Two-level ceilings: plasterboard structures, instructions on how to make your own hands, videos, photos

Two-level ceilings of GCR: step by step guide for self-study


Table of contents

  • 1 Step by step description
    • 1.1 Step 1: Mark up the ceiling under the first level
    • 1.2 Step 2: Collect the frame
    • 1.3 Step 3: The frame is sheathed with plasterboard
    • 1.4 Step 4: Apply the layout below the second level
    • 1.5 Step 5: Putting the frame
    • 1.6 Step 6: sheathe the second tier
    • 1.7 Step 7: Perform a rough finish
  • 2 Output

How to make a two-level ceiling of plasterboard without hiring builders? Let's look at the technology and you'll see how everything is simple. And as a bonus I sign for incremental algorithm, following which you can arrange beautiful ceilings in your home or apartment

Make a ceiling for the forces of each handyman

Make a ceiling for the forces of each handyman

Step by step description

The process of mounting a two-level tensioning stream includes several steps:

The process of mounting a two-level tensioning stream includes several steps:

Step 1: Mark up the ceiling under the first level

At first are building a conventional false ceiling, which begins with the installation of markings:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att14954895530 Indicate the level:
  • Depart from 4 centimeters of the ceiling and mark the point on the wall;
  • Draw through the points obtained horizontal line on all walls of the room. To do this, use a paint layer and a cord.
table_pic_att14954895571 Application arrangement lines bearing profiles. Retreat of 100 mm and a wall repel the ceiling parallel lines at 600 mm.
table_pic_att14954895582 Marking the location of hangers. Upon receipt of the lines to make a mark in increments of 50 cm. Tags apply perpendicular to the lines that all suspensions were placed parallel to each other.

Step 2: Collect the frame

Now you can start the installation of the first level of the frame. Work is carried out as follows:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att14954895593 Preparation of materials. For frame assembly you will need:
  • TNG (UD) -Ceiling guide profile;
  • PP (CD) - ceiling support profile;
  • Direct hangers;
  • Tees (crab);
  • Screws for frame assembly.
table_pic_att14954895604 Installation guide:
  • Align marking on the profile;
  • Drill holes in the wall by dowels. Since at the profile already has holes, the holes measure step is not necessary;
  • Fix the profile dowel-nails.
table_pic_att14954895655 Installation of hangers. Fixing is carried out also by means of dowel-nails. During installation, be sure to align the direct suspensions according to the marking on the ceiling.

Under the guiding profile and direct hangers is enclosed sealing tape. It dampens vibrations, protecting the ceiling cracks and is soundproofed.

table_pic_att14954895716 Installing PP Profile:
  • Insert the CD profile in the guide;
  • Align the extreme profile with the help of the rules if it is slack, and fasten with screws in suspensions;
  • Similarly, secure profile on the opposite side of the ceiling;
  • Pull the twine Mezhuyev extreme profiles;
  • Attach the hangers in the intermediate profiles, aligning them on the stretched string.

As a result, it should turn the frame with horizontal and perfectly flat surface.

table_pic_att14954895727 Installing the crossbars. Between mullions jumper from the same PP profile.

For their fastening use the tees.

Jumper mounting step should be 50 cm.

Step 3: The frame is sheathed with plasterboard

first level frame plating process itself plasterboard (gypsum boards) the simple and intuitive - lists are applied to the frame and are fixed with screws. However, this procedure requires adherence to certain rules:

  • Follow the step screws. Optimum space in between them is 25 mm;
  • Observe the optimal distance from the edge. Screws should not be closer than 10 mm from the edge, increase the distance is not worth;
Hat screws needed a little deepening

Hat screws needed a little deepening

  • Correctly screw the screws. Fasteners should be positioned perpendicular to the drywall. Hat screws need a little utaplivat, so they do not interfere with putty. At the same time make sure that the cap is not broken through the layer of cardboard, otherwise the screw will not fix sheet;
On the ceiling should not be cross-shaped joints sheets

On the ceiling should not be cross-shaped joints sheets

  • Correctly position the sheets on the frame. The circuit arrangement of plasterboard sheets must be such as to avoid any cross-shaped joints. In addition, make sure that all joints were in the profile;
  • Do not attach sheets to the guide profile. Fixation sheets to PNP profile leads to cracks in the ceiling.

Headliner for use 8,0-9,5 mm thick sheets.

Another important point - cutting drywall sheets, with which you will encounter during their installation. This procedure is carried out as follows:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att14954897040 cut the cardboard:
  • Attach to the cut line or line of rule;
  • Cut the cardboard with a sharp knife along the rules.
table_pic_att14954897051 We break the sheet. The gypsum thus break along the cutting line;
table_pic_att14954897062 Cut the cardboard from the back side:
  • Fold the sheet in half;
  • Cut the sheet along the fold line.

To cut out the details of the FCL curved shape, you can use the jigsaw. After plating the frame is necessary to make holes for the light fixtures. For this use an electric drill of suitable diameter with a crown.

Step 4: Apply the layout below the second level

Installation of the second level also begins with the markup. Operation is as follows:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att14954897063 Determine the level of:
  • From the first level is delayed height of the second tier, and is denoted by a point on the wall;
  • According to the perimeter of the ceiling through the data points on the walls held horizontal line.
table_pic_att14954897104 We outline the contours of the second level. Generally, contours are curved lines. To gently put them on the ceiling, you can use templates.

