Bituminous mastic cold application for building structures: manual, video and photos

Bituminous mastic cold application - the main points that you did not know


Table of contents

  • 1 What is material
    • 1.1 Overview
    • 1.2 Kinds
    • 1.3 basic quality
  • 2 Application area
  • 3 cost of
  • 4 Output

What is a cold bituminous mastic? How does it differ from the hot, and for what purposes it can be used? I will discuss the basic properties of the insulating material and the field of its application. This will allow you to independently choose the most suitable variant of waterproofing.

Mastic asphalt cold application - universal modern waterproofing material

Mastic asphalt cold application - universal modern waterproofing material

What is material


Bitumen mastic - a plastic material made on the basis of bitumen. The latter is a solid resin. Therefore, based on the mixture of bitumen is heated prior to use.

Mastics hot application is not very convenient to use. The need to increase the heating time of the waterproofing works, and also increases fire hazard.

Therefore, in recent years more popular counterparts cold application. In their structure, there are solvents, as a result of which they are sold in a liquid form and does not require heating.

In the photo sealant for cold application - ready to use, liquid waterproofing material

In the photo sealant for cold application - ready to use, liquid waterproofing material

The principle of operation of such paint formulations similar materials - after application to a surface, the solvent evaporates and the coating solidifies. The result is a durable waterproof layer.


Structure. Bituminous mastics cold application, depending on the composition, divided into two types:

  • Solvent-based. Ready-to-use mixture with which to work even at negative temperatures.
    Drying of the coating occurs after days after application. However, the final properties of the material gets only a week after application.
    Typically, the solvents used in the manufacture of roof mastics, but the waterproofing material may be used for other purposes. More information on the possible use cases I discuss below;
Bitumen latex mixture on a water basis is different ecological

Bitumen latex mixture on a water basis is different ecological

  • Water based. This mastic cold application is an aqueous emulsion. Due to this it has no odor, and is environmentally friendly.
    In addition, aqueous emulsion coating dries faster - this usually requires several hours. However, you can use it only at zero temperature, the same applies to the storage of the material.

Modification. Depending on the starting components, which are used in the composition, the material in question is divided into the following types:

  • Not modified. These coatings do not contain a polymer composition which improves and other additives. Therefore, they are not recommended to be used for the roof, but at the same time, they are excellent for waterproofing foundations, where not exposed to severe temperature extremes and heat;
Non-modified formulation can be used for waterproofing the basement

Non-modified formulation can be used for waterproofing the basement

  • Bitumen-polymer. The polymers are usually modified bitumen roofing mastic. She tolerates heating and temperature changes.
    Another positive quality of it - it increased adhesion. Due to this structure can be used for bonding roll material;
Bitumen-polymer coating is not afraid of high temperature, which allows its use for waterproofing of flat roofs

Bitumen-polymer coating is not afraid of high temperature, which allows its use for waterproofing of flat roofs

  • Bituminous-rubber. It differs from the addition of the crumb rubber. As a rule, are used for waterproofing of metal constructions, as they have good anti-corrosion properties. For roofing waterproofing active material is not applied;
  • bitumenrubber. This coating has high elasticity and excellent physical and mechanical properties, therefore, it is also called a liquid rubber. Such compounds are ideal for the repair of the roof.
    Furthermore, due to its high efficiency, durability and weather resistance can be used as an independent roofing.

Before applying waterproofing coatings, regardless of the type of surface you need to prepare thoroughly - cleaned of extraneous debris, dust and dirt, then dry thoroughly. Furthermore, it is desirable to first apply the bitumen primer.

The liquid rubber may be used as an independent roofing

The liquid rubber may be used as an independent roofing

Depending on the amount of bitumen coating components are divided into two types:

  • One-component. They represent a completely ready-to-use coating;
  • Two-component. Before use, be mixed with the hardener. These compositions relate to professional and have higher performance.

Upon mixing of the two components is very important to respect the proportions, otherwise hardening the coating time can increase dramatically. Instructions for mixing the components is available on the packaging.

basic quality

As I mentioned above, in contrast to the hot asphalt mastic, the analog for cold application is easy to use and speeds up carrying waterproofing work. But beyond that, it has many other advantages:

  • The possibility of obtaining any consistency. To this composition is added in the required amount of solvent;
  • Durability. This quality is primarily concerned with the modified compositions, the life of which exceeds a quarter of a century;
Modified bitumen mixture may serve on the roof more than 25 years

Modified bitumen mixture may serve on the roof more than 25 years

  • Versatility. Paste can be used for waterproofing of a variety of surfaces;
  • Ease of application. The coating is easily applied by hand, using a roller, brush or spatula.

disadvantages. The minus is only higher costs, particularly expensive Bituminous polymer. In addition, the waterproofing sits stronger than analogue hot application, which increases its consumption.

Consumption of mastic depends on the type of work. For bonding typically requires 0.8 to 1 kg / m 2 coating per square meter. To create a waterproofing layer per square meter takes 2 to 5 kg of the composition.

The liquid waterproofing bitumen used for gluing web materials

The liquid waterproofing bitumen used for gluing web materials

Application area

As a rule, the use of bitumen mastic is justified in the following cases:

  • for roofs. The material used in the regeneration and repair of roofing mastic roofing. In addition, the composition used for gluing tiles and soft, as I mentioned above, the coil coating;
  • Waterproofing of foundations. In this case, the application of bituminous compositions is also quite extensively - they can be used both for horizontal sealing and vertical (outer and inner). Moreover, they not only waterproofing strip foundations, but the pile;
Bitumen-based material may be used for the horizontal sealing strip foundation

Bitumen-based material may be used for the horizontal sealing strip foundation

  • Waterproofing floors. It allowed the use of mastic under the screed. Furthermore, the material used for basement waterproofing floors, as well as balcony slabs.
    Often this is used for waterproofing of bathrooms, garages, etc .;
  • Installation of the waterproofing of swimming pools and terraces. Generally, the liquid rubber is used for these purposes.

Roofing waterproofing material under consideration may be carried out under the condition that the angle of slope is less than 30 degrees. An exception is a liquid rubber which may be applied to any surface.

cost of

The prices in the table are relevant in the spring of 2017:

Mark Price in rubles
Technonikol (rubber) 10 l 900
GIDRIZ K-10 l (emulsion, modified) 839
Decken (not modified) 1 kg 49,5
Flashing (polymer-bitumen) 5 kg 760
Mastic (not modified) 16 kg 295
Ltd. Lantrek "Kraskoff" (rubber-bitumen 20 kg) 820
Bituminous mastic Technonikol - quality waterproofing coating from domestic producers

Bituminous mastic Technonikol - quality waterproofing coating from domestic producers


We have dealt with you, that is a mastic asphalt cold application, what are its types, and what qualities they possess. Additionally, check out the video in this article. If you have any questions - write in the comments.

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