels may be glued to the liquid nails. A particular strength is not needed, it is sufficient to provide a fixed surface, resting on the bracket. Assembled structure can only be applied to the wall and fix the pair of screws - they razoprut already hammered dowels, and get a reliable anchor connection.

Similarly, you can attach the countertop in a niche where it will be surrounded by walls on three sides. It is better to use short arms, or even replace them with perforated metal corners, but install them including on the sides. Pay attention to the thickness of steel - optimal in this case will be 2.5-3 mm plate.

metal corner

Installation on the beam

As a separate option, this method to mount the table top should not be considered, but if you need it just to immobilize after laying on the bottom row of cabinets, then it is fine. Often the cabinets cheap kitchen sets have a smaller depth than reaching complete countertop. This allows you to install them on a par with sink and stove, the necessary time for other communications gaps. But as a result of the work surface against the wall just hangs in the air and it should attach.

The procedure works:

  1. Place the table top on strapped and exposed the level of tables, mark a line on the wall of the upper edge, then the plate must be removed.
  2. Measure the thickness and lay down on the received markup millimeters hold via horizontal level. This is the line that corresponds to the bottom edge of the countertop, and it should be fixed beam.
  3. Select a sufficiently strong board, measure the height of its profile to determine the central axis - under it below the previous two bands plotted third.
  4. According to the latest markup punched slots for the dowels, and in the rod hole made response.
  5. After checking the horizontal beams will be attached to the wall with anchor bolts, and put it on the countertop.

Such support is better distributes the load of the working surface, but due to a small contact width not It can be used by itself - only with the support of countertops vertical supports (walls cabinets). Timber itself, it is desirable to impregnate antiseptic paint or lacquering, as he would have to serve in conditions of high humidity. You can use a metal corner, but harder to work with him and his SUPERRELIABILITY remain unclaimed with this method of fixing.

Fixed table top at the end of finishing the work is to equip a small plinth. He closes the junction of the wall and significantly facilitate the cleaning of the kitchen. Decorative slats can be made of any material - depending on the design of the working area. Plastic and wood skirting better mounted on screws, tile, metal or artificial stone is enough to glue a transparent sealant.

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