How to simply and effectively close the gap between the pipe and the roof: choose material, produce self-assembling

Roofing works include many nuances. Sealing of joints between sheets of material, corner joints and assembling the skate, snow stop, ledges protruding elements, etc. One such problem areas is bypassing the chimney of the fireplace or stove.

Not properly insulated gap between the pipe and the roof cake can get a lot of problems associated with the absence of heat. Consider step process and several ways to close the gap between the roof and the pipe.

use solution

If the roof is covered with tiles or asbestos slate, for sealing the gap more suitable solution cement and a decorative collar. Good adhesion materials will provide protection against thermal bridges.

Required materials and tools:

  • dry cement mixture;
  • water;
  • capacity and master;
  • decorative collar of galvanized steel;
  • screwdriver;
  • hardware;
  • steel sheet;
  • steel corners.

Step by step instructions use grout

Step 1. The gap between the roofing material and the outer wall of the pipe obkladyvayut metal angles to cement is not leaked inside roof cake. If round tube, rubber is used instead of metal.

Step 2. Through put on top of the pipe decorative collar screws onto planting element.

Step 3. Knead grout viscous consistency. The gap formed between the flue pipe and a decorative collar, pour the solution and leave for a day to solidify.

Step 4. From the steel sheet to produce a liquid outlet. For this cut a hole in the middle of the sheet, equal to the size of the decorative collar fits over the well head and fix chimney tapping screws.

Tip! For reliable protection from moisture gap it is recommended to use water-resistant cementitious composition with polymer additives.

We use steel apron

Using Variant steel apron is applicable on metal roofs - of metal or corrugated board. Products are made to match the roof, as additional elements. Before installing them on the perimeter of the pipe is laid waterproofing and trim profile. The bottom shelf is placed under the roof and fastened to the rafters. The upper member is mounted on the pipe wall.

Set top decorative apron, consisting of several elements mounted overlapped.

Close up the joint with a rubber apron

Sealing adhesive tape or rubber aprons - the simple and affordable solution for sealing such cracks.

Important! To eliminate the wide gaps, butt first you need to fill with foam or fiber fill and seal mastic asphalt.

The main condition for the installation of such an element is a complete sealing of the joint. Consider the example of installation of visual step by step instructions.

What will happen if you do not close up the gap

In deriving the chimney through the roof, a roof opening system sawed fairly large diameter. And even when the tube is inserted in place between it and the roof will remain wide slitThrough which will be in the roof space fall rainfall. To protect the room from the devastating effects of natural precipitation, using special seals or other materials for the sealing of joints.

Ignoring this rule is fraught with the following issues:

  1. Reduced frame durability. Precipitation penetrating through the hole fall on the wooden frame members and lead to premature rotting timber.
  2. Lowering the roof durability. Most roofing materials made so that they have maximum protection against moisture from the outside. Moisture entering the joints are not sealed, it gets to the inner surface of the roof, gradually destroying her.
  3. The decrease in the efficiency of a heat insulator. If roofing pie insulated with natural materials based on mineral wool, the moisture entering the heater immediately make the material useless.
  4. Education moisture in the attic. If the hole is not protected inside the chimney, has gotten him the moisture will make the roof space moist. A mold and the resulting fungus can reach up to living spaces.

The selected method depends on the sealing gap roofing material, gap width, shape of the pipe and other less visible factors. Do not ignore the insulation of the house, ignoring meager at first sight gap. All these little things turn into a summer cold bridges in the winter, and if the sum area unsealed meager slits, you get a pretty impressive draft source. Successful warming!

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