Living room: interior design with a corner sofa, the best examples in the style of Provence

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Living: Interior (photo 57) - in the classical style of Provence and Scandinavian variant


Table of contents

  • 1 Living room in classic style
  • 2 Simple and unpretentious Provence
  • 3 Trendy Scandinavian style
  • 4 Photo Gallery

Often the living room - this is the biggest room of the square in an apartment or house. It is in this conduct basic home time homeowners, take guests, arrange gatherings with friends. In addition, usually the most expensive location is also a living room: the interior is made of more expensive materials, placing more prestigious furniture purchased video and audio equipment.

That the costs will pay for itself, to develop the look of the room should be taken very seriously.

living room interiorIt is best to take as a basis for a particular style, then design the room will have a clear idea of ​​the interior design and the shape of the specific principles, minimizing the possibility of blunders.

Our repair school will talk about the most popular styles, by which create the best interiors of living rooms: classic, Scandinavian style and Provence.

Living room in classic style

The abundance of different styles of classic always occupied a central place and is still relevant today. Classic interior design style is a sign of the owner's good taste. Usually this kind of chosen by people who love stability and prosperity, perhaps slightly conservative.

design features:

  1. The main symptom - a massive luxury furniture. Preferably, it should be made of solid wood, but modern trends allow to replace it with cheaper analogues.
  2. Colors selected quiet interior mainly pastel: cream, pale green or blue, pale yellow.
  3. Wallpaper choose plain or decorated with an elegant pattern. Also on the walls are suitable fabric, plaster or wood panels.

Tip! Unusual interior living room will help create the original painting the walls.

Top interior room

The original painting on the living room wall

  1. Zoning is carried out by means of flooring difference. If the living room with open kitchen and tile flooring trail with an elegant pattern. At the same time a modern classic style allows the use of the laminate.
  2. "Highlight" of the room is finishing the ceiling, where the most luxurious available solutions.
  • moldings (used to reduce the cost of polyurethane ornaments);
  • massive chandelier;
  • lamps trimmed by noble metals.

Simple and unpretentious Provence

living room interior in the style of Provence by the absence of unnecessary frills and easy. Colors gravitates towards natural colors and motifs.

The style is suitable for those who are particularly fond of the comforts of home and is planning to arrange something in an "cozy nest".

Make a room in the style of Provence is easy:

  1. The color scheme should be multi-colored, but not motley, to do this, use muted shades. Should prevail bright pastel colors are acceptable shades of yellow, lavender and aqua color.
    Interior design of living room

    Provence interior light and simple design furniture

  2. There may be soft color contrast. For example, a light-blue upholstery and pastel wallpaper. If the finish matches the color of the furniture, you should use contrasting accessories.
  3. Wallpaper may be self-colored, striped, with discreet geometric pattern or floral motifs. The latter can be actively used in textiles - curtains in the design for the living room, as well as rugs and upholstery.
  4. Lighting should be dispersed, preferably the light source below. Lamps themselves can survive in flower motifs, if you've used them for other accessories.
  5. Floor finish with natural materials - tiles, parquet or decorative stone.

Tip! Surprise your guests help original floral blinds. Products can be ordered from the finished fabric, or your drawing will inflict on the fabric in the workshop. However, it is worth remembering that the living room interior design in the style of Provence can not tolerate bright color spots.

Unusual interior living room

Dull floral blinds perfectly complement the interior in the style of Provence

Trendy Scandinavian style

Scandinavia is rich in its traditions, and that is where are the best interiors of living throughout northern Europe.

For this reason, the Scandinavian style is quite popular, although in vogue recently. It is simple enough, and the functional and at the same time is able to create comfort.

The interior received a harmonious, if you follow the rules of its execution:

  1. The color scheme of white or blue, rarely use other pastel shades. Contrasts are minimized.
  2. To interior seemed not too cold, the floor plank of wood, preferably light rock (as in other styles may be replaced laminate).
  3. Number of furniture is also trying to minimize.
    The best living room interiors

    Corner sofa, ideal for the Scandinavian style

Good interior room will look with a corner sofa or a couple of chairs near the table.

  1. Wallpaper and decoration can be either monophonic or using ornaments - floral, stripes or cells. The main thing is not to get involved in bright colors.
  2. The perfect complement could be an artificial fireplace.

Tip! A striking stylistic accent can become one of the walls, completely wood-paneled. This technique is not necessary, but it is allowed in the framework of the Scandinavian style.

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