Folding table: tourist structures and other how-to instructions, videos and photos

How to make a folding table with his own hands: 2 master-class


Table of contents

  • 1 Master-class №1: Folding table
    • 1.1 Materials and tools
    • 1.2 progress of work
  • 2 Master-class №2: Table with legs tucked
    • 2.1 Necessary materials
    • 2.2 progress of work
  • 3 conclusion
Folding table makes outdoor recreation more comfortable

Folding table makes outdoor recreation more comfortable

Folding table can accompany you on a camping trip, to help receive guests at their summer cottage, become a stand at the fair, or even the counter in the store. Feature-rich and useful thing to the same is not necessarily to buy, but you can make your own hands. I offer 2 master class, how to do it.

Master-class №1: Folding table

Mobile folding table into a kind of convolution is perfect for a picnic, and for trade

Mobile folding table into a kind of convolution is perfect for a picnic, and for trade

Before you make a folding table with your hands, you need to get everything you need:

Materials and tools

Photo Title
yvolprvaryptsaapp1 A round barHaving the following dimensions:
  • Length - 1200 mm;
  • Diameter - 20 mm
  • Three parquet boards 50 6 to 2000 mm;
  • One parquet 25 6 to 2000 mm
yvolprvaryptsaapp3 Four shipping bolts
yvolprvaryptsaapp4 Four threaded nut inserts of brass
Flat nylon cord
mounting Stapler with six-millimeter clips
Hacksaw on wood
yvolprvaryptsaapp8 Sandpaper
yvolprvaryptsaapp9 Drill with drill bits 6 and 7, diameters mm
yvolprvaryptsaapp10 Hammer

progress of work

After preparing all the necessary start manufacturing the folding table with his hands:

Picture Description
yvayvalfaayap1 saw upround bar into 4 equal parts
yvayvalfaayap2 Sawn hardwood boards so that the result was:
  • 10 segments of 50 mm in width and 600 mm in length;
  • 2 length 25 mm width and 600 mm length
yvayvalfaayap3 We clean the sand paper cut edges of the resulting round bar sections
yvayvalfaayap4 We clean the sand paper the resulting cut edges of segments floorboards
yvayvalfaayap5 Prepare nylon cord:
  • cut off from it two pieces of 600 mm long;
  • singe their edges are lighter, so as not disbanded
yvayvalfaayap6 Put the boards on the flat underside surface facing up, placing spacers between them of uniform thickness
yvayvalfaayap7 connect boards nylon cord, retreating slightly from the edges and fixing it using staples
yvayvalfaayap8 strengthen mount a few strokes of the hammer, if the stapler is turned weak and was unable to drive the staples to a sufficient depth
yvayvalfaayap9 The second segment nylon cord battened on the other side and get in the end is almost finished countertop
yvayvalfaayap10 drill holes in the corners of table tops 6 mm diameter
yvayvalfaayap11 insert the bolts in the resulting hole
yvayvalfaayap12 install the crossmember:
  • Puts enshrined along the cords, the edges of the stepping countertops, boards of 25 mm in width;
  • mark projection holes in them;
  • drill;
  • put on bolts
yvayvalfaayap13 Prepare legs:
  • secure in the grip one of four round bars;
  • Semimillimetrovym Drills at its end a hole depth of 25 mm;
  • similar actions Do the remaining three bars
yvayvalfaayap14 install into the prepared hole brass nut paste
yvayvalfaayap15 Screw feet on the bolts protruding from the cross-members
yvayvalfaayap16 Turn over and put on legs ready to use table
yvayvalfaayap17 after the operation:
  • Turn off legs;
  • shoot cross;
  • take out bolts screwed into them in the legs, so as not to lose;
  • countertop turn off

I recommend the model under consideration collapsible table immediately to sew or buy a bag. Then it will not deliver the transportation problems even in the campaign.

Collapsible folding table is easily transported to the site of the picnic in the appropriate bag size

Collapsible folding table is easily transported to the site of the picnic in the appropriate bag size

Master-class №2: Table with legs tucked

Next folding table with his hands going from being divided into two parts countertops and tuck the legs of the system, similar to that installed on camping chairs.

pros such a construction:

  • High stability and strength;
  • The absence of removable parts.


  • More complex instructions manufacturing;
  • Some loss of compactness. Tourist folding table, still a little wins in this regard.

Necessary materials

Tools for the most part subject to the same as in the embodiment described above, so I will not repeat. But with all the material is not the case, then you will need:

Photo Title
rdyrvaapyvprp1 plywood:
  • Width - 600 mm;
  • Length - 700 mm;
  • Thickness - 6 mm
rdyrvaapyvprp2 round bar with a cross section of 24 mm and length 32 mm
rdyrvaapyvprp3 timber 20 with a cross section 40 mm
rdyrvaapyvprp4 Screws

Instead of a sheet of plywood, you can use a ready-made countertop from the old table. In this case, the project will even cheaper.

progress of work

Consider how to make a folding table:

Picture Description
yoaapylppyenvapo1 Making the worktop:
  • zapilivaem corners of the plywood;
  • round them using sandpaper;
  • We hold the middle sheet straight line;
  • Sawn plywood in half according to the markup
  • sawn timber four blank of 460mm;
  • round the resulting segments with one edge
  • drill two bars on the edges of the depressions nezakruglonnyh;
  • insert in which a piece of round timber
yoaapylppyenvapo4 Putting inner feet:
  • Cut the two pieces from the same timber of 720 mm in length;
  • round they both edges;
  • We make gashes at a distance of 160 mm from the lower edge and another one on the opposite side of above 50 mm;
  • insert gash in the upper bar;
  • tie his self-tapping screws
yoaapylppyenvapo5 Putting outer feet:
  • They should be wider than the thickness into two beams;
  • The cross bar is mounted above the level made in the inner legs propyl
yoaapylppyenvapo6 insert inner legs to the outer
  • drill hole at a height of two feet;
  • Putting through them bolted legs
yoaapylppyenvapo8 Fasten previously harvested bars to the top of the legs, as shown in Figure
yoaapylppyenvapo9 install both halves of the table top
yoaapylppyenvapo10 Grind and varnish all details
yoaapylppyenvapo11 Testing ready picnic table

As you can see, the price of each option is for the most part only of the cost of lumber. If you find them on his farm, the tables can turn and even free of charge.


Now that you know how to make a folding table with his own hands. As a result, the finished product may look different, have a different build system. Choose the option that you most preferred.

Ready foldout table can be used not only in the campaign, or on a picnic, but in the house

Ready foldout table can be used not only in the campaign, or on a picnic, but in the house

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