Finishing bath with his hands: how to decorate the space inside the foundation, videos and photos

Finishing bath with your hands (36 photos): the choice of finishing materials, construction flooring, interior panels steam, washing and changing room


Table of contents

  • 1 Interior finishing work after the construction of baths
    • 1.1 The choice of finishing materials
    • 1.2 Arrangement of floor covering
    • 1.3 Inner trim and insulation pair
    • 1.4 Fine finishing washing and changing room
  • 2 conclusion
  • 3 Photo Gallery

Surely every owner of suburban housing would like to have in their own section of the bath, but many fear that will not be able to cope with its construction. In this case, for the construction of log cabin or capital construction of bricks, you can contact a specialist contracting company to carry out all construction work without host, and he, in turn, will get only interior baths with their hands, which can perform any handyman using available and inexpensive construction materials.

Internal entourage steam.

Internal entourage steam.

Interior finishing work after the construction of baths

Basic requirements for quality steam bath, lie in the fact that it should quickly heat thoroughly and retain heat for a long time, so when the interior finish, it is important to pay attention to the competent arrangement floor insulation, walls and ceiling in the steam room, as well as in the washing room and anteroom.

To the reader it easier to cope with this simple task later in this article will be presented Detailed guidance in all steps described torus interior trim after erection on site own wooden or brick bath.

Making lounges interior.

Making lounges interior.

The choice of finishing materials

Responding to a fairly common question: how to decorate the inside of the bath, it should be noted immediately that these purposes natural materials should be used, which must meet the following criteria:

  1. Steam bath is not only for daily bathing, but also for therapeutic and preventive treatments, So materials for interior finish must be absolutely hypo-allergenic, environmentally safe, and during operation shall not release noxious and toxic substances;
Molded from a linden wood.

Molded from a linden wood.

  1. During protaplivaniya and soft playing couple indoor air steam may be heated above 100 ° C, Therefore all materials should have good resistance to high temperatures;
  2. All baths, especially in the steam room and washing compartment, constant high humidity is presentSo for the interior decoration you need to use non-hygroscopic water-resistant materials;
  3. Between protaplivaniem furnace smokers remains high humidity and elevated temperatureThat contribute to the growth and development of molds and other harmful microorganisms, so finishing materials must provide a quick and easy daily cleaning hygienic care;
  4. Since the interior is primarily a decorative, When the inner clearance bath, not the least important is the appearance and aesthetic quality finishing materials.
Trapik wooden floor in the steam room.

Trapik wooden floor in the steam room.

To ensure a comfortable stay in the bath with tiled floors, you can make low wooden trapiki, who before entering the steam necessary to lay on the floor, and at the end of bath procedures, to make to dry in the fresh air.

Arrangement of floor covering

Taking into account the requirements of the materials listed above, it is easy to guess that the Finish flooring in the steam room and pomyvochnaya department is best to lay ceramic or stoneware floor tiles with anti-slip coating. Before laying the tiles on the soil foundation necessary to pour sand bed, put on her waterproofed and a layer of thermally insulating material is not less than 100 mm, and then arrange the reinforced concrete screed

The scheme for preparing the substrate tiled floor on the ground.

The scheme for preparing the substrate tiled floor on the ground.

In a waiting room and a relaxation room is the coating will be uncomfortable, because ceramic tiles slippery, cold and unpleasant to the touch, so in these floor rooms are best left wood, using his deck decking larch, which is highly resistant to prolonged exposure moisture.

  1. After the exterior trim of foundation with his own hands has been completed, on-grade floor need to pour a bed of sand, and then around the room to install the support posts of bricks or concrete blocks;
  2. Columns to expose the top surface is strictly on the level, I am used to align podsypku of sand, and then to wrap each column of rolled waterproofing material, and between them on the floor to fill the precoat layer is a heater (ceramic or coal slag);
Stacking carriers lag on a concrete base.

Stacking carriers lag on a concrete base.