Step 5: Putting the frame

Now you can begin to assemble the frame. Instructions for the implementation of this work is as follows:

illustrations Description of works
table_pic_att14954897115 Preparation of materials. Before placing the frame of the second level, Prepare the same profiles as for the first frame. The only crabs and suspensions, as a rule, are not used.
table_pic_att14954897126 Production upper cam guides. To obtain a curved track profile, follow these steps:
  • Prepare a so-called "snake". To do this, take the PPP profile, and make on one side cuts, as shown in the photo;
  • Attach to the ceiling profile, and make bends according to the markup.
table_pic_att14954897197 Installation guide profile. To secure the profile on the ceiling, use the special anchors for drywall. In areas, where the PP profiles, use self-tapping screws.
table_pic_att14954897228 Mounting the guide of the second tier to the wall. Align the profile for marking and attach it to the wall with screws.
table_pic_att14954897229 We produce hangers:
  • Take PP profile and measure the distance equal to the height of the second level;
  • Cut the profile of the markup scissors.

Such lengths to do so, so you can fix them at the top of "snake" in increments of 25-30 cm.

table_pic_att149548972810 Installation of hangers. The resulting crop «CD-shki" insert into the guide profile and secure with screws.
table_pic_att149548973611 Mounting the lower guide:
  • Make the guide profiles ( "snake"), similar to the top;
  • Fasten the profiles with screws on the suspension of the CD-profile.
table_pic_att149548974212 Installing the support rails:
  • By shelf (a side) of the bottom "snake" attach PNP profile, deploying it at 90 degrees as when mounting on a wall;
  • Between the rails on the wall and on the "snake", insert PP profiles, as shown in the photo. Step profiles must correspond to step suspensions;
  • If PP profiles are longer than a meter, an additional set straight hangers. Fix them to the ceiling of the first level by special plugs.

The height of the two-level ceiling is chosen depending on the overall height of the room. Do not make too much difference between the levels, if the low room.

Step 6: sheathe the second tier

Now you need to perform the installation of plasterboard with their hands, observing the rules set out above:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att149548974813 Preparation of the end strip. Cut strips of 6 mm thick plasterboard. The width of the strips must match the height of the second tier.
table_pic_att149548975514 Fastening strips GKL to the ends. Obsheyte frame ends, fixing screws prepared strips.

If the bend radius is too small, the rear of the bands need to make cuts in the cardboard.

table_pic_att149548976015 frame paneling below:
  • Secure sheets with screws to the frame;
  • Trim protruding portions small hacksaw along the contour of the second tier, as shown in the photo.
The ceiling of GCR can be combined with a film stretch ceiling

The ceiling of GCR can be combined with a film stretch ceiling

In this two-level ceiling installation is completed.

Step 7: Perform a rough finish

Now you only decorate the ceiling surface of the drywall. Work is carried out as follows:

illustrations Description of work
table_pic_att149548976617 Preparation tools. For finishing the ceiling drywall you will need:
  • Universal Primer;
  • Tape for reinforcing the seams;
  • Plastering corners;
  • The starting and finishing putty.
table_pic_att149548976818 Padding:
  • Apply a thin layer of soil on the ceiling surface by means of a roller;
  • Hard-to-treat areas with a brush;
  • After drying, the ceiling surface, repeat the procedure.
table_pic_att149548977119 Grouting. In areas where no factory chamfer, bevel cut off about 5 mm wide.
table_pic_att149548977220 Reinforcement stitches:
  • Fill seam filler Mezhuyev sheets using narrow spatula. Putty is applied across the joint sheet;
  • Align surface, having along the seam with a spatula;
  • Attach to the seam tape armirovochnuyu, whipping not grab putty, and iron it with a spatula;
  • Apply a thin layer on top of the tape fillers.

Thus reinforcing all seams.

table_pic_att149548977321 Reinforcement of internal corners. The angle between the first and second layers must be reinforced as follows:
  • Prepare the tape. So that when adhered to a curved surface it did not arise waves, fold it in half and make cuts as shown in the photo;
  • Apply putty on a joint of the first and second layer;
  • Attach to the corner of the tape prepared and razravnyayte spatula.
table_pic_att149548977322 Preparing the joints:
  • After drying putty powertrowel fugankom surface with a tight mesh. Work carefully to avoid damage armirovochnuyu tape;
  • Remove dust from the ceiling of a brush or a vacuum cleaner;
  • Stripped, prime with a brush.

Similarly, and prepare the joint between the first and second tiers.

table_pic_att149548977823 Mounting of arch corners. All exterior curved corners stick arched corners using a putty.
table_pic_att149548978224 Shpatlevanie. Now you can start putty two-tiered ceiling with his hands:
  • Razravnyayte putty wide spatula, making smooth movements with uniform pressure;
  • On the hard to reach areas, use a narrow spatula.
table_pic_att149548978625 Grinding surface. Powertrowel ceiling grid with grit P80-P120, to get rid of irregularities.
table_pic_att149548979026 Padding. Treat the surface of the primer scheme described above.
table_pic_att149548979127 The finish coat. Now, two-story ceiling is necessary to cover the finishing putty. Apply the smooth even layer 1-2 mm thick.
table_pic_att149548979528 Finishing grinding. Powertrowel all minor irregularities grid P150, making a circular motion.

To finish shpatlevanija use plaster polymer-based (acrylic or latex). Its price is slightly higher than the plaster, but it is much better to bear, to achieve better results.

That's all the information on how to make a two-level ceiling of GCR. Upon completion of this work, you will only paint it or cover other finishing materials.


Now you can create high-quality two-level ceiling with your hands without the help of professionals. Additionally, check out the video in this article. If some of the nuances you do not understand - ask questions in the comments, and I will gladly answer.

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