How to make a cheap apartment renovation or rooms with their own hands: inexpensive option

How to make cheap repair planning, the choice of strategy to reduce the cost and practical tips


Table of contents

  • 1 Any serious business requires planning
  • 2 Choosing a strategy to reduce the cost
    • 2.1 method №1
    • 2.2 method №2
    • 2.3 method №3
    • 2.4 method №4
    • 2.5 №5 method
  • 3 Some practical advice
  • 4 Summarize

Even those of us who have never been fond of the savings in the current times of crisis began to look closely to all prices. It even touched the sphere in which, it would seem, should be low-cost solutions. For information on how to make a cheap repair thinks more people.

Why does this happen and is it possible to save on housing renewal, we discuss in this article.

Any serious business requires planning

How to make cheap repairsThe fact that it is not necessary to spend money recklessly, and the budget should be planned for a long time to understand everything. What is necessary to save each of us to decide. But there are things in life that require not only quick action, but also large financial injections. And repair of apartments, just one of them.

Update the interior of housing is necessary not only because of the outdated lining or poorly functioning plumbing, but also our desire to change its life, its level of security and comfort. It is a quality renovation and new design of their own homes can lead us out of the state of depression and inspire confidence.

Cheap repair their own hands

Before starting work, plan out their

But how to put together a good and economical repair in one piece? First you need to plan out all of the estimated costs. Knowingly item of expenditure - the purchase of materials and tools. To avoid confusion and avoid mistakes in procurement volumes, imagine that you want to see the result.

To do this, make a renovation project or even a plan and a detailed budget. We talk more about it in the next block.

The second most important point - who will carry out the construction. If you are interested in a cheap repair room, an apartment or your own home, it is worth thinking about the independence of all activities. Of course, if you have at least basic knowledge and skills in the decoration of the apartment with his hands.

Identifying with your finances:

Repair - important event for each property owner, it does not matter whether it will be carried out in the home or have to hire professionals. Consequently, the starting point for the start of construction - the calculation of its value.

With accurate, or at least a rough idea of ​​the costs that are waiting for you in the near future, you can quickly correct them and understand what the available budget will suffice.

  1. Decide on the price and quantity of building materials, appliances and various devices that It will be necessary for the preparation and finishing of the premises, as well as the arrangement of engineering communications.
  2. Calculate your budget and make sure that the required amount is available in full or is expected in the near future.
  3. This point is very important. If you do not calculate their finances properly, the money may run out at the wrong time and repair remains incomplete.
  4. Make a plan to build in it specify the sequence of preparation, cladding buildings and redevelopment. Exact following conceived will provide an opportunity to save time and money.
  5. Based on the developed plan, make a budget. It specify the list of works for each of the premises, the number of required materials, devices and equipment and the cost of each of the sites.
  6. Be sure to add to the resulting figure of 20-25% for unforeseen expenses and a sharp jump in prices.
  7. Visit the large stores, markets and production bases involved in the realization and production of building materials, tools and equipment. Then compare prices. Do not forget to ask about discounts and the availability of shares to certain products. Select the best option for you.

Choosing a strategy to reduce the cost

Inexpensive repair their own hands

Preparatory work

method №1

The entire construction process from the preparation of the walls under plaster before installing baseboards exercise exclusively their own hands.

Dignity. If you want an inexpensive repair - the cheapest option to do it all yourself. It provides the convenience of scheduling, because you yourself will choose it.

Of great importance is the moral aspect, in the case of successful completion of repair you grow in your own eyes and in the eyes of relatives and friends. Do not forget about the new knowledge and skills.

Disadvantages. For example, the methods of application of textured plasters and execution technology of some other types of work are so complex that they make no mistakes can rare rookie. On top of that repair it requires a lot of time and effort, so you have to choose - or to stretch it indefinitely or leave work for vacation.

method №2

Yourself to make all the preparations. Remove old plaster and other old coatings, dismantle plumbing appliances, sockets, switches, skirting boards, handles, shelves, and for major works to invite professionals.

Dignity. By choosing the time for preparatory actions, you may well save. In each case, the bonus may amount to 10-30% of the total value of all of the work undertaken.

Disadvantages. Unknowingly, you can too hurry and have to pay extra for the additional work.

method №3

Separate purchase of all materials after preliminary agreement with the hired specialists.

Dignity. The vast majority of services for the purchase of necessary materials are provided by construction companies and private traders for a fee. You will have to pay an official service, and if the person is dishonest, it also happens? I hope you understand my hint is not a double-digit. In the end, becoming himself a freight forwarder, you can save 10 to 20% of the total budget of repair.

Disadvantages. Massa lost time, the constant hassle and the most unpleasant - the periodic errors.

method №4

Not buy imported products, well-known and popular brands, and pay attention to the domestic producers.

Dignity. Unfair stereotype that Russia's notoriously worse than foreign, is not always true. Some of our manufacturers to successfully compete for the right to be called the best. Yes, and a lot of fakes on the market and to understand whether or not this product well-known company, it is sometimes impossible.

Disadvantages. Somehow, it is believed that if the materials are domestic, it must be inexpensive. As a result, really high-quality Russian products are often ignored, and acquired what is worse, but cheaper.

The result - a cheap apartment repair their own hands has become almost synonymous with poor repair.

№5 method

Hiring builders in "dead" season (in the winter).

Dignity. In fact, winter can be due to dumping on the job to hire workers at a price lower than the year by 35-40%.

Disadvantages. The climatic conditions in winter are much less favorable for the majority of the construction work. For example, applied textured plaster or painted walls will be dry for a longer period.

Therefore, winter repairs are much longer than the summer. In moral terms, as hard - most cheerful winter holidays have to spend away from home.

Some practical advice

  1. Price of repair, as you understand, is made up of two components: the cost of materials and labor. At the same professional service can sometimes do even more expensive than the materials.

Tip! To save money, make yourself all you can. Actually, the experts should be invited only two of the most critical areas of work: electrics and plumbing. For the rest of the professionals to hire optional.

  1. The easiest option - to make an inexpensive repair their own hands in the living room and hallway. To tidy up the ceiling, you will need to paint better and matt, it will help to hide irregularities. Buy as a paint roller, needle or foam.
  2. The cheapest of the wallpaper - paper. Of course, they are not as durable as vinyl, but are 2-3 times lower. Special wallpaper paste is not necessary to buy, you can cook the paste of starch and flour.
  3. By the selection of materials for the bathroom and kitchen renovation approach more closely, as the humidity is increased in these areas. Ceiling them buy waterproof paint labeled "wet room".
  4. Bathroom walls can not stoning tile. If they are in good condition, cover them with a paint based on acrylic or washable vinyl wallpaper paste over.

A little more expensive, but at the same time it fits into the concept of "cheap repair their own hands" option - plastic wall panels. They look aesthetically pleasing and easy to care for.

Repair of the cheapest

An inexpensive option bathtub liner

  1. For facing the kitchen and use the wallpaper - vinyl or fiberglass stick them to the ceiling or to the middle of the walls. Kitchen apron made of ceramic tile can be replaced with plastic panels having a pattern of tiles or paste over the working area of ​​self-adhesive film. It has very good resistance to moisture.


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