Repair of the roof of the garage: the restoration of the roofing material, instructions on how to make your own hands, videos and photos

Repair garage roof: the use of roll and sheet materials


Table of contents

  • 1 What criteria should I look for when preparing
  • 2 Types of works and their features
    • 2.1 The use of roll materials
    • 2.2 sheets
  • 3 Output

Motorists in our country is rather original, preferring to fix their own cars. This approach is practiced in respect of repair bases for cars - garages, for example, painting the gate or garage roof repair their own hands It circulated widely for the simple reason that hiring professionals is expensive, and the process is not so complicated to cause difficulties.

However, there are a number of recommendations that need to know and take into account in order to achieve the best result, because redo the roof a couple of years - not the best option. In our review, we will tell you what to pay special attention when working and in what sequence to perform all necessary activities.

The roof of the garage - one of the most important parts of the structure, which requires special attention

The roof of the garage - one of the most important parts of the structure, which requires special attention

What criteria should I look for when preparing

The workflow may be significant differences depending on the type of structure and its features, the most important factors are the following:

type of roof There are two main options: roll materials and sheet products. It should be noted that in some cases the attach roofing slate or another material before the laid roofing material is preferable because of the large extent of surface damage
extent of damage If I have to be the case with small leaks, their removal will be quite simple. With a fairly large scale of damage will have to carry out major repairs and cover the entire surface, so as soon as this option will ensure maximum reliability of the roof
building location It is best if the structure is separate, but often have to deal with the buildings located in the garage arrays in which the roof is shared with dozens of garages. In this case it is necessary to agree with the neighbors, and to repair the roof together. But if not udalo reach an agreement, then have to leave the situation alone, it is important not to damage the adjacent roof
The choice of material With regard to the roll options, there may be used either roofing or more modern versions: stekloizol, Bikrost etc., the names are different, but their structure is similar. From sheet materials most often used slate, decking or metal. Less commonly used shingles

It is not necessary to wait until the ceiling in the garage will flow streams, as soon as you saw the wet spot, try to carry out repairs as soon as possible.
This will eliminate the problem much easier and much faster.

It is not necessary to wait until the material is completely destroyed, maintenance is much easier capital

It is not necessary to wait until the material is completely destroyed, maintenance is much easier capital

Types of works and their features

As you can see above, all designs are divided into two types, so we will look at each of them separately. Indeed, the list of work depending on the type of construction is very much different.

The use of roll materials

This solution is very common in the garage cooperatives due to the easy and fast installation process. Thus making roofs on most of the buildings being built in the Soviet times, but in our days, this option is used quite widely. The first look at how a renovation roof roofing material, as this material is the most popular because of low cost.

Roofing felt most common material for roofs of garages

Roofing felt most common material for roofs of garages

Operation may vary depending on the extent of damage in the first place will tell you about the version with the repair of separate sites:

  • The first surface is cleaned of debris and dustFor this you can use either a brush or a normal broom. It is important that the roof was clean, and you could find all the problem areas;
  • Next, you need to deal with the scale of damageIf there are places where the coating has come into disrepair and badly cracked, they cut down with an ax or a wide chisel and hammer. When they need to open the swellings follows: is cross sectional view (it needs durable sharp knife), after which the material is bent;
Incisions can open a problem area

Incisions can open a problem area

  • Next, inspect damage, If necessary, are also removed dirt and dried surface. You can use the building dryer or gas burner. It is important that all surfaces are clean and dry;
The surface can be dried using a burner within a few seconds

The surface can be dried using a burner within a few seconds

  • Previously, most often for the treatment of problem areas used bitumenThat it was necessary to pre-melt in a bucket on a fire, and then applied hot. However, this option is dangerous and not very durable, so we strongly recommend the use of a special bitumen mastic which is applied without heating and remains flexible after solidification, significantly improves the reliability repair;
  • Mastic is applied by brush or roller, It is pasted a piece of roofing material the size of the damage. After that, the bent edge and stick to the mastic and well-pressed. The final step is to install the patch, the size of which shall be 20 centimeters longer damaged portion, for added reliability and the top portion is processed in the same composition.
You can just pour a little mastic to the surface and spread it with a spatula or a roller

