The thickness of the plasterboard partitions (48 images). The choice of dimensions. The total thickness of the indicators. Alternatives to increase the rigidity
Table of contents
- 1 septum thickness Management
2 Selecting the thickness of the sheet
- 2.1 Totals septum thickness
- 2.2 Alternatives to increase the rigidity
- 3 The nuances of the implementation
- 4 Summing up
- 5 Photo Gallery
This design does not tolerate the smallest detail.
If you want to create a really cool interior, you should consider and agree with each other all the elements: their location, color palette, texture materials, even brightness and color lamps.
If you do not forget about adequate rigidity structure, plasterboard partitions allow "play" in thickness and thus create a perfect memorable interior
This list must necessarily be present and the thickness of drywall partitions created. The skillful management of it will allow you to get more space in the end to new ideas.
Do not forget about the thickness of the gypsum plasterboard, which must be added to the thickness of the selected profile, and for partitions - twice
septum thickness Management
If you have a question, which profile is selected for falshsteny, given that this choice will determine its thickness, it will be easy to solve. Measure the thickness of the inner walls in your apartment. It is approximately 10 cm. This value and guided.
Moreover, you are surprised to find that it is a profile of the brand PS and is recommended for the creation of the interior walls.
PS-profile is produced in three different sizes with respect to the cross section - 50x50, 100x50 mm and 75h50. The latter is the most common. A feature of the PS-profile, among other things, is the presence of the entire length of the mounting holes, designed for ease of wiring inside the cavity of the profile of utilities.
The simplest design, made with your own hands, as follows:
gypsum plasterboard sheet - profile - a sheet of plasterboard. Insulation - optional
But pay attention to the size of the other two. If the design is only decorative in nature, if it will not have a significant load may well come to the PS-profile 50x50-sectional dimension and 75h50 mm.
It should also be borne in mind that there is more in the construction market are 3 types of metal aluminum profiles:
- PP-profile (CD) - the main type, but for suspended ceilings. It has a section 60h25 mm. Sure, PP is mainly for ceilings, but you can use it for falshsteny. This desire because will promote a unique modification of the PP-profile - an arched, convex or concave type, allowing you to create a unique curvilinear design. This profile is manufactured without mounting holes.
- Mo (UD) - "not an independent profile", as conceived by the designers intended as an aid - a guide for the PP-profile. But where it does not initiate a design idea inquisitive employee. Mo-profile advantageously may be used as an independent element, this contributes to its small cross section - 28h27 mm.
- Mo (UW)- as a form profile as guides MS.
Useful advice!
What profile to choose to create partitions each artist decides independently, focusing on the appointment falshsteny. If there is a heater using PS-profile 100 mm wide. Only he will place within the glass wool without undue stress of the whole structure.
Selecting the thickness of the sheet
Of course, a major dimension defines falshsteny thickness profile, but makes a contribution and gypsum plasterboard, which is available in three sizes.
The thickness may be:
- 12.5 mm - the most suitable type (and thickness) for creating partitions;
- 9.5 mm - used for suspended ceiling;
- 6.5 mm - the thin type (arched). It turns out indispensable for mounting on curved frame crafted from metal sheets, it is much easier to bends.
Plasterboard construction allows great divide space of the room, but in any case can not forget about the planning of passage or doorway
Totals septum thickness
Thus, the total thickness of drywall partitions is determined by the thickness profile and the thickness of the sheet used.
Examples include the following most commonly used variants of the partitions in the thickness (excluding minor error on fasteners and finishing, which can yield an increase of 2.4 mm):
- 125 mm - PS-profile 100 + 2 mm from both sides of the sheet. This thickness meets standards long perform internal walls made capital manner with the panel construction.
- 73 mm - PP-arch profile is 65 mm + 2 sheets of thin gypsum board on both sides. Thinnest partition which can turn in a play-profile-drywall plasterboard. This minimum thickness falshstena is only decorative in nature, it is not necessary to impose on it any hope from the point of view of the load. (cm. also the article Profile for drywall: falshsteny carcass basis)
Alternatives to increase the rigidity
The given two sizes are boundary stiffness - the maximum and minimum. But design goals are sometimes forced to create a variety of combinations. At the widest PS-profile you can apply a thin layer of gypsum board, combining several layers. At the same time, however, will have to stock up a hefty additional screws.
As the installation space is transformed before our eyes, but requires a preliminary calculation of the ratio of the width of the plasterboard and sheets of the profiles
The calculation is as follows:
In the standard sheet size 2,5h1,2 m it requires approximately 60 screws. If you decide to lay two layers one on one, the first layer will require no more than 6-8 screws 2.5 cm long. They should be placed with a pitch of 1 m. But the second layer is already require 4 times more fasteners 3.5 cm long, the installation step should be 25 cm.
Useful advice!
When mounted on a metal frame sheet with two sides follow the long-standing rule of construction of accommodation in a checkerboard pattern.
Sheets reverse shifted to the sides by exactly half the width.
This simple technique allows you to significantly increase the stiffness of the whole structure.
If the thickness of the walls significantly greater than the design thickness (profile - two plasterboard sheet), will have to show special care about end falshsteny
Good design requires maximum use of all the space provided. The creation of a wider falshsteny you can give yourself additional space in the end. In this situation, you have to take care of the increasing reliability of the frame due to the inclusion in the construction of additional horizontal beams. (See. also the article How to make a niche plasterboard: tips and tricks)
Neither statement is not to teach you how to do it, here dominated by fantasy and design ideas, and the raw material is the same - 4 types of metal aluminum profiles, fasteners and photo options incarnation.
Let's not forget about such a possibility, as the wooden frame - in some cases it may seem convenient to the frame of the metal profile
The nuances of the implementation
In gypsum plasterboard, there is one drawback - it is not recommended for use in high humidity areas. But technology develops and the market is increasingly possible to meet water-resistant drywall. This can be used successfully even in the bathrooms. The thickness of the material is all the same 12.5 mm, but the price is definitely higher.
With a little imagination and taste and plasterboard walls will not only divide the space but also carry a very useful function when placing the burden on them of light sources, such as
Created plasterboard partitions - it is quite robust design, but do not test their impact and moisture resistance. (cm. As well as an article made of plasterboard shelves: the sequence of work and useful tips)
Treat your creation with great respect. All accurately calculated, watch the video on our website and with a cool head start to work, having enough time.
Summing up
Yes, gypsum plasterboard - amazing stuff that can align the wall, to create intricate designs. Niche, arch or shelf. What is required of you? With a little creativity, and strict adherence to the instructions. And we can only wish you good luck in a difficult construction business.