Box in the kitchen: how to decorate a duct for drawing

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Box in the kitchen - not very aesthetic, but an essential element. Someone has already put up with his presence, as an inevitable, but for some it is an irritant, an obstacle on the road to a stylish and cozy kitchen. What to do, to somehow reconcile the interior design of this unusual object?


  1. Beat with the help of furniture
  2. Make part of interior decoration
  3. And if there is a box?
  4. Putting ventkorob for drawing
  5. Conduit pipe made of plasterboard

Beat with the help of furniture

This method is excellent for air ducts located in a corner or close to it, if their depth is 60 cm. This is just a standard size kitchen sets. Plan the placement of furniture so that it is "framed" box on both sides. So it will not fit into the overall picture, and harmoniously fit into the kitchen environment.

For successful mimikrirovaniya outer duct wall can be decorated in the color of adjacent surfaces.

For example, the middle oblitsevat tiles with a kitchen apron, and the portions that coincide with the tables and cupboards, paint in the corresponding color. With this arrangement, there is a sense and hob with extractor hood put somewhere nearby. Then technique will be easier to connect through directly to the corrugated air ducts, reducing the length of the tube to a minimum. Just do not forget to get circuit device ventilation shaft to connect properly. On the other hand in the corner of the great rise sink and box can serve as a protective wall vertical accepting the tap water spray.

Example of ventkoroba

Furniture method works quite well and overall meter ventkorobami protruding straight out of the wall. However, set in this case will have to be ordered individually to it "enveloping" the entire structure near the upper and lower cabinets. Mounted modules can be attached directly to the walls of the ventilation shaft.

Make part of interior decoration

Decorate a box can be inappropriate in any way - it all depends on the chosen kitchen design. Architectural extravagances designers offer:

  • plaster;
  • repaint;
  • decorate artificial stone;
  • oblitsevat tiles, but rather fine mosaics.

On the wide kitchen box, find themselves in the most conspicuous place, often hang plasma TVs or pictures in the bottom of the flat put decorative fireplaces. As a result, instead of outside projection you get an expressive face to create a unique kitchen design. A general impression of his presence can only be described by the words "by design." Very good distraction and mirror inserts. In addition, they allow visually compensate for the lack of the area occupied duct.

The box is decorated with mosaics
In an extreme case it is possible to reconsider their attitude to the modern styles of kitchen interiors. Suppose a high-tech version, urban or loft will look great even if ventkorob in the corner is not masked. He will be seen as a part of the invented design and cease to attract too much attention.

And if there is a box?

It's funny, but at the time, while some people are looking for a way to somehow hide the speaker ventkorob, others it is not enough. So what happens if the oven and extractor are too far away from the vent pipe, and to stretch almost across the room. The same box can help when the kitchen laid external communications (gas and water), spoiling its appearance.
If the space is small, sew up the wall completely, just to hide unsightly liner, not too wisely. In this situation, there is nothing left but to make a box for pipes. But there is a plus - you can mount it so that it perfectly fits into the overall kitchen design.

Putting ventkorob for drawing

Ducts or decorative boxes for gas pipes have a fairly simple design, but knowing some of the nuances of the installation is necessary. The first step - designing. You have to define the dimensions of the future system, to calculate the amount of the knees and joints, to find a place for the manhole. If this ventilation duct to the hood, you will need to calculate, and its cross section.
The easiest way to collect a box of ready-made elements: rectangular sleeve, spool pieces and corners. Materials available on the market these kits - is aluminum, galvanized and other thin stainless alloys with low weight. Their design is boring, but the appearance is still more accurate than that of the corrugations.

The work should start with the lowest point of the system, gradually increasing the design. All joints should be pre-sealed of the sealing tape to avoid leakage of exhaust air.
For fixing the sleeve to the wall of the horizontal sufficient to fasten the corner profile - bin will fall on it as a shelf. Just do not forget to put the rubber pads to the vibrations from the fan is not rattled the whole pipe. Wiring is better to make lower - right above the hinged lids of lockers. When the height of the kitchen allows, virtually the entire line can be hidden behind ceiling.

Conduit pipe made of plasterboard

For those who are already working with GCR, make a decorative box that hides the pipe is easy. However, newcomers also right. The main thing is to consider the future design of every detail in order to facilitate future maintenance utilities. To do this, you can just leave the manholes at the level of the main taps and valves, or to build a box of removable elements.
To calculate the materials needed to perform the measurements, consider the design and functionality of future decoration kitchen element. Perhaps its horizontal sections is necessary to make wider, then to be used as additional shelves. In any case between the cladding tube walls and must remain not less than 30 mm in free space.

The procedure works:

  1. Make marks on the wall, using a plumb and level. If pipes "sewn" kitchen through vertically, on the ceiling and floor are drawn as corresponding lines.
  2. Cut in the size of the perforated profile and fix it with dowels on a marking on the floor.
  3. Following attached vertical slats, adjacent to the main wall, immediately after them - the front edge of the box rack.
  4. With short webs form the lateral plane. They will serve as the hard edges, so be sure to fix them not less than a meter from one another.
  5. When the frame is assembled, is re-measured, and only after that you can cut out sheets of drywall.
  6. Fasten them on the screws with a pitch of 30-40 mm, slightly utaplivaja hats hardware.
  7. GCR piece, which will be located manhole, at first, simply attach to the crate and mark on it the optimum size of the hole. After that it is possible to cut and install the jigsaw in place.

Most of the work is finished, proceed to the choice of design and decoration. Zashpatlyuyte point drywall fasteners, joints and corner joints. Then everything will depend on the chosen cladding. This can be for painting plaster or tile. A removable cover on the left hatch is set to last.

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