Repair the walls in the apartment: the materials, preparation, painting, how to do everything yourself

Repair of walls: the dismantling of old coatings, sealing of cracks, surface leveling and fine finish


Table of contents

  • 1 Dismantling of old coatings
  • 2 Elimination of cracks
  • 3 alignment
  • 4 Fine finishing
    • 4.1 coloration
    • 4.2 Plaster
  • 5 Summing up

Repair the walls in the apartment - an important issue and quite complex, requiring serious consideration. About how you can finish today in our article.

Repair of walls

The sequence of works:

  • dismantling the old coating;
  • alignment;
  • applying a new coating.

In that order and we understand the nuances of such a difficult business, how to repair the walls.

Dismantling of old coatings

Repair the walls in the apartment

Quick dismantling wallpaper

Preparing walls with their hands always begins with the removal of old coatings.

As you know, finishing materials for rooms there are many today, each of them has its own characteristics withdrawal.

  1. Wallpaper. Removing wallpaper - the most simple procedure that does not require special equipment and tools. Difficulties can arise only with subtle wallpaper. They can be pre-wetted with water and wait for the soaking liquid. Wet wallpaper scraper to scrape away the building or ordinary kitchen knife.

Second Embodiment - purchase at a hardware store special liquid intended to dissolve the wallpaper paste. It is also sprayed on the surface and is absorbed.

  1. Plaster. All kinds of decorative plaster - quite popular materials for finishing.

How to get rid of them? Unlike conventional plaster which is removed by a wet sponge, applied in the right way decorative plaster resistant to moisture. Therefore, the rough surface must be removed with a scraper building.

  1. Paint. Old paint solvent takes. Peeling paint is scraped off with a knife perfectly.

But what to do with the paint, which is a well-kept? For this work requires building dryer which heats the paint and softens it, as a result of it departs from readily decoratively trimmed walls.

The only caveat - construction dryers should be used by professionals.

  1. Tile. For its dismantling will need a jackhammer or a hammer. The price of this instrument is high enough, do not hurry to acquire, in many DIY stores have the opportunity Armenta equipment.

Elimination of cracks

How to repair the walls

A crack in the wall

The crack can be detected after you remove the layer of finishing materials.

The sequence of works by plugging the cracks:

  1. Release portion by removing the old plaster and vacuuming it.
  2. Moisten fracture water, integrated within the reinforced tape and apply smoothing compound 1-2 mm.
  3. Apply putty on the crack and apply layers as long as the crack disappears.
  4. Allow to dry for 1.5-2 hours and strip the place where there was a crack with a grinding machine or a bar.

Note! Apply the filler need not only the gap, but also on land plastered around her.

To repair cracks in the brick walls, you will need a scraper, grinding machine or a bar, a brush for applying putty and scissors.

According to repair school: insulation produced at the stage of construction of the building. To replace the heater, it is necessary to remove not only building materials but also a layer of plaster.


Repair painting the walls

surface leveling

In most cases, the wall are subject to equalization. First primer layer is applied, which contributes to a better coupling materials.

The next step, which prompts you to repair school - plaster the walls.

Filler mass is applied in at least three layers. Each layer has to dry for 12 hours. Further there plastering. The goal - to create a perfectly flat surface, which could well go to the wallpaper and other decorative coatings.

To test how flat turned surface, anywhere you need to make two-meter rule. If the work you have done qualitatively, between the rule and the wall will remain very small gap - no more than 2 mm.

Note! alignment step can be skipped if you plan to perform the finish by panels of thick wallpaper, decorative plates. These materials themselves are able to hide imperfections.

Fine finishing

Preparing walls for repair

Application of finishing materials


According to repair school: painting the walls - an outdated method of decoration, however, many still use it.

Use a water-based, acrylic and water paints. They do not violate the moisture transfer and provide a very high quality finish.

Latex paint is often used for painting plaster, or wallpaper. Among its advantages include a great color palette, the resulting different liquid pigments.


What else offers a modern construction market for decoration?

The rooms look great decorative plaster. It is beautiful, durable, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage the material.

Before applying the dry decorative plaster is diluted to a certain consistency and is applied by the plaster of the blade in several layers. On wet plaster can create an interesting texture, pattern, or even a picture.

Summing up

We hope these tips have been helpful, and now you can make the right choice of finishing materials and to repair the walls. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issues on our website provides detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on the question.

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