You can just pour a little mastic to the surface and spread it with a spatula or a roller

If you want to cover the entire surface as a whole, then the process will be as follows:

  • First of all it is necessary to prepare the surface, if the old coating condition is very bad, it is necessary to dismantle it completely. After this you should check the base for signs of damage, all the problem areas are sealed with cement mortar, it is important to honor the uniform gradient on the surface. Further activities are carried out after the complete drying of the solution;
Do not forget to carefully align the surface to her was not sag

Do not forget to carefully align the surface to her was not sag

  • Next, the surface treated portion of a width slightly greater than the size of sheets applied on it gently pressed roofing material. It is important to do it carefully and evenly to provide the most reliable adhesion. Next band is located with an overlap of at least 100 mm in order to protect the joint from moisture penetration;
For better bonding of the joints can be heated gas burner

For better bonding of the joints can be heated gas burner

For roof pitches up to 16 degrees, you will need to paste a layer of roofing material 2.
If the angle is smaller, the experts recommend putting at least 4 layers, to provide adequate durability of the roof.

  • The material layers are disposed so as not to coincide with each other. If the material is laid across a slope, the work is carried out from the bottom-up, and if along that much of a difference in the location no. Each subsequent sheet can be glued over 12 hours after the previous fastening.

As for the roofing materials of new generation, the technology of the work is as follows:

  • The base is cleaned of dust and treated primer is a special primer composition based on bitumen;
  • Further taken so-called lower layer, which is laid as follows: unrolling a roll gradually, whereby the surface heated gently burner. Do not get too much zealous, not to overheat the material, as it can just melt. Surface is leveled and pressed;
The surface of the heated parts, after which the material is adhered

The surface of the heated parts, after which the material is adhered

  • After the first layer is bonded, it is possible to stack a second. Work with them are similar, the only difference is that the upper part of the material treated with special grit, increasing the strength and reliability of the roof.


This option is used when your garage is installed truss system, it can be a lean-and gable.

With regard to the working process, it does not differ from conventional roofing works, first consider the repair option:

Replacement of damaged elements

Replacement of damaged elements

  • If the damaged one or more sheets, and others are still reliable, you can simply change all the problematic elements. To do this, you must purchase the same roofing material as was used on the roof. It is important that the size of the waves or the profile was the same, otherwise the new sheets will not fit;
  • First remove damaged items if you have a slate, you have to get the nails. And if the decking or metal, it is necessary to unscrew the special screws with rubber washer;
  • New elements are put in the same place, next placed under the arrangement of leaves as well as the old, it is important that the design was such as was originally.
When the repair is important the accuracy and precision of the position of each element

When the repair is important the accuracy and precision of the position of each element

As for the complete replacement of the roof, then the process is as follows:

  • The first dismantled the old stuff, and then you need to carefully inspect the truss system. If there is a damaged elements, they must be replaced, as the supporting structure should be strong;
Explore the rafter roof material after dismantling

Explore the rafter roof material after dismantling

  • If instead you choose to use slate or profiled metal roofing, you will need to remake the crate and it should be much more reliable. Furthermore, it is necessary to lay windproof vapor-permeable membrane;
  • With regard to the fixing, for the slate using conventional nails with a wide hat, they get clogged with moderate effort. What about the mounting of metallic materials, a special roof screws are used to them rubber washers, screwing them, it is important not to make a very big effort to not crush seal.
If the roof gable, after fixing the base coat must be fixed ridge elements

If the roof gable, after fixing the base coat must be fixed ridge elements

Of course, options for roofing systems can be and others, some use shingles, someone uses tin, and some make the design of glass or polycarbonate to permit shine. Panoramic roof repair is to replace the damaged items and their seal.

These roofs are uncommon, but if you want to make the greenhouse above the garage, then this decision will be an excellent option

These roofs are uncommon, but if you want to make the greenhouse above the garage, then this decision will be an excellent option


Repair garage roof - a simple process, if you have the necessary skills. Video in the article will help you understand the topic better, so be sure to look it over. If you still have any questions - ask them in the comments under review.

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