  1. On the supporting pillars bed logs of timber section of at least 200x200 mm, preliminarily on all sides need to impregnate antiseptic composition;
  2. Above the bed lag Finish flooring of grooved boards with a minimum thickness of 30 mm, which must also be treated from all sides with an antiseptic solution;
  3. After completion of finishing walls, the gap between the floor and the wall close plinths, fixing them with screws to wall but on a wooden floor under the door of the combustion furnace heater to fix the metal sheet 2 mm thick and of width not less than 500 mm.
Drop floor levels in different rooms bath.

Drop floor levels in different rooms bath.

In order to prevent the loss of heat from the steam, and to prevent water from entering the dressing room, the level of in the washing compartment floor must be 30-50 mm lower than the changing room and 100-150 mm lower than steam room.

Inner trim and insulation pair

The most suitable material for finishing the walls and ceiling of the sauna is real wood, but it should be borne in mind that even a well-dried wood pine or spruce, under high temperature will allocate resin which can contribute to the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor and even cause obtain burns. Therefore, for the purpose by the use of lining board only hardwoods.

Installation of siding on the crate.

Installation of siding on the crate.

To minimize heat loss, before decorate the inside of the bath, you need to put on the walls of insulation material roll.

For these purposes, it is best to use small rolls of mineral wool or parchment paper, coated with a thin aluminum foil.

  1. Internal wooden or brick walls must be thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt and mortar residues, and then treated with antiseptic primer deep penetration;
  2. When self-tapping screws with large washers help or staple gun, on the walls and ceiling to fix the roll insulation, placing it in aluminum foil into the room, and the joints of insulation glue ventilation aluminum tape;
Warming and headlining.

Warming and headlining.

  1. Top insulation material to fix to the wall with screws horizontal guides supporting battens of wood bars of 30x30 mm cross-section;
  2. To fix the horizontal guides vertical planks cladding the inside, using a thin metal nails or special klyaymery. It should be borne in mind that the interior paired with your hands should not have speakers metal fasteners (cap screws or nails), since when heated they can cause body burns;
  3. Performing paneling, between the wall and the floor should leave a small gap width of not less than 20 mm, which is required for the free circulation of air between the wall and the lining.
Environmentally friendly antiseptic impregnation of wood.

Environmentally friendly antiseptic impregnation of wood.

All wood interior trim parts, before installation it is recommended to handle antiseptic preparation, but it must be remembered that for these purposes Only special antiseptics intended for baths can be used, as they do not contain in its composition of harmful volatile compounds and toxic substances.

Fine finishing washing and changing room

In the washing compartment final finishing can be performed by analogy with the bathroom and put her wall ceramic tile, which is the most inexpensive and practical material for finishing the interior with increased humidity.

In rooms and lounges waiting room, which is not subject to the direct ingress of water, it is recommended to create a warmer surroundings, and perform interior trim in a single conceptual style with natural wood.

In contrast to the steam room, here it is good to use the board softwood battens, and is better to give preference to larch.

  1. Just as in the skin of a steam room, a bath before you decorate the inside, you need to perform the preparation of the walls, and process them penetrating waterproofing primer;
Interior wash bay.

Interior wash bay.

  1. On wood or brick walls and ceiling bed vapor-permeable membrane which allows the free circulation of air and steam outlet;
  2. On the walls and the ceiling to fix wooden battens horizontal bars, using galvanized screws and, if necessary, put between the bars of thermally insulating material;
  3. With the help of small nails or metal klyaymerov, fasten to the bars batten battens board with pazogrebnevyh Union, at the junction of wall and ceiling to fix the wooden ledge and put between the wall and the wooden floor plinth.
Scheme lining fastening with nails, screws and klyaymerov.

Scheme lining fastening with nails, screws and klyaymerov.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that before the finishing work, all the materials you need to put in the bath room and leave there is at least one day to relative humidity and temperature equal to that lining boards inside these indices bath. Such measures in the future help to avoid warping and cracking of the wood after finishing the installation.

If after reading this material, the reader will arise any questions, they can always ask in the form of comments.

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