School repairs: kitchen design living room in Khrushchev

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Sometimes it turns out that the desire to change the design of the room on their own does not work, then come to the aid "repairs School." A popular program, transmitted on the channel TNT, managed in a short time to win a lot of fans. What is the value of said project? This detailed development plan for the reconstruction and the complete transformation of premises in accordance with the fashion trends. Decorators, designers, architects transform the kitchen into the brightness patterns of beauty and practicality. Some finishes can be seen in the photo.


  1. About school renovation project
  2. Difficulties alteration small kitchens
  3. Getting Started finish?
  4. Useful advice on registration

About school renovation project

Change the design of the kitchen, creating a new interior - it's always nice. Within 3 days of the broadcaster's own funds carries a radical transformation of the premises as a result of even the smallest living room takes on an entirely new and fresh look. A team of professionals is about the available things to do which any novice webmaster. Each stage of repairs School takes great detail, so that the audience will not have issues related to finishing.

Transfer promotes the idea that nothing is impossible, and the design of the kitchen is easy to change themselves, armed with enthusiasm, specific purpose and a personal desire to reach the top. The photo clearly shows some options alterations.

kitchen interior renovation of the School

Difficulties alteration small kitchens

Often the kitchen in the model homes are fairly modest in size, that can be said about Khrushchev, here there are some difficulties to finish. And completely change the design of this room is difficult: it requires a significant investment, detailed deliberation project and every detail. Therefore repair Khrushchev would be more costly. The photo shows the result of these updates: before and after the alteration.

School repairs solves any problems, offering decent finishes that will appeal to all tenants of the apartment. room layout is thought out in advance, even at the initial stage. Thus, in Khrushchev, they will take into account every centimeter square, and the designer will offer innovative ways of matching furniture.

Kitchen is considered small if its dimensions are smaller than 8 square meters. m here applies lounge with narrow passages angles irregularly shaped or non-standard configuration. Examples of such buildings are clearly visible in the photo.

Small kitchen

Room Khrushchev in the form of the letter "G" can be issued in an original, even though such a project requires significant amount of money. The design of future space depends on the correct preparation of the plan. School of repairs clearly show which takes a similar period finishing in professionals. People engaged in finishing the first time, will spend a lot more time, especially when working in the Khrushchev.

Getting Started finish?

Requiring rework living needs as precisely as possible the plan. Especially such clarity is needed when carrying out renovations in the Khrushchev. Facilitate further work will allow the construction of furniture layouts. Miniature samples to visualize the future kitchen design. In the photo you can see some examples of such models.

Attention! In drafting it is important to provide the space required for opening the cabinet door leaves.

Project managers recommend starting the installation of furniture with cooker and fridge, and then deal with other home furnishings and household appliances. Through the kitchen renovation, at the same time it is possible to clean the room of unnecessary junk.

Repairs in the kitchen

Despite the dimensions of the room, between the stove and sink should always be a certain distance, which requires safety. Schematic of the border area is visible in the photo. Also, do not install the stove near a window.

Useful advice on registration

Equipping design space of interest, it is important to pay attention to the outlets. Their number should match the number of installed electrical appliances. School repairs advises identify their exact location, that will release in the future by setting here a large number of extensions.

Decoration space design and space-saving wall cabinets will be. Their configuration, size, number of components is calculated in advance. Some models of such structures can be seen in the photo.

An excellent embodiment save space in the kitchen will be the use of rounded or chamfered cabinets, as well as the interior with folding, rises and pushes into the doors elements.

Rounded cabinets in the kitchen

Filling these structures is thought out in advance exactly how and kitchen inventory. School repairs proposes to use the lockers in the form of the letter "G", they are more roomy. Useless space under the sink can be used successfully to accommodate any accessory for cleaning.

Note that a small living room or kitchen It requires special attention to the work surface. Cabinets, wardrobes, tables are essential for meeting guests, eating, therefore, they must have a solid surface. An excellent job in this mission of artificial stone covering. Cheaper analogues may be chipboard with external plastic processing. Many designers recommend that the worktop has been solid, and space of the room was the most spacious.

If the living room is very narrow passage or a very small size, the door can be replaced by an arch. In this way, both rooms connected together, becoming one.

When making such an ensemble is to adhere to a single color, it is advisable to use light colors.

In keeping with the recommendations of the famous superintendent of San Sanycha repair cease to be perceived as complex and exhausting event and become the object of bringing joy and complete satisfaction from the work done work.